Chapter 9_Sentences Flashcards
Hic tōtus liber litterās Rōmānās semper laudat
Hī igitur illīs deābus herī grātiās agēbant.
Illud dē vitiīs istīus rēgīnae nunc scrībam, et ista poenās dabit.
Neuter alterī plēnam cōpiam pecūniae tum dabit.
Potestne laus ūllīus terrae esse perpetua?
Labor ūnīus numquam poterit hās cōpiās vincere.
Mōrēs istīus scrīptōris erant nimis malī.
Nūllī magistrī, tamen, sub istō vēra docēre audēbant.
Valēbitne pāx in patriā nostrā post hanc victōriam?
Dum illī ibi remanent, aliī nihil agunt, aliī discunt.
Ubi illās nunc vidēre possum? (Terrence.)
Where can I see those women now?
Hic illam virginem in mātrimōnium dūcet.
This man will lead that virgin into marrage.
Huic cōnsiliō palmam dō. (Terence)
Palma, ae–palm branch of victory.
I give the palm branch to this decision
Virtūtem enim illīus virī amāmus. (Cicero)
We truly love the virtue of that man.
Sōlus hunc iuvāre potes. (Terence)
You alone can help this man.