Chapter 9 Surface Inspection Flashcards
How should a fluorescent dye be viewed?
Under black light
- What type of developer is normally used with the solvent-removal process to spot check welds?
Non Aqueous
- “The fluorescent post-emulsified penetrant process is often recommended for high-sensitivity applications such as detection of fatigue cracks
a. True
b. False
a. True
- Does the liquid penetrant process work on stainless steel and aluminum?
- Give one way in which a change to a liquid penetrant procedure could be qualified.
Use a comparator block
- “When using liquid penetrant inspection, the surface must be ground smooth to remove all irregularities before applying the penetrant.”a. Trueb. False
b. False, Grinding can flow the surface and conceal defects.
- When using the solvent-removable method, why should the solvent not be sprayed directly on the surface to remove excess penetrant?
It may leach penetrant out of discontinuities.
- “When using post-emulsifiable penetrants, the emulsifier must remain in contact with the surface long enough to mix with the excess penetrant but not long enough to reach penetrant in the discontinuities.
a. True
b. False
a. True
- What could be the effect of spraying on too much developer?
It could mask indications
- What is the difference between a false indication and a non-relevant indication?
False indications are not associated with discontinuities, non-relevant indications are.
- What is the most likely cause of false indications?
Poor cleaning
- “If a small crack is found by LPI in an aluminum weld, it may be repaired by simply welding over it to melt out the crack.”
a. True
b. False
False. Retained penetrant could contaminate the repair. The metal containing the crack must be removed before repair.
- Is there a standard for certifying operators using the liquid penetrant inspection method?
Yes, CAN/CGSB 48.97
- The strength of the flux induced when a material is placed in a given magnetic field depends on what property of the material?
- The level of residual magnetic flux remaining in a ferromagnetic material when an applied field is removed is known as?
a. Coercive force.
b. Saturation.
c. Retentivity.
c. Retentivity.
- What is the range of applied field (relative to saturation) normally used in magnetic particle inspection?
- The most favorable direction for detecting a crack when using prods is when the crack lies across the weld metal.
a. True
b. False
a. True
- How are arc strikes avoided when using prods.
Turn the power on after the prods are in place, and turn off power before removing the prods.
- What would be a typical current for prods spaced 150 mm (6 in) apart?
About 600 amps
- Write down at least three changes in a material that could cause a magnetic particle indication in the absence of a discontinuity.
Composition, microstructure, work hardening, heat treatment
- Give one source of non-relevant indications not due to material changes.
Excessive magnetizing field, residual magnetism
- Give two applications when demagnetization might be specified.
-when the part is to be plated or painted and adhering particles would interfere-on shafts or other rotating components where adhering particles could contribute to failure-parts to be machined-when followed by welding where residual magnetism could cause arc blow-when a residual field is undesirable in service, e.g., aircraft parts-when stringent post-cleaning requires all inspection materials to be removed-when parts are to be electron beam welded (EBW)
- Adisadvantageof magneticparticleinspectionisthatitisimpossibleto obtainanykindof permanentrecord oftheindication. “
a True
b False
False. Photographsoradhesivetapetransferscanbe used.
- Is thereastandardfor the certificationofoperatorsformagneticparticleinspection?
Yes, CAN/CGSB 48.9712
- Whatisthenameofthedevicethatmeasuresthesmallelectricalpotentialcreatedatright angles toanelectriccurrent whenplacedina magneticfield?
Hall Detector
- Isthereastandardforcertifyingoperatorsfortheeddycurrentmethod?
Yes, CAN/CGSB 48.9712
- Forwhatresearchapplicationhas thepotentialdropmethodbeenused?
Measuring the growth of fatigued cracks
- Toremoveexcesspenetrantwhenusingthesolvent-removableprocessinaportablekitfor spot-checking:
a. Wipeawayexcesspenetrantwithacleancloth,thenwipethesurfacecleanwithacloth lightlymoistenedwithsolventremover.
b. Spraysurfacewithsolventremoverthenwipecleanwithacloth.
c. Apply solventremoverbydippingorsprayingand allowingtosoakforafewminutesbeforewipingclean.
d. Applyso(ventremoverbybrushingthenwipe cleanwithacloth.
e. Spraysurfacewithsolventremoverandallowdryingbynaturalevaporation.
a. Wipeawayexcesspenetrantwithacleancloth,thenwipethesurfacecleanwithacloth lightlymoistenedwithsolventremover.
- Which of the following best describes the basis of the magnetic particle inspection method?
a. The increased resistance to the flow of electric current when a discontinuity is present.
b. The attraction of magnetic particles to a flux leakage field formed when a discontinuity lies parallel to an applied magnetic field.
c. The attraction of magnetic particles to a flux leakage field formed when a discontinuity lies at a perpendicular angle to the induced magnetic field.
d The attraction of magnetic particles to the strong fields formed when a material is magnetically saturated.
c. The attraction of magnetic particles to a flux leakage field formed when a discontinuity lies at a perpendicular angle to the induced magnetic field.
- Which of the following statements is true?
a. The eddy current method is based on detecting the flux leakage around a discontinuity using a Hatt detector.
b. The eddy current method is based on detecting changes in the inductive reactance of a coil due to disturbance of the eddy current by a discontinuity and can be used on non-ferrous metals.
c. The eddy current method is based on detecting changes in the inductive reactance of a coil due to disturbance of the eddy current and can only be used on ferromagnetic metals.
d. The eddy current method is based on measuring the change in voltage across a discontinuity when an eddy current flow.
e. The eddy current method normally uses direct Current to increase depth capability.
b. The eddy current method is based on detecting changes in the inductive reactance of a coil due to disturbance of the eddy current by a discontinuity and can be used on non-ferrous metals.