Chapter Conducting Flashcards
Main Motion - Purpose
To present an item of business for consideration and action by the chapter.
Main Motion - Pertinent Facts
- A second is required
- It is always debatable and amendable
- A majority vote is necessary
- It may be reconsidered
- It ranks last in precedence (priority)
Lay on the Table - Purpose
To temporarily delay action on an item of business.
Lay on the Table - Pertinent Facts
- A second is required
- It is undebatable and unamendable
- A majority vote is necessary
- It cannot be reconsidered
Previous Question - Purpose
To terminate discussion on the motion or motions before the chapter and to secure an immediate vote.
Previous Question - Pertinent Facts
- A second is required
- It is undebatable and unamendable
- A two-thirds vote is required
- It may be reconsidered before the affirmative vote it taken on the pending question or questions
Refer to a Committee - Purpose
To place the question temporarily in a committee.
Refer to a Committee - Pertinent Facts
- A second is required
- It is debatable and amendable
- A majority vote is required
- It may be reconsidered before the committee takes up the question
Amend - Purpose
To modify the motion that is under consideration.
Amend - Pertinent Facts
- A second is required
- It is debatable when the motion to which it applies is debatable
- A first rank amendment may be amended by an amendment of the second rank
- An amendment to an amendment (one of the second rank) is unamendable
- A majority vote is required
- It may be reconsidered
Point of Order - Purpose
To enforce the rules by calling attention to a violation of the rules or a mistake in procedure.
Point of Order - Pertinent Facts
- It does not require a second
- It it undebatable and unamendable
- Recognition is not required
- It may interrupt a speaker
- A vote is not required unless referred to the chapter for a decision, at which time a majority vote is required
- It may not be reconsidered
Appeal from the decision of the Chair - Purpose
To obtain a decision from the chapter to a question on which the presiding officer has made a decision.
Appeal from the decision of the Chair - Pertinent Facts
- A second is required
- It is debatable except in cases where it relates to indecorum (improper conduct) priotiry of business, or deviation from the rules or speaking.
Suspend Standing Rules - Purpose
To permit the chapter to do something that cannot be done without violating its standing rules.
Suspend Standing Rules - Pertinent Facts
- A second is required
- It is undebatable and unamandable
- A majority vote is required (a two-thirds vote is required to suspend an order of business that has been previously adopted.)
- It cannot be reconsidered
Division of Assembly - Purpose
To determine the accuracy of a bot, especially when taken by voice or by show of hands.
Division of Assembly - Pertinent Facts
- A second is not required
- It is undebatable and unamendable
- A vote is not required to order a standing vote
- Recognition is not necessary
- It may interrupt a speaker
- It cannot be reconsidered
Nominations and Elections - Purpose
To present to the chapter the name of a candidate for a certain office or position.
Nominations and Elections - Pertinent Facts
- A nomination does not require a second
- A nomination is debatable
- Candidates are voted on in the order in which nominated
- A majority vote is required to elect
Parliamentary Inquiry - Purpose
To permit a member to gain parliamentary information.
Parliamentary Inquiry - Pertinent Facts
- A second is not required
- It is undebatable and unamendable
- A vote is not required
- It cannot be reconsidered
- Recognition is not necessary
- It may interrupt a speaker
Leave to Withdraw a Motion - Purpose
To permit a withdrawal of a motion from consideration by the chapter.
Leave to Withdraw a Motion - Pertinent Facts
- A second is not required
- It is undebatable and unamendable
- A majority vote is required
Adjourn - Purpose
To terminate (close) the meeting.
Adjourn - Pertinent Facts
- A second is required
- It is undebatable and unamendable
- A majority vote is required
- It cannot be reconsidered
- It cannot be made while the chapter is voting or verifying a vote unless the vote is by ballot
Take From The Table - Purpose
To again bring a question before the chapter for further consideration.
Take From The Table - Pertinent Facts
- A second is required
- It is undebatable and unamendable
- A majority vote is required
- It cannot be reconsidered
Reconsider - Purpose
To permit the reconsideration of a vote previously taken on a motion and to again consider the question.
Reconsider - Pertinent Facts
- A second is required
- It is debatable of the question to be reconsidered is debatable
- It is unamendable
- A majority vote is required
- It cannot be reconsidered
Rescind - Purpose
To cancel action taken by the chapter.
Rescind - Pertinent Facts
- A second is required
- It is debatable and amendable
- A majority vote is required if previous notice of the proposed action was given; otherwise a two-thirds vote is requited
- It cannot be applied to action that cannot be reversed
- Only a negative vote can be reconsidered