Chapter - Basic Laws Of Traffic Flashcards
What are the three most basic traffics Laws everyone must no and follow?
The three most basic traffic laws everyone must follow are
- )Always obey traffic control devices such as lights and signals.
- )Always obey the directions traffic of a law enforcers such as police and firefighters (even if this differs from what the traffic control devices are telling you to do)
- ) Never ever ever ever drive down a roadway closed for construction, special event or any other official reason
What is meant by right of way?
Think five things that driver has the lawful authority to do
Right of way is meant to describe who has the LAWFUL authority to
enter a roadway
change lanes within roadway
make a turn from a roadway
travel through an intersection
Or basically make any kind of traffic related movement!
Who must be aware of the rules related to Right Of Way?
Right should be __________ not ______? If you had the right of way and someone doesn’t realize or isn’t obeying right of way, what should you always do?
What does doing this prevent?
Vehicle drivers even bicyclist and Pedestrians must understand the rules of right of way.
Right way is given not taken.
You must always yield right of way.
To prevent a crash
Right of way rules for real life.
Rule one when faced with a stop sign but traffic is not and you’re traveling on a roadway which intersects with another roadway, how must you proceed?
(Think Who must you yield right away to)
You may only proceed after stopping and yielding the right of way to any other vehicle or pedestrian in the intersection of close enough to the intersection that makes driving dangerous.
Right of way Rule for Real life
If two vehicles come to an intersection where there are not stop signs, yield signs or other traffic control signals at the same time who should yield their right of way?
In the event they arrive at the same time to this intersection the driver on the left must yield to the driver on the right.
Right of way Rules for real life.
At a four way intersection where all drivers are faced with stop signs drivers must ___________ to ____________
If there are no _____________ how should vehicles proceed?
But what if two cars arrived at the same time ?
(Think three things) (Includes the big Cs)
Yield to pedestrians
If no pedestrians proceed in first to arrive order.
Take your turn when it comes if it safe to do so. Do not unnecessarily delay traffic.
If someone tries take your turn let them (even if you have right of way) It may prevent a crash.
Care, courtesy common sense should govern your actions.
Right of way Rules for real life
If you’re making a TURN INTO an intersection, alley or driveway who must you yield right of way to?
All traffic coming from opposite direction.
Right of way Rules for real life
What to do when approaching a yield sign? (Think two steps)
When should you proceed?
Slow down to a safe speed and be prepared to stop.
If necessary you must stop but otherwise proceed when safe to do so.
Rules of Right Of way for real life
How should I proceed when my roadway is merging traffic and is not showing sign of stopping?
Also what to do when traffic from another roadway is merging into the roadway I’m traveling on?
But what if that’s not possible fam?
Adjust your speed and vehicle in such away to allow me to merge safely into a new lane.
Safely change lanes from merging traffic as soon as possible.
Adjust speed and vehicle again in this instant to safely allow the traffic merge.
Rules of Right of way
What should I do at intersection with traffic control lights when it comes to me entering? But What if there’s a green light, can’t I just go?
You’ve go to wait- Wait until the intersection is clear of traffic or approaching traffic and then enter.
Do not just because you have the green light.
Rules of Right of way
If I am entering or crossing a highway from an alley, private road or highway, What must I First do — what who must I yield my right of way?
If you’re entering or cross a highway from an alley, private road or highway, you
must stop and yield the right-of-way to all other pedestrians and vehicles already traveling on the roadway or sidewalk you’re entering.
Rules of Right-of-way?
In the case of emergency vehicles (I.e Ambulance), what should I do with my vehicle when driving if they’re start using their emergency lights (blue or red) and sirens?
In two steps how can this be done?
What if that options isn’t possible what can I do then?
Who should I be mindful when moving of and what shouldn’t I do?
Lastly (woah) how shouldn’t I be positioning my vehicle?
Maneuver your vehicle out of their way.
By slowing down your vehicle and moving over to the shoulder of the road if possible.
Move as far to the right of the roadway or lane as you can, and stop.
Be mindful of other road users. Do not endanger other motorists, bicyclists, or pedestrians while doing so.
Do not position your vehicle
so that it blocks an intersection or otherwise prevents the emergency vehicle from making a necessary turn
Rules of Right-of-Way?
Highway maintenance vehicle and workers are in a construction zone, what must I always do?
Always Yield.
Rules of Right of way
When wanting to turn right at an intersection controlled by a traffic light and there is no sign prohibiting right turn on red, how can I enter or proceed? Think three steps.
What about a left turn and no sign prohibiting this turning onto a one way street from another one way street - How can I proceed? Think three steps.
Make a complete stop.
Yield to all traffic and pedestrians.
Then determine if it is safe to do.
complete the turn.
Same three steps.
Rules of Right-of-way?
School buses and flashing lights activation means?
What should I do if I am behind the bus to safely proceed?
What about the children, how should I be mindful of them?
When these lights turn red and stop signs are extended it is _____
On a highway divided by a median, cars traveling on the opposite side from the stopped school bus are not required to stop, however drivers must ______?
The driver of the bus is preparing to stop to load and/or unload children.
Slow down and be ready to stop.
Pay attention to children who may be walking or crossing the roadway.
Unlawful for any vehicle to pass the stopped school bus while it is loading or unloading passengers.
should remain attentive for children walking along or crossing the roadway.
Section 2
How to Pass on a Two-lane road, I must first wait for ______?
How do I know I am in a passing zone?
How do I no if I ain’t in a passing zone?
When looking ahead what I am trying to determine? Assess two things.
I must have enough time to pass before 1.), 2.), 3.)?
Wait for the passing zone to begin.
Indicated by the stripped lines to the right of the center line of the roadway.
If the line is solid near my vehicle, I am not in a passing zone.
I am determining if I have enough time to pass by assessing the length of the passing zone, traffic in the opposite direction and how close traffic is to me.
I must have enough time to pass and maneuver the right lane before
- ) The zone ends
- ) we enter an intersection and 3.)before oncoming traffic is 200ft from my vehicle.
Section 2 - Passing/Overtaking
Before leaving your lane to pass in a two lane road you must complete what four steps?
Return to right lane - 1.) Do not return to the right lane unless (think three things)
Once back in the right lane I should turn ____
- ) Check your rear view and side mirrors
- ) Turn your head and look back to check your blind spot
- ) Make sure no on is passing you
- ) Activate your left turning signal as you begin passing
Pass on the left
DO NOT return to the Right lane until your vehicle is safely clear or the overtaken vehicle.
See them in your rear view mirror.
Activate right signal before returning to the right lane
Turn signal off once you’ve returned to the right lane.
Section 2- Passing/Overtaking.
You can’t pass an area marked by….
3 stuffs.
Do not pass within 100 feet of….4 stuffs
Do not pass when a car approaching from the opposite direction is….2 stuffs
You cannot pass on a hill or curve where…
You cannot pass when you’re on the _____ of the road.
Do not pass when a _______ stopped working o load or unload passengers.
- An area marked by a solid yellow line.
- An area Do not pass sign.
- An area marked by a Double yellow line
-Railroad crossing, bridge, viaduct or tunnel.
- Makes passing unsafe
- Within 200 feet of me before completion of a passing maneuver
- It’s not possible to see oncoming vehicles which might be close enough to be a hazard.
- Shoulder
- School bus
Section 2 - Passing
You are permitted to pass when lawfully Overtaking or passing a vehicle who is….
You are allowed to pass when an obstruction makes it necessary to drive to the left of the center lane but only after….
You’re allowed to pass when a roadway has….
You’re allowed to pass when a roadway with more than one lane is…..however you must never drive to the left of the center line except when….
Overtaking a vehicle going in the same direction
After yielding to oncoming traffic.
Two or more marked lanes in the same direction.
Restricted to one way traffic.
Authorized to do so by traffic control signals, signs and when making a left into an alley, private road or driveway.
Section 2-Passing
If there is sufficient pavement width for both of vehicle to make the left turn you may pass …. of them?
What is another instance you may pass right?
Multi lane highway carrying two or more lanes of traffic.
Section 2: Passing
When a driver behind is Overtaking you, you should always be….
It is considered courteous when someone is passing you to…because?
It’s unlawful to increase your speed before…
Be alert for any unsafe actions by the other driver.
Reduce your speed slightly makes it easier to pass you.
You’ve been completely overtaken.
Section 2- Passing
You shall not overtake a stopped car if…
It a vehicle is allowing a pedestrian to cross the roadway at marked or unmarked crosswalk
Passing - Section 2
When can bicyclist travel in the center of the traffic?
Bicyclist should be treated same as any other vehicle under Georgia Law, what does the law say about passing here?
What if there is not enough space between the bike and the car?
Bicycle lanes are not passing lanes and should ….
Safety hazards on the right side of the road like a parked car or debris
The lane is to narrow for the Bike and car to share.
3 feet between driver and bicyclist when passing.
Wait until it’s safe.
Should never be used as a passing lane.
Section 2 - Passing
How much of a lane legally does a motorcycle make up?
When passing a motorcycle a driver must…
Drivers are _______ to occupy the same lane as motorcycle WHEN passing?
Legally a motorcycle occupies the full eight or a single lane.
Pass in Adjacent lane.
Not permitted.
Section 2- Passing
What is unlawful in terms of weaving?
When passing slower motorist, what must you wait for…
Signaling to change lane is important and should be clearly done to….
To weave from one lane of traffic to another to move faster than the flow of traffic.
Safe to do so.
Warm vehicles of the movement.
Section 3 - Turning
What we turn movement by motor vehicle regulated by and what is failure of this.
What do the lights and hand signals from the driver do when signaling stopping, right turn or left turn?
A turn signals must be given every time..
Never decide to make a turn at the…
By Law. A violation.
Both lights flash hands down.
Right light flash hand up.
Left light flash hand down.
You turn.
Last minute.
Section 3 - Turning
It is illegal to flash turn signals to…
Turn signals to say thank you or you can pass to other drivers
Section 3 - Turning
How to make a right turn : Using the correct signal you must give drivers behind and in front of you enough____by activating your….
Using steering wheel approach the intersection in the ____ and stay close to_____
What if there is a bicycle lane on the road you must____ before making a right turn
Once you have make the turn avoid do so that leads you to end up in______rather than ending up in the right lane.
If there are multiple turning lanes on the street you’re turning from, complete then do that your vehicle end up in…
Right turn signal.
In the right lane and stay close to curb or edge of roadway.
Yield to bikes traveling straight through the intersection.
Avoid entering another traffic.
Corresponding lane.
Section 3 - Turning Steps to making the perfect left turn?
Use ______ to give drivers______and _____ you enough______. Then activate your_____. Move into the far _____. Keep your wheels_____. Yield right of way to all road users coming in what direction and pedestrians_______. When it safe to do so and ______ permit make your turn.
Where must you end up.
If there are multiple lanes from where I’m turning I must….
You’ve not entered an intersection to make a left turn you cannot….
Pedestrians are in the crosswalk should I just turn? What do I wait for?
Appropriate signals In front Behind Notice Left turn signal Left lane or left to the direction you’re traveling. Opposite. Crosswalk Make your turn.
Complete then so that I end up in the corresponding lane or street I am turning on.
Change lanes in the intersection.
Stop and remain stopped until they cleared the lanes of traffic.
Section three - Turning
Pedestrian go light may corresponds with the green light of the roadway you’re traveling on and turning onto. What must you therefore do before you make a turn!
Remain stopped/stop for pedestrians traveling the crosswalk.
Remain this way until they have cleared the lanes of traffic you’re traveling on.
Section 3 - Turning.
When shouldn’t you make a U Turn - Two instance.
When you cannot be seen by other drivers on a curve or near the top of a hill.
When signs prohibit you.
Section 3- Turning
You must not drive to the left of the center line when?
You can drive to left of this line when you’re about to?
If there are traffic lights on the road you’re traveling when can you make the complete turn.
When making these turns you must yield and wait for …..
On a multi lane or two way highway.
Make a left turn.
When lights authorize you to.
Yield to oncoming traffic and wit for pedestrians to clear the lanes of which ever rowdy you are turning onto.
Section 4- Stopping, Standing and Parking
It is unlawful to park on a
If your vehicle is disabled you should…
How many feet should the view be and in each…
Make every possible or practical attempt to park off the highway leaving free passage and a clear view of your vehicle.
200 feet.
Stopping, standing or Parking isn’t permitted when
One the street side of a parked vehicle Sidewalk Intersection Crosswalk Between a safety zone and adjacent curb Obstructing traffic. Bridge or overpass Railroad tracks In a highway tunnel Controlled access roadway. In area between roadways on a divided high way. Where there is a no parking sign
Section 4 Stopping Standing or Parking is Permitted only momentarily during a pick up or drop of. Give 8 examples.
In front of a public or private driveway.
Within 15 feet of a fire hydrant.
Within 20 feet of a crosswalk at an intersection.
Within 20 of a fire station.
Within 30 of a stop, yield or traffic control signal.
Within 50!feet of a railroad crossing.
Within 75 feet of the spot across the street fire station driveway.
Anywhere that prohibits official standing.
How to Parallel Park - Section 5
When attempting to parallel Park. Drive past the….stop when you’re….Turn your wheels… when your front door passes the back bumper of the car ahead of you quickly…when your front bumper is totally clear of the car ahead you can now…You can now stop making contact with the car behind you and…always give the appropriate signals when … and also when …
The parking space you want.
Stop when you’re appx even with the car ahead of the space.
(2ft or door to door).
Sharply to the right and back slowly toward the
Straighten your wheel and continue to back diagonally into the space in a straight line.
Turn your wheels sharply to the left and back slowly toward the car behind you b.
Place your car in drive and turn wheels sharply to right and pull into center driving space.
Turn signals prior to beginning of your parking maneuver