Chapter ! Flashcards
Psychological Science
Is the Scientific study (study through research) of the mind , brain and behavior
the totality of observable human ( animal ) actions
When you study the mind you are studying…..
the mental activity… thoughts, feelings, memories and perception (taste touch sight smell sound)
The mind is….
what the brain does.
critical thinking is
Using amiable skepticism to systematic questioning and evaluation of information using well supported evidence.
the use of observation, identification, description, experimental investigation to add theoretical explanations of phenomena.
name three heuristics or mental short cuts
availability heuristic (things that come easily to mind) representative ( comparing to a prototype ) affect ( choices that are affected by emotion)
5 Biases:
Mental shortcuts (heuristics) Confirmation bias Hindsight bias illusory correlation self-serving bias
confirmation bias
when you only seek out or see evidence that a lines with your beliefs and ignore or avoid evidence that contradicts your beliefs.
hindsight bias
after the fact reinterpreting of evidence to explain events.
illusory correlation bias
making connections ( correlations ) that don’t exist…lucky panties
self-serving bias
how we preference self when explaining our actions.
“I worked hard to get the grade” “ I got a bad grade because the test was hard”
mental short cuts ( heuristics)
using fast but suspect stratagem to come to conclusions
Galen ( Claudius )
Greek physician and philosopher came up with four personalities based on the humorism ( four body fluids)
Hippocrates ( of Kos )
father of medicine Greek physician and philosopher
early physiologists discovered the properties of nerves
Helmholtz ( Hermann von )
he is known for his theories of vision, ideas on the visual perception of space, color vision research, and on the sensation of tone, perception of sound,
Flourens (Jean Pierre)
French physiologist, the founder of experimental brain science and a pioneer in anesthesia. Through the study of ablations on animals, he was the first to prove that the mind was located in the brain, not the heart.
Broca ( Paul )
French physician, anatomist and anthropologist. He is best known for his research on Broca’s area, a region of the frontal lobe
Fechner ( Gustav )
German experimental psychologist, philosopher, and physicist. Relation between physical stimulation and sensations people experienced.