Chapter Five Flashcards
What does Gatsby ask Nick to do in order to try and convince him to invite Daisy over?
Nick encounters Gatsby late at night on his lawn looking nervous - asks Nick if he wants a swim in his pool.
As well as Nick agreeing to invite Daisy over what else does Gatsby ask Nick to join?
A ‘confidential’, probably illegal business venture.
Why is Nick annoyed about Gatsby’s offer?
Offended at Gatsby trying to buy him out - but Gatsby still continues to arrange meeting with Daisy.
What does Gatsby ensure on the day of the meeting?
Sends a man to cut the grass even though it is raining and makes sure Nicks’s house is full of flowers.
When Gatsby arrives at Nick’s door what does he appear like?
Pale and deathlike - also knocks over a clock.
What is the blunder with the clock symbolic of?
Knocking over time just as he tries to recreate his past with Daisy.
How did Gatsby react in the beginning of the dinner compared with the end?
Initially his nerves threaten to overwhelm him but after Nick leaves them alone for thirty minutes, they are blissfully happy.
Where does Gatsby take them and what does he tell Daisy?
He takes them on a tour of his mansion - Gatsby tells Daisy of the times he stares at the green light on her dock.
Daisy cries as she looks through Gatsby’s vast range of luxurious shirts.
In what two ways could Daisy’s breakdown be taken?
1) Gatsby could have given her the life she chose with Tom.
2) She realises she is most in love with money.
What does Nick wonder privately?
How Daisy can fulfil Gatsby’s idealised view of her. Gatsby has remained faithful but Daisy has chosen to choose another man she never loved in exchange for wealth.
What does Gatsby’s focus on the present forget him from seeing?
How much Daisy has changed - he does not even consider the possibility.
What does Gatsby remark on the mist?
The mist on the bay blocks his view of Daisy’s house as well as the green light - the light is no longer important now he has achieved his dream - Daisy.
Who does Gatsby get to play piano for the three of them?
Ewing Klipspringer.
What does Gatsby do as the piano is being played?
He holds Daisy’s hands and she whispers something that seems to stir his emotions.
Why does Nick leave?
He senses they do not even realise he is there anymore.
What is Nick being a forgotten a criticism of?
New Money Values - becomes absorbed in it.