Chapter 9b Flashcards
The basic rule of amniote cell specification is that germ layer identity (ecto-, meso-, or endoderm) is established before gastrulation starts, but the specification of cell type is controlled by
inductive influences during and after migration through the primitive streak.
Cells migrating through the anterior end of the streak pass down into the blastocoel and migrate anteriorly (forming the endoderm, head mesoderm, and notochord); cells passing through the more posterior portions give rise to the majority of mesodermal tissues.
Migration through Hensen’s node:
- First cells become the pharyngeal endoderm of the foregut. Once deep within the embryo, they migrate anteriorly and eventually displace the hypoblast cells (these become confined to a region in the anterior portion of the area pellucida = germinal crescent)
- Next ones also move anteriorly, but not as far ventrally. They remain between the endoderm and the epiblast to form the prechordal plate mesoderm => the head of the avian embryo forms anterior to Hensen’s node.
- Next ones become chordamesoderm – has two components: the head process and the notochord.
- As the primitive streak regresses, the cells deposited by the regressing Hensen’s node will become the notochord.
Germinal crescent
does not form any embryonic structures, but contain the precursors of the germ cells, which later migrate through the blood vessels to the gonads.
Migration through the primitive streak
Cells migrate to the primitive streak, and as they enter the embryo, the cells separate into two layers.
The deep layer joins the hypoblast along its midline, displacing the hypoblast cells to the sides. These cells give rise to the endodermal organs , as well as to most of the extraembryonic membranes (the hypoblast and peripheral cells of the area opaca form the rest).
The second migrating layer spreads to form a loose layer of cells between the endoderm and the epiblast. This middle layer of cells generates the mesodermal portions of the embryo and the mesoderm lining the extraembryonic membranes.
By 22 hrs of incubation, most of the presumptive endodermal cells are in the interior of the embryo, although presumptive mesodermal cells continue to migrate inward for a longer time.
Regression of the primitive streak and epiboly of the ectoderm
Mesodermal ingression continues
- > the primitive streak starts to regress
- > moving Hensen’s node from near centre of area pellucida to a more posterior position
- > leaves the dorsal axis in its wake (including the notochord).
The notochord is laid down in a
head-to-tail direction, starting at the level where the ears and hindbrain form and extending caudally to the tail bud.
Pharyngeal endoderm + head mesoderm induce
anterior parts of the brain
Notochord induce
the hindbrain and spinal cord
By this time the presumptive endodermal and mesodermal cells have entered the embryo and the epiblast is composed entirely of presumptive ectodermal cells.
While the first two are moving inward, the last proliferate and migrate to surround the yolk by epiboly.
Herculean task, takes 4 days!
the locomotor apparatus of the marginal cells?
Only the cells of the outer margin of the area opaca attach firmly to the vitelline envelope.
These cells can extend enormous (500 microm) cytoplasmic processes onto the vitelline envelope
=> the locomotor apparatus of the marginal cells, by which they pull the other ectodermal cells around the yolk.
As avian gastrulation draws to a close:
- The ectoderm has surrounded the embryo
- The endoderm has replaced the hypoblast
- The mesoderm has positioned itself between these two regions
As a consequence of the sequence in which the head endo-mesoderm and notochord are established, avian (and mammalian, reptilian and teleost fish) embryos exhibit a distinct
anterior-to-posterior gradient of developmental maturity. Anterior has had a ”head start”.
Although the formation of the chick body axes is accomplished during gastrulation, axis specification begins
earlier, during the cleavage stage.
The role of gravity and the PMZ
The conversion of the radially symmetrical blastoderm into a bilaterally symmetrical structure appears to be determined by gravity:
- As the ovum passes through the hen’s reproductive tract, it is rotated for about 20 hrs in the shell gland
- This spinning, 15 revolutions pr. hr, shifts the yolk such that its lighter components (probably containing stored maternal determinants for development) lie beneath one side of the blastoderm.
- This imbalance tips up one end of the blastoderm, and that end becomes the posterior marginal zone, where primitive streak formation begins.
It is not known what interactions cause this specific portion of the blastoderm to become the PMZ, but once it is formed, it controls the other regions of the margin.
- Not only do the cells of the PMZ initiate gastrulation, they also prevent other regions of the margin from forming their own primitive streaks.
- A graft of PMZ tissue (posterior to and including Koller’s sickle) is able to induce a primitive streak and Hensen’s node without contributing cells to either structure.
