Chapter 9 - Leadership Flashcards
influence that particular individuals have on goal achievement of others: motivating people and gaining their commitment
Effective leadership
enhancing productivity, innovation, satisfaction and commitment of workforce for goals
Strategic leadership
long term implications: involves anticipating, envision, maintain flexibility, work with others to initiate changes to make the future better
Formal leadership
titles like managers, executive, supervisor that occupy assigned leadership roles
Informal leadership
No formal authority within the organization. emerge naturally
Trait theory of leadership
depends on personal qualities/inherent traits of the leader; special set of traits that distinguish leaders from mass of followers
individual characteristic like physical attributes, intellectual ability and personality: all big 5 (mostly extraversion and conscientiousness)
Relationship between traits and leadership
affective and relational measures of effectiveness more than performance
Limitations of the traits theory of leadership
- hard to determine if traits or opportunity to leadership come first
- does not say what leaders do to influence others
- Does not take into account the situation
- lead to bias and discrimination
- traits are preconditions for actions to be successful
- leader bahaviour impact > leader traits impact
Leadership behaviours
consideration & initiating structure: not related to effectiveness equally across situations, depend on task, employee and setting
extent to which a leader is approachable and shows personal concern and respect (friendly, egalitarian, appreciation and support)
Initiating structure
leader concentrate on goal attainment (task focused instead of people)
consideration is more related to
follower satisfaction, motivation and leader effectiveness
initiating structure is more related to
leader job performance and group performance
if high pressure due to deadlines, unclear tasks or threat
initiating structure increases satisfaction and performance
if goals and methods are very clear
consideration should promote employee satisfaction, while structure promote dissatisfaction
Situational theories of leadership
effectiveness of leadership depends on: -characteristics of employees -nature of the task they are performing -characteristics of organization one leader who is effective in one situation might not in another one
House’s path-goal theory
manager defines the path to various goals of importance to employees: i.e. job satisfaction, leader acceptance and high effort
effective leader
forms a connection between employee goals and company goals
to achieve job satisfaction and leader acceptance
leader behaviour be perceived immediately satisfying or leading to future satisfaction
to promote employee effort
make rewards dependent on performance (expectancy theory) and make sure employees know how to achieve them
Directive behaviour
schedule work, maintain performance standards = initiating structure
achievement-oriented behaviour
encourage to exert high effort and strive for a high level goal accomplishment
Supportive behaviour
friendly, approachable, concerned with pleasant interpersonal relationships = consideration
Participative behaviour
consult with employees and ask for opinions
path-goal theory concerned with 2 primary classes of situational factors
employee characteristics & environment factors
Employee characteristics
high need achievers –> achievement oriented leaders
followers –> directive leaders
low task ability –> directive leaders
Environmental factors
tasks are clear/routine –> NOT directive/participative
tasks challenging and ambiguous –> directive/participative
frustrating tasks –> supportive leadership
Participative leadership
- > vary in how much they involve employees
- > Minimal: obtaining employee opinions before decision
- > Maximal: allows employees make own decisions
- > participation can involve/entire group
- > choice of participative strategy depends on situation
Potential advantages of participative leadership
Motivation increase
Establish of work goals and how to accomplish them
increase intrinsic motivation
enhance quality of decisions
empowers employee to take direct action and solve problems
increase employee’s acceptance of decisions
Potential problems of participative leadership
demands time and energy
Loss of power
Lack of receptivity or knowledge (if leader is not trusted or poor labour climate)
Transactional leadership
exchange relationship between leader and followers
contingent reward behavior
gives reward based on employee performance
management by exception
leader takes corrective action on the basis of the results of leader-follower transactions
Transformational leadership
new vision that implant true commitment: 1) change attitude towards new vision 2)encourage performance beyond
transformational leaders are
- good at transactional aspects of clarify paths
- reward good performance
Key dimensions of transformational leaders
- intellectual stimulation
- Individualized consideration
- Inspirational motivation
- Charisma ***
Intellectual stimulation
stimulate employees to think on problems, issues and strategies while leader challenges assumptions and takes risk
Individualistic consideration
treating employees as distinct individuals: indicating concern for their needs/personal development and a coach when appropriate
Inspirational motivation
stimulate enthusiasm, challenge with high standards, communicate optimism about future plans
ability to command strong loyalty and devotion = strong influence
provides for emotional aspect of transformational leaders
strongly related to follower satisfaction and leadership effectiveness
transformational leadership is found to be the
most consistent predictor of effective leadership
overall best leaders are
transformational and transactional