Chapter 9 - Sources of finance Flashcards
What is the pecking order for sources of finance?
- Retained earnings
- Debt
- Equity
What is the ranking of debt/equity from least riskiest to riskiest?
- Secured debt
- Unsecured debt
- Preference shares
- Ordinary shares
What are the short-term sources of finance?
- Overdraft
- Short-term loan
- Trade credit
- Short-term lease
What are the long-term sources of finance?
- Bank loan
- Loan notes
- Long-term lease
- Equity finance - ordinary shareholders
- Preference shares
- Venture capital
What are the methods of raising equity finance?
- Internal finance - could have been paid as a dividend
- Rights issue
- Placing
- Public offer
What is ‘placing’?
Offering equity to institutional investors - this is cheap and quick
What is a rights issue?
A discount share price offered to existing shareholders pro-rata
What happens to the share price after a rights issue?
It increases as the company has more to invest in positive NPV investments thus shareholder wealth is maximised
What is riba?
Payment of interest - it is forbidden under islamic finance
What is Murabaha?
Trade credit
- Deferred payment sale
- Price of goods, mark-up, delivery and payment dates agreed
What is Musharaka?
Partnership with active investor (venture capital)
- Each party known as musharik
- All partners bring share of capital and expertise
- Any profits shared between partners according to ratios in contract, losses are distributed to partners in proportion of capital contribution
What is Mudaraba?
- The rab al mal contributes capital, and the mudarib contributes skill and expertise
- One solely provides capital and the other runs day-to-day.
- Profits shared according to contract and losses shared according to capital contribution
What is Ijara?
- One party allows other to use their asset against payment of rental fee
- Lessor incurs risk of ownership - responsible for maintenance and insurance
What is Sukuk?
- Underlying tangible asset that the sukuk holder shares in risk and rewards of ownership
- Ownership of underlying asset transferred to holder of sukuk with ownership benefits and risks.
What does it mean if a bond is trading at a conversion discount?
It is quoted at a lower value than the shares it can be converted into so is more likely to be converted
What needs to be taken into consideration when undertaking a rights issue?
- Share price - enough to attract investment but not so low EPS is diluted
- Relative cost - it is cheaper as simpler admin
- Ownership - voting rights unaffected if shareholders take up offer
- Gearing - may reduce gearing as higher equity
What are the advantages of a scrip dividend?
- Preserve cash position
- Share issue decreases gearing and increases borrowing capacity
What are the disadvantages of a scrip dividend?
- Total cash paid in dividend increases
- Negative signal in market - cash flow issues