Chapter 9: Members' Meetings and Resolutions Flashcards
Which companies must hold an AGM?
All public limited companies
Private limited companies (if set out in the articles)
At what time must an AGM be held?
Within 6 months of the financial year end.
What is a quorum according to s 318 CA?
Two members personally meeting is a quorum, unless the articles provide otherwise. For a company with a single member, the quorum is one.
Who may act as chairman of a meeting (s319 CA)?
Any member elected by the members subject to the articles
How are votes distributed among members? (s284 CA)
Every member has one vote per share, or one vote per £10 of stock.
When may members requisition a meeting? (s303 CA)
When they hold 5% of issued share capital (or 5% voting rights for a guarantee company).
How may notice of a meeting be given? (s308 CA)
In hard copy
In electronic form
By means of a website
A combination of methods
What is the purpose of the AGM?
- directors to report on the performance of the company
- members to question directors about the company
- members to vote on resolutions
What 5 matters are typically covered by the AGM?
1 Receive the report and accounts
2 Seek approval for directors’ remuneration policy (for listed companies)
3 Declare final dividend
4 Elect the directors who have been appointed since last AGM, and re-elect those who have retired by rotation
5 Appoint or reappoint auditors and determine their remuneration
What steps should the CoSec take in planning the AGM?
- check date complies with statutory 21 days
- check date is not more than 6 months from end of accounting date (for PLC)
- if listed, check compliance with 20 working days notice period in UKCGC
- check other events on same date
- book venue
- check board has agreed to convene meeting and approved notice of meeting
- are annual report and accounts finalised and printed
- have you informed interested parties such as auditors, and investors?
- is listed, do arrangements comply with listing rules and UKCGC?
When can members add items to the agenda of a general meeting?
- one or more shareholders holding at least 5% of the voting capital
- not less than 100 shareholders holding average paid-up shares of at least £100 each
What will the board typically do on receiving a resolution for the AGM from a member?
They typically will not agree, and will provide their view on the resolution in a statement, and a recommendation to vote against it.
When is the board not required to circulate a resolution from a member?
If the request is ineffective, defamatory, frivolous or vexatious.
What does s 314 CA allow members to do relating to general meetings?
Request circulation of a statement of up to 1000 words relating to a propose resolution or any other business at a general meeting.
What is the only business that may be transacted at a general meeting?
The business specified in the notice convening the meeting.
How often must general meetings (not AGMs) be held?
As often as the directors wish
In what situations MUST directors call a general meeting?
- when auditor resigns stating that there are matters that should be brought to the attention of creditors
- when a plc’s net assets are half of called-up share capital.
Who may requisition the directors to hold a general meeting?
Members holding not less than 5% of paid-up voting share capital.
When must a company circulate a statement by members resolutions or other matters?
If requested by:
- one or more shareholders holding at least 5% voting capital
- not less than 100 shareholders holding shares on which an average of not less than £100 has been paid up.
Must a company send notice of meetings in hard copy?
No, electronic communication is acceptable where members have agreed, or where they have failed to opt out.
What is the notice period for a general meeting under s 360 CA?
14 days, except PLC AGMs, which is 21 days.
Can the articles change the notice period for meetings?
Yes, but only extend, cannot shorten.
When is an electronic communication deemed to be delivered?
48 hours after sending
To which members should meeting notice be sent?
Every member, unless the articles allow otherwise (e.g. for non-voting shares)
Does accidental failure to deliver notice invalidate a meeting?
No, as long as it can be proven that failure to deliver was accidental.
How may the AGM notice period for a plc be reduced?
My unanimous consent of those entitled to attend.
How many the notice of a private limited company general meeting be shortened?
By consent of 95% of members.
What information should be included in notices of general meetings?
- date, time and place of meeting
- whether it is an AGM or other general meeting
- a summary of the business to be transacted
- the full text of special resolutions to be put before the meeting and any special notice.
- explanation of the right to appoint proxies
- name and signature of the secretary issuing the notice
- any explanatory notes necessary to understand the business conducted.