Chapter 9 electricity Flashcards
Amp (ampere)
Standard unit for measuring the strength of electrical current or the rate of flow of change in a conductor. Also called an amp
Alternating current (ac)
Rapid and interior current, flowing first in one direction then the opposite direction amp a unit measures the strength of an electric current
Process of forcing substances into tissue using galvanic current from the negative towards the positive pole
Positive Electrode
Process of forcing substances into tissue using galvanic current from the positive towards the negative pole
Negative electrode
Circuit breaker
Switch that automatically interrupts or shuts off an electric circuit at the first sign of overload
Complete circuit
the path of an electronic current from the generating source through the conductor and back to it original source
Any substance, medium, or material that conducts electricity
An apparatus that changes direct current to alternating current
Process used to soften and emulsify oil and blackheads in the hair follicles
Direct current (DC)
Constant current that travels in one direction only and produces a chemical reaction
Electric current
The flow of electricity along a conductor
An applicator used to electric current from a machine to the skin
Electronic scalp and facial treatments
Faradic current
Alternating current that produces a mechanical reaction without chemical effects
Device that prevents excessive current from passing through a circuit
Galvanic current
Constant and direct current, having a positive and negative pole , that produces chemical changes in tissues and body fluids
Ground fault circuit interrupter
A device that senses imbalances in an electric current
Infrared rays
Invisible rays with long wavelengths and deep penetration; produce the most heat of any therapeutic light
Substance that does not easily transfer electricity
Process of introducing water soluble products into the skin through the use of electric current
Current used in electric facial and scalp treatments
Ohm (O)
The unit of electrical resistance in an electric current
Negative or positive pole of an electric current
Apparatus that changes alternating current to direct current
An adjustable resistor used for controlling current in a circuit
Sinusoidal current
Alternating current used in scalp and facial manipulations that produce mechanical contractions
Telsa high-frequency current
Thermal or heat-producing current with a high oscillation rate ; also known as the violent ray.
Ultraviolet light
Invisible rays, with short wavelength and minimal skin penetration, that produces chemical effects and kill germs ; also called actinic or cold rays.
Visible light
Electromagnetic radiation that can be seen by the human eye
Volt (V)
A unit of electrical pressure that pushes the flow of electrons forward through a conductor
Watt (W)
The unit of power (amperes multiplied by Volts) indicating how much electric energy is being used in one second
Distance between two successive peaks of electromagnet waves