Chapter 9 late adulthood Flashcards
Specialists who study aging.
Prejudice and discrimination directed at older people
Primary aging
Aging that involves universal and irreversible changes that occur as people get older
Secondary aging
Changes in physical and cognitive functioning that are due to illnesses health habits and other individual differences but are not due to increased age itself and are not inevitable.
A condition in which the bones become brittle fragile and then often brought about it by a lack of calcium in the diet.
Double standard
By which women are judged more harshly than men.
Peripheral slowing hypothesis
The theory that suggests that overall processing speed declines in the peripheral nervous system with increasing age
generalized slowing hypothesis
The theory that processing in all parts of the nervous system including the brain is less efficient as we age
Cloudy or opaque areas on the lens of the eye that interfere with the passage of the light
Age related macular degeneration
Affecting the macula a yellowish area near the retina at which visual perception is most acute
High blood pressure one of the most common health problems of old age
Major neurocognitive disorder
The most common mental disorder of the elderly it covers several diseases each of which include serious memory loss accompanied by declines and other mental functioning
Alzheimer’s disease
A progressive brain disorder that produces loss of memory and confusion
Genetic programming theories of aging
Series that suggest our bodies DNA genetic code contains a built in time limit for the reproduction of human cells
Wear-and-tear theories of aging
The theory that the mechanical functions of the body simply wear out with age