Chapter 9 Internet Law Social Media And Piracy Flashcards
Undertaking spam, spyware and fraud
Allows FTC to work with foreign agencies investigating and prosecuting
International cooperation
Enforcement beyond borders act
Have significant protection to owners of copyrights in digital information
Makes circumvention of encryption software or any anti-piracy software criminal and civil prosecutable
Limits liability of ISP unless they are aware of aubscribera violation
Digital millennium copyright ACT
Amended federal wiretapping law to cover electric forms communication
Applies to communications via social media
Also prohibits prohibits the use/disclosure of any information obtained by the interception
Electronic communications privacy act
Excludes communications through devices that an employer provides ( in the ordinary course of business)
Allows employers to avoid liability if employees consent to having electronic communications monitored
Prevents cell phone companies and social media networks from divulging private communications to certain entities or individuals
Criminal and civil sanctions for violation
Compensatory damages and punitive possible
Stored communications act
Most common cyber tort
Online defamation ( often hard to find perp.)
Is negative speech on Social media protected speech ?
No provider or user of interactive computer service shall be treated as publisher of info provided by a third party
Communications decency act
Investigates consumer complaints of privacy violations
Federal trade commission
Can employers normally ask for social media passwords
Yes excluding four states that passed legislation in 2013
2003 congress enacted the CAN SPAM act which effectively
Eliminated unsolicited emails
T or F
Because the can spam act only applies to emails originating in the U.S. congress enacted the —
U.S. Safe web act
Loss of ——- occurs when someone uses a domain name similar to yours
The act of registering a domain name that is the same as or similar to the trademark of another and then offering to sell that domain name back to the trademark owner
The act of buying names that are similar to well known names exept for slight misspellings
Typo squatting
Using another’s trademark in a meta-tag will normally constitute trademark infringement
A claim of trademark dilution requires proof that consumers will likely be confused by a connection between the unauthorized use and the Mark
False !
The sharing of resources amoung multiple computers without nessisailly requiring a central network server
Peer to peer networking
A network that can be used by perso. Loaches around the country or globe to share computer files
Distributed network
The delivery of users of on demand services from third party servers over a network
Cloud computing
Social media posts that contain trademarked images and copyrighted materials typically infringe the intellectual property rights of others
Social media posts can be used to detect and prosecute criminals, further investigation by federal regulators into illegal activities
T or F
The business extension the the electronics communications privacy act permits employers to monitor employees personal communications
T or F
Which act prevents cell phone companies and social
Media networks from divulging private communications the certain entities and individuals
Stored communications act
To protect from would be cybersquatting and typo squatters large corps may have to
Register 1000’s of domain names accross the globe
To test computer security and conduct encryption research one can circumvent the exeptional software and anti-piracy provisions
Downloading music onto your computers RAM without authorization is
Copyright infringement
Registered domain names are protected as
What does the top level part of a domain name indicate
The type of entity that operates the sight
Applies to commercial and electronic mail messages
-false return addresses
-misleading or deceptive information
Randomly generated e-mail addresses/ harvesting
Controlling the assault of non-solicited porn and marketing