Chapter 9 Supplier Development Flashcards
Rationalization and optimatimization: creating a manageable supply base
Determining optimal number and quality of suppliers in supply base and it’s a continuous process
Rationalization- process of identifying or analysis of how many and which suppliers to maintain
Optimization -analyze of the supply base to ensure that only most capable suppliers and high test performing suppliers are kept
Should be a continuous process eliminating if both marginal and small-purchase volume suppliers
Requires effective supplier evaluation ms measurement system
Usually result in net reduction
Rationalization and optimization activities (GRIDE)
Development of supplier evaluation and measurement system to identify best performing suppliers and develop stronger business relationship with the suppliers
Elimination of marginal and small-volume suppliers
Replacement of “good” suppliers with better ones
Initiation of suppliers of supplier development activities to improve performance
Global search for world class suppliers
Advantages of rationalization and optimization
Buying from world class- suppliers
Use of full-service suppliers
Reduction of supply base risk
Lower supply base administration cost lower total product cost
Ability to pursue complex supply management strategies
Formal approaches to supply base rationalization
Formal approaches to supply base rationalization
Twenty-eighty rule (20/80) - based on Pareto principle 20% of suppliers contribute to 80% purchase spend
Improve or else approach - providing suppliers a chance to improve performance based on quality, delivery and cost reduction.
Triage approach - categorization of existing suppliers e.g. marginal performances, suppliers that have not consistently met the buyer’s requirements
Compentency staircase approach - series of performance milestones, suppliers must meet quality standards in advance.
Supplier development activities
Sharing technology
Providing performance among suppliers
Providing necessary capital
Directly involving buyer perseoneel
Supplier Development
Any activity taken by a buyer to improve supplier performance
Supplier development activities
Sharing technology
Providing performance incentives
Providing necessary capital
Directly involving buyer personnel
Promoting completion among suppliers
Supplier development process
Step 1: identify critical commodity
Does the buyer plan to treat supplier as partner
Step 2: identify critical supplier
Routinely evaluate suppliers and rank them from best to worst
Step 3: form cross functional team
Develop an internal consensus and support
Step 4: Meet supplier’s top management
Foster two way communication
Step 5: identify Opportunities and probability for improvement
May be driven by final customer’s requirements and expectations
Step 6: Define key metrics and cost-sharing mechanisms
Determine if opportunities are realistic and achievable
Step 7: reach agreement on key projects and joint venture
Identify necessary resources
Step 8: Monitor status of project and modify strategies as appropriate
Routine monitoring
Reduction of supply base risk defined
•supply base risk defined
Magnitude of exposure to financial loss or operational disruption and stem from uncertainty
•need for carefully selected and qualified suppliers
-result in reduced variability and Moore consistent quality
Possible Risks of Maintaining
Fewer Suppliers
●Supplier dependency
●Absence of competition
●Supply disruption
●Overaggressive supply reduction