Chapter Five: The Cold War In The Era Of Detenté Flashcards
Why were both superpowers happy to have a period of detente?
They were distracted
- USA: Stabilise Europe to concentrate on Vietnam war & restrain USSR
- USSR: Growing threat from China, still hoped for post-war division of Europe and equal in terms of nuclear weapons
Describe the problems USSR faced with China
- worsening relations due to ideological differences and border clashes in 1969 (52,000 square km of Soviet controlled land)
- USSR needed to reduce potential enemies
- USSR refuse to assist PCR with further nuclear technology
What was PRC-US rapprochement?
Establishing of close relations between USA and PRC
What happened in Vietnam?
Vietnam between the communists and the old French rulers and their supporters
agreed the country would be split along the 17th Parallel until elections could be held.
North Vietnam was a communist republic led by Ho Chi Minh.
South Vietnam was a capitalist republic led by Ngo Dinh Diem.
The USA was afraid that communism would spread to South Vietnam. They decided to send money, supplies and military advisers to help the South Vietnamese Government.
Us unable to defeat Vietcong: unpopular American military tactics, search and destroy missions (My Lai massacre)
USSR and PRC in Vietnam
Both offered north Vietnam aid but viewed themselves as rivals
PRC wanted to show themselves as true centre of communism
Negotiations at the end of the Vietnam war
USA lost support for war at home
Johnson negotiated for ceasefire
Initially unsuccessful
When and what were the Paris Peace Accords?
January 1973
USA had to withdraw troops from Vietnam in 60 days
Ceasefire declared
Elections in both north and south
What treaties controlled the development of nuclear weapons
1963: test ban treaty - ban nuclear testing in the atmosphere, under water and in outer space -> rejected by France and china
1968: non-proliferation treaty - pledge not to transfer nuclear weapons to other countries or help them manufacture them
1970: SALT talks began
1971: SALT I - five year freeze on construction of missile launchers, freeze on ICBM’s, Nixon accept Soviets can have more as us have MIRV’s, two anti ballistic screens
1974: SALT II - permanent limitation in nuclear weapons but treaty never ratified due to Soviet invasion of Afghanistan
USSR aims in detente?
- stabilise arms race
- gain recognition of GDR
- encourage trade with west
- neutralise USA-PRC alliance
USA aims in detente?
- strengthen relations with NATO
- resolution in Vietnam
- halt arms race
- undermine communism
What was USA reaction to France leaving NATO?
Removed majority of us troops from Europe to prevent other countries following suit
What was the Harmel report?
Committed NATO to not only defending Western Europe but also reaching detente with Warsaw pact nations
What factors weakened Soviet control over east Europe in 1960’s?
- retreat from Cuba
- growing atmosphere of detente
- sino-soviet split
Outline the Prague spring
Leader of Czech communist party wanted to establish a socialist system based on public demands
April 1958: modernisation of economy
Pressured into democracy and abolished censorship
What was the Soviet reaction to the Prague spring?
20th-21st August: Warsaw pact troops invade Czechoslovakia and terminate Prague spring
November: Brezhnev justified the invasion saying a threat to a Warsaw pact state was a threat to all it allies —> Brezhnev doctrine