Chapter 9 - Tax credits Flashcards
Reduce income tax base - dependent on taxpayers marginal tax rate
reduce income tax liability dollar for dollar - no dependent on taxpayers marginal tax rate
Refundable credit
paid even if the tax liability is less than the amount of credit - refund
Nonrefundable credit
can only be used to offset tax liability - no refund - used before refundable credits
List of nonrefundable credits
Foreign tax credit
Child or dependent care
Elderly or disabled
Education credits
Retirement savings credit
Child & family tax credit
Residential energy efficient property
non-business alternative motor vehicle
Non-business alternative fuel vehicle refueling property credit
General business credit
Adoption credit
Carryback/forward provisions
Foreign tax credit - 1 year back 10 forward
Adoption - 5 years forward
Residential energy - 1 year forward
General business - 1 year back 20 forward
Foreign tax credit
no credit for income excluded from us income
no credit for taxes imposed at higher than us rates
carry back 1 year forward 10 years
Child and dependent care credit
child 13 or younger
Eligible care costs x applicable percentage
percentage rage 20-35 based on AGI
Child and dependent care costs
lesser of
Earned income - limited by income of lower earning spouse
actual costs
$3000 for 1 or $6000 for two or more
American opportunity tax credit (AOTC)
Tuition and expenses
no room and board
Course materials are qualified expenses
up to $2,500 for first 4 years per student - 100% of first $2,000 and 25% of next $2,000
no felony drug conviction
Lifetime learning credit (LLC)
Tuition and expenses
no room and bard
no course materials unless required by and paid to the school
Max per household is $2,000 - 20% of expenses up to $10,000
AOTC & LLC phaseout
$160,000-$180,000 MFJ
$80,000-$90,000 single
AOTC phaseout formula
agi-lower threshold/threshold range=phaseout %
phaseout % x credit - phased out credit
Retirement savings credit
credit rate of 50, 20, 10 or 0% based on AGI
maximum credit is $1,000 per year or $2,000 joint
Child and family tax credit
Credit of up to $2,000 per child (up to $1,400 refundable)
Phased out by $50 for each $1,000 above AGI
$500 credit for other dependents
$400,000 MFJ
$200,000 everyone else
Earned income tax credit
Designed to return social security withholding to low income taxpayers
Child and dependent care credit percentages
$15,000 and below 35%
$43,001+ 20%
Retirement savings contribution credits
MFJ - $41,000 = 50%
$41-44 = 20%
$44-68 = 10%
HOH $30,750 = 50%
$30,750-33,000 = 20%
$33-51 = 10%
EOE $20,500 = 50%
$20,500-22,000 = 20%
$22-34 = 10%