Chapter "H" Flashcards
The wetland is the frog’s Habitat
סביבה טבעית
Calm done, it is just another Habitual day
This produce has a Hallmark of professionals so I have no doubt about its quality
חותמת איכות
Cars must to halt if they see a red light in the traffic light
Some things have special reasons behind, and some are just Haphazard
מקרי, אקראי
He must to hasten or he will miss the train
Japato looking for his hatchet
He is so haughty. He won’t listen to anyone because he is think he’s the only one who knows what to do
In climbing on the mountain, you put yourself in a great hazard
The weather is very hazy, it’s hard to see
ערפל, אובך
There are many hearsay, some of them has no connection to the reality
Give me a helix of tissue
I love you - hence I won’t leave you!
Soon, I will have to herald you the bad news
(In the) hereafter, everything will be good.
מעתה ואילך
העולם הבא
Some of our outside view is in hereditary from our both parents
Harry got his green eyes in heredity from his mother
We should never forget the Jewish heritages.
In the winter, the Bears are getting into hibernation for months
תרדמת חורף
The hind part of the bus has 4 sits
חלק אחורי
Try to hinder umbridge as long as you can. Said Harry and ran into her office
לעכב, למנוע
I had some hindrances and therefore I’ve late
עיכוב, מניעה
People survive hinge upon food and water
להיות תלוי ב-
hitherto, several people killed in the war.
I do hope there won’t be anymore
עד כה
You should hoist the flag proudly
The kengero has to hop in order to move
I like the hue of this exotic suit
humility means to do good things without mention it
In life, there are many hurdles, and one should overcome them
משוכה, מכשול
The Erod is a hybrid of donkey and horse
בן כלאיים
You do need some air, but hyperventilation is not good also
נשימת יתר
The new minister would like to Enact some new laws
I Presume it was only a matter of time… We can’t say we never saw it
מניח, חושב
Birds begin migrating to warmer regions for the winter
לנדוד, - איזורים
He is distorting the true! Don’t listen to him
לעוות, לסלף
The heat make us perspiring all the the time
This embroidery you did on the pillow is wonderful
רקמה, קישוט
This is a permanent process, everyone should pass it
He stepped into the huge court and felt as if every wizard looking upon him
בית משפט
And so potter By this edict, your are here by expelled from hogwarts
Are you a professional jurist? Do you really know how to court for the true?
We can see it from 2 facet. The good and the bad
Gringotes is a great asset for his founders. They are probably riches
Vegetables are wealthy in vitamins
I can’t wait for the day I will get my wage! I will buy everything I can
I love her but nevertheless I will leave her. It’s better that way
למרות זאת
Physical activity might exacerbate patients back pain
This gym lesson can impede the recovery from my leg surgery
להפריע ל
You caused many injuries… I doubt you can fix them all
The consequences of the war was mainly innocent people death
The nuclear explosion made huge damages for generations
The wizard population was controversy about the daily prophet reliability
מחלוקת - אמינות