Chapter 9 -Capital gains tax & inheritance tax Flashcards
What is the shortcut for capital gains tax ?
What is the shortcut for business property relief ?
What is the shortcut for Inheritance tax ?
Who is liable to pay capital gains tax ?
Chargeable persons/entities
What are they doing with the capital gain tax ?
They are collecting it and calculating it
Who are the 4 chargeable people for capital gains tax ?
1.individuals including sold readers
2.individual partners
4.personal representatives
Who is paying corporation tax and capital gains on their income profits ?
Companies and corporate partners
What is a capital gains tax ?
Is a tax on an increase in an asset value during a period of ownership
On what is charged a capital gains tax ?
On a chargeable gain
Who is the capital gain tax charged by ?
By a chargeable person
On what is made a capital gain ?
On a disposal of a chargeable asset
What is property ? Is it a chargeable asset ?
Yes, property is a chargeable asset
What is the exception in the chargeable asset ?
What can chargeable assets include ?
They can include tangible and intangible property such as land and shares
What are characterised as wasting assets ?
Plant, machinery and motor vehicles because they depreciate over time
How is disposal constructed for capital gain tax and what does it include?
Is constructed widely and includes a sale whether at full value or undervalue
What gives rise to Inheritance tax?
What is chargeable gains?
The part of the gain that is liable to tax
What does CG stand for ?
Chargeable gain
What is exempt from chargeable gain ? (cg)
An individuals main home, subject to limitations under the property law and practice
What is exempt from Chargeable gain tax ?
An individual main home under the property law and practice
What property is then payable on chargeable gain tax ?
Is payable on second homes and investment properties
What is the main statute on Chargeable gain tax ?
Taxation of Chargeable gains act 1992
What is the tax year for chargeable gains tax ?
Same tax year as for the income tax
How does capital gain tax work over years ?
It builds up over a period as an asset appreciates of value
How is capital gains tax paid ?
In the genuine increase in an asset value
How is done the calculation for capital gains tax ?
Disposal value minus allowable expenditure/acquisition cost value equals = basic gain (bg)
At what rates is CG charged ?
At the appropriate gain
What is disposal value ?
This is the sale price but can be the market value in some circumstances
Which are the circumstances where the disposal value can be at the market value?
A gift
A sale at undervalue with a gift element (undervalue to the recipient)
Disposal to a connected person
How is a connected person defined and who does it include ?
Spouses and civil partners
Close relatives (parent, children, grandparents, and siblings) NOT including uncles, aunts mixes and nephews
Can you sell a house to your auntie, uncle at the market value ?
No, because they are not considered connected person
Which are the 3 categories of allowable expenditure ?
Incidental costs of acquisition
Subsequent expenditure
Incidental costs of disposal
Allowance expenditure is something you deduct ?
What does incidental cost of acquisition stand for ?
Solicitor and survey fees
What does Subsequent expenditure stand for ?
The cost of capital improvements that increase the size of the property (extension) - but it does not include the cost of repair, redecoration or replacement of items even if these make the property more valuable
What does incidental costs of disposal stand for ?
Estate agents and solicitor fees
What is basic gain (BG)?
The gain that has been made after the acquisition cost and allowable expenditure have been deducted from the disposal value but before applications of relief and exemptions
What is Basic gain in practice ? How you calculate it ?
Basic gain you calculate by adding all allowable expenditure ( making an