Chapter 9 - Fitness Assessment: rationale and tests Flashcards
9.1 - The types of fitness testing
In-lab tests
fitness tests that are carried out under contolled sports-science lab conditions
- preferred - especially for elite athletes
- provide the most accurate indications
- limitied accessibilty - expensive, sophisticated, qualitfied personnel required
9.1 - The types of fitness testing
Field tests
fitness tests that are carried out in team training or class activity settings
- easily administered - readil available & inexpensive
- not as precise - provides estimates
- simultaneous testing of large groups
9.1 - The types of fitness testing
Direct tests
- accurate measure
- immediate measure
- requires speciliased equipment
- in labs
- less practical
9.1 - The types of fitness testing
Indirect test
- results allow an estimation using normative data
- generally aerobic power trsts
9.1 - The types of fitness testing
Maximal tests
- require working until exhaustioj
- generally aerobic power
9.1 - The types of fitness testing
Submaximal tests
- measures efforts at certain intensity levels, below maximal and then predict maximal capacity
- generally only used for aerobic power test - provides a predictive value for VO2Max
9.2 - the purpose of fitness testing
Pre-training fitness testing
- results provide training bluepront
- ensures specifity
9.2 - the purpose of fitness testing
Pre-training fitness testing
Goals - asses strengths and weaknesses
- tests identify strengths and weaknesses of a fitness component important to a sport
- allows for maintence of a strength and improvment of a weakness
9.2 - the purpose of fitness testing
Pre-training fitness testing
Goals - motivate participants
- results can provide a strong sense of motivation and be an incentive for participants to train and improve
- likely if results are positively constructed/presented
- allows for realisitic aims
9.2 - the purpose of fitness testing
Pre-training fitness testing
Goals - asses suitability of participants to a position
- allows participants to determine capacity to perform certain tasks
- indicates specific attributes that player/coach can use to determine which events/position is best suited
9.2 - the purpose of fitness testing
Pre-training fitness testing
Goals - set benchmarks
- allows participants & coaches to set benchmarks for training
- baseline data allows realistic & specific goals & an accurate evaluation
9.2 - the purpose of fitness testing
Testing druing training
- allows for evaluation on how participants & program are doing
- number of times testing occurs depends on program length
- no earlier than 6 weeks to allow for chronic adaptations to occur
9.2 - the purpose of fitness testing
Testing during training
- motivate participants: resuts can encourage participation to amintain or improve to achieve set goals
- evaluate program effectiveness: results will indicate if theres been improvements or if the program needs to be modified
9.2 - the purpose of fitness testing
Post-program testing
aims to:
- evaluate program effectiveness: if aims are reached i suggests methods/principles were applied correctly
- review benchmarks: determines effectiveness & prepares future programs
- motivates participations: participants may be motivated by positive or negative results
9.2 - the purpose of fitness testing
Psychological perspectives
- knowing the tests purpose is important
- questionares to determine psychological state
- motivation
9.2 - the purpose of fitness testing
Physiological perspectives
- tests should take into account fitness & health conditions
- pre-participation health screening - PAR-Q
- similar movements to sport/activity
9.2 - the purpose of fitness testing
Sociocultural perspectives
- resources available for use
- group or individual being tested
- race
9.2 - the purpose of fitness testing
Fitness test battery
- testing sessions should coincide with the behinning & end of each training phase
- same time of day - avoids fluctuations in physiological & psychological responses due to circadian rhythm
- tests should be completed in a standardised order
- completion of test shouldnt affect performance of subsequent tests
- test order should allow minimal recovery times between tests
9.3 - how to conduct fitness testing
test protocals
- ensure participants have a clear understanding of the process will prepare them psychologically
- particiapnts rights & facilities responsibilty are essential
- must clarify all procedures & risks before testing
- participants should be informed about the nature of the tests including: - done through informed consent
- method
- safeguards
9.3 - how to conduct fitness testing
informed consent
- acknowledges risks associated with tests & program
- results are confidential & only used for agreed training outcomes