Chapter 9 Ventilation Assistance Flashcards
Essential nursing interventions (3)
- Maintain adequate airway
- Ensure adequate ventilation
- Ensure adequate oxygenation
Respiratory A & P
- Function is?
- Lungs
- Upper airway
- Lower airway
- Function is gas exchange
- Lungs
- Left: two lobes
- Right: three lobes
- Upper airway
- Nasal cavity
- Pharynx
- Lower airway
- Larynx
- Trachea
- Right and left mainstem bronchi, bronchioles, and alveoli
Physiology of Breathing
- Rest
- Inspiration
- Expiration
- Rest:
- Intrapleural pressure < atmospheric
- Intraalveolar = atmospheric
- Inspiration:
- Intrapleural pressure more negative
- Intraalveolar negative = airflow
- Expiration:
- Passive when intrapulmonary
pressure exceeds atmospheric
- Passive when intrapulmonary
Gas Exchange
- Ventilation =
- Diffusion of O2 and CO2 at?
- Oxygenated blood is?
- Diffusion of O2 and CO2 occurs at?
- Ventilation = movement of O2 and CO2 in and out of alveoli
- Diffusion of O2 and CO2 at pulmonary capillary
- Oxygenated blood perfused or transported to the tissues
- Diffusion of O2 and CO2 occurs at cellular level
* Transport of CO2 to the right side of the heart
* Diffusion based on concentration gradients
Regulation of Breathing
- Respiration is stimulated by?
- COPD patients?
- Respiration stimulated by elevated CO2
- Not true for COPD
- Stimulus is hypoxia
- Rationale for low oxygen in patients with COPD
- Work of Breathing (WOB)
- Amount of effort required to maintain ventilation
- Respiratory pattern changes automatically
- WOB increases, more energy needed
- WOB high, leads to muscle fatigue and eventually respiratory failure
- What is it?
- Types
- Distensibility or stretch
- Determined by elasticity, “recoil”
- Elastic recoil and compliance are inversely related
- Types
- Static—measured under condition of no airflow (inspiratory hold)
- Dynamic—measured while gases flowing
- Opposition to gas flow in the airways
- Airway length
- Airway diameter
- Small tube
- Spasms
- Mucus
- Flow rate of gases
- Increased breathing effort
Lung Volumes and Capacities (2)
- Assess baseline function
- Monitor responses
Selected Measures
- Tidal Volume (TV)
- Functional Residual Capacity (FRC)
- Vital Capacity (VC)
- Tidal Volume (TV)
- Normal breath; 500 mL or 5 to 7 mL/kg
- Functional Residual Capacity (FRC)
- Volume of gas remaining in the lungs at normal resting expiration
- Average: 2300 mL
- Vital Capacity (VC)
- Maximum volume of gas forcefully expired after maximum inspiration
- Average: 4600 mL
Health History (8)
- Tobacco pack per year history
- Occupational history
- Sputum production
- Shortness of breath, dyspnea, cough, anorexia, weight loss, and chest pain
- Oral and inhalant respiratory medicines
- OTC drugs
- Allergies: medication and environmental
- Last chest x-ray and tuberculosis screen
Physical Examination
- Inspection
- Respiratory rate
- Inspection
- Head, neck, fingers, and chest
- Accessory muscles, sternal retractions, nasal flaring, asymmetrical chest movements, open-mouth breathing, and gasping breaths
- Respiratory rate
- Tachypnea: rate > 20
- Bradypnea: rate < 10
- Assess rate and depth and altered patterns
Abnormal Breathing Patterns (4)
- Cheyne-Stokes: cyclical with apneic periods
- Biot’s: cluster breathing
- Kussmaul’s: deep, regular, and rapid
- Apneustic: gasping inspirations
Respirations gradually increase in depth, then become more shallow; followed by a period of apnea
Highly irregular breathing pattern with abrupt pauses between efforts
Respiration faster and deeper without pauses
Respirations prolonged, gasping, followed by extremely short, inefficient expiration
-Evaluate (5)
- Chest wall excursion
- Tracheal deviation
- Chest wall tenderness
- Subcutaneous crepitus
- Tactile fremitus
- Resonance:
- Dullness:
- Flatness:
- Hyperresonance:
- Tympany:
- Resonance: normal lung sound
- Dullness: denser than normal tissue
- Flatness: air is absent
- Hyperresonance: increased amount of air
- Tympany: air-filled area
- Assess?
- Environment
- Approach
- Assess breath sounds, presence of adventitious lung sounds, voice sounds
- Quiet environment
- Systematic approach
Breath Sounds
- Normal
- Advenitious
- Normal
- Bronchial
- Bronchovesicular
- Vesicular
- Adventitious sounds
- Crackles
- Rhonchi
- Wheezes
- Pleural friction rub
- Stridor
Arterial Blood Gases
- Adequacy of oxygenation and ventilation
- Acid-base status
- Interpret in conjunction with:
- Clinical history
- Physical assessment
- PaO2─partial pressure of oxygen dissolved in arterial blood
- SaO2─amount of oxygen bound to hemoglobin
- PaO2─partial pressure of oxygen dissolved in arterial blood
- Normal value 80 to 100 mm Hg
- Decreases in elderly
- Value < 60 mm Hg treated
- Value < 40 mm Hg is life threatening
- SaO2─amount of oxygen bound to hemoglobin
- Normal value 92% to 99%
- Frequently measured via pulse oximetry (SpO2)
decreased oxygenation of arterial blood