AP patterning
The patterning of the definitive AP axis occurs differently for the mesoderm and neural ectoderm, but in both cases the process involves timing (the sequential generation of cells from a zone of undifferentiated proliferating cells) and the influence of caudalizing molecules.
While they are still in the epiblast, but close to the primitive streak, the mesoderm cells appear to receive instructions that tell them exactly where they are along the AP axis.
The entire length of the notochord at the midline is derived from cells that are present in Hensen’s node by the full primitive streak stage;
Descendants of progenitor cells gradually leave as the node regresses, laying down the chordamesoderm and the ventral midline of the neural tube (future floor plate of the spinal cord).
AP identities along the axis from the hindbrain to the tail are specified as a function of the time of emergence from the primitive streak and Hensen’s node.
Hox genes
vertebrate homologues of the homeotic (Hom-C) genes of Drosophila.
- Specify the identity of cells along the AP axis
- Four gene clusters (HoxA, HoxB, HoxC, and HoxD)
- Rather than individual Hox genes appearing at particular segmental levels, there is a nested set of Hox gene expression
- ”Anterior” Hox genes are identified with lower numbers, e.g. Hoxb4
- The more posterior cells express more Hox genes than the more anterior cells do.
LR axis formation
The distinction between the sides is primarily regulated by the left-sided expression of two proteins:
- The paracrine Nodal
- The TF Pitx2
Mechanism of Nodal gene expression activation differs among the vertebrate classes.
The embryo ”hatches” from the zona pellucida upon reaching the uterus. During its migration to the uterus,
the zona prevents the embryo from prematurely adhering to the oviduct rather than traveling to the uterus.
Cilia in oviduct push embryo along.
Mammalian cleavage
Meiosis is completed after sperm entry, and the first cleavage begins about a day later.
Cleavages in mammalian eggs are among the slowest in the animal kingdom, taking place some 12-24 hrs apart.
In many (but not all), the first cleavage is a normal meridional division; however, in the second, one of the blastomeres divides meridionally and the other equitorially (rotational cleavage).
Mammalian blastomeres do not all divide at the same time = asynchronous. => no exponential growth, but frequently contain odd numbers of cells.
The mammalian genome, unlike the genomes of rapidly developing animals, is activated during early cleavage and zygotically transcribed proteins are necessary for cleavage and development.
In order for zygotic genes to activated, the parental chromatin undergoes many changes:
- New histones are placed on the DNA during the early cell division
- The gamete-specific DNA methyl groups are removed ( except for those on imprinted genes)
- New DNA methylation patterns characteristic of totipotent and pluripotent cells are established.
One of the most crucial events of mammalian cleavage.
Mouse blastomeres through the 8-cell stage form a loose arrangement.
Following the third cleavage, however, they express cell adhesion proteins, and gradually huddle together to form a compact ball of cells. Stabilized by tight junctions.
16-cell stage. Consists of a small group of internal cells surrounded by a larger group of external cells.
Most of external cells become trophoblast (trophoectoderm) cells
Internal cells give rise to the inner cell mass (ICM)
inner cell mass (ICM)
will give rise to the embryo, becomes positioned on one side of the ring of trophoblast cells; the resulting blastocyst is another hallmark of mammalian cleavage.
The trophoblast cells produce
no embryonic structures, but rather form the tissues of the chorion.
the extraembryonic membrane and portion of the placenta that enables the foetus to get oxygen and nourishment from the mother.
Also secretes hormones that cause the mother’s uterus to retain the foetus and produces regulators of the immune response so that the mother will not reject the embryo.
”capable of everything”, the earliest blastomeres, before trophoblast / ICM choice is made.
”capable of many things”, ICM cells, each can generate any cell type in the body, but not trophoblast.
the trophoblast cells secrete fluid into the morula to create a blastocoel.
Ectopic pregnancy
Zona pellucida fails in preventing blastocyst from adhering to the oviduct walls.
Embryo can cause a life-threatening haemorrhage when it begins to grow.
Escape from the zona pellucida
The mouse blastocyst hatches from the zona pellucida by digesting a small hole in it (protease secreted by trophoblast) and squeezing through the hole as the blastocyst expands.
Sticking to epithelial lining of uterus
The endometrium (epithelial lining of the uterus) has been altered by oestrogen and progesterone and has made an extensive extracellular matrix that ”catches” the blastocyst.
After the initial binding, several other adhesion systems appear to coordinate their efforts to keep the blastocyst tightly bound to the uterine lining.
Entering endometrium
Once in contact with the endometrium, Wnt proteins instruct the trophoblast to secrete a set of proteases that digest the extracellular matrix of the uterine tissue, enabling the blastocyst to bury itself within the uterine wall.
Mammalian gastrulation
The gastrulation movements of reptilian and avian embryos, evolved as an adaptation to yolky eggs, are retained in mammalian embryos even in the absence of large amounts of yolk (imagine ICM sitting atop imaginary ball of yolk).
Pathenogenic activation
meiosis without sperm activation
Embryonic stem cells (ES cells)
ICM cells isolated and grown under certain conditions, remaining undifferentiated and continue to divide in culture.
Mammalian embryos way of obtaining nutrients directly from its mother has required extensive adaptations:
restructuring the maternal anatomy (fx expansion of oviduct to form uterus) and development of a fetal organ capable of absorbing maternal nutrients
the maternal portion of the placenta, induced by the trophoblasts. Becomes rich in blood vessels providing oxygen and nutrients to the embryo.
First segregation of cells within the ICM forms two layers:
- The lower layer, in contact with the blastocoel, is the primitive endoderm, (homologous to the chick hypoblast.
Hypoblast will generate yolk sac cells - Remaining ICM above it is the epiblast. Epiblast will generate the embryo, the amnion, and the allantois
Bilaminar germ disc
formed of the epiblast and primitive endoderm layers
Visceral endoderm
primitive endoderm cells contacting the epiblast
Parietal endoderm
yolk sac cells contacting the trophoblast
Amniotic fluid
fills amniotic cavity once amnion is completed. Secretion that serves as a shock absorber as well as preventing the developing embryo from drying out.
Gastrulation begins at the ?
posterior end of the embryo, where the cells of the (Hensen’s) node arise.
in contrast to chick formation, the cells that form the mouse notochord are thought to become
integrated into the endoderm of the primitive gut.
The timing of these developmental events varies enormously in mammals.
chorion fused with the uterine wall decidua.
Provides nourishment to the embryo, and are endocrine and immunological organs (fx reduce hormones that enable uterus to retain pregnancy, and block the mother’s immune system from attacking foreign substances produced by the embryo / foetus).
The AP axis: two signalling centres
The mammalian embryo appears to have two signalling centres: one in the node (equivalent to Hensen’s node) and one in the anterior visceral endoderm (AVE).
Node appears responsible for the patterning of most of the body axis The two signalling centres work together to pattern the anterior region of the embryo
AP patterning by FGF and retinoic acid gradients
The head region of the mammalian embryo is devoid of Nodal signalling, and BMPs, FGFs and Wnts are also inhibited.
The posterior region is characterized by Nodal, BMPs, Wnts, FGFs, and retinoic acid.
Gradients from one end to the other maintained by high expression in one end, and repression / degradation in the other.
AP patterning: The Hox code hypothesis.
In all vertebrates, AP polarity becomes specified by the expression of Hox genes.
equivalent genes in each complex, formed by chromosome duplications, fx the four mammalian Hox complexes
Particular sets of paralogous genes provide segmental identity along the AP axis of the body.
The DV axis
Very little is known about the mechanisms of DV axis formation in mammals.
After the 5th cell division in the mouse embryo, the blastocyst cavity begins to form, and the inner cell mass resides on one side of this cavity. This axis is probably created by the ellipsoidal shape of the zona pellucida.
defined, in part, by the embryonic-abembryonic axis of the blastocyst
as development proceeds, the primitive streak maintains this polarity by causing migration ventrally from the dorsal surface of the embryo.
The LR axis
In mammals, the distinction between LR sides begins in the ciliary cells of the node.
The cilia cause fluid in the node to flow from right to left (clockwise when viewed from the ventral side).
(This helps explain why humans with a dynein deficiency have immotile cilia thus and a random chance of having their heart on the L or R side of the body).
The placement of cilia integrates information concerning the AP and DV axes to construct the LR axis
Crown cells
cells neighbouring the node, responsible for sensing the cilia generated flow.
Crown cells have immobile cilia, and these are then affected by the movement of fluids.
A cascade is initiated that appears to suppress the synthesis of Cerberus, thereby activating Nodal expression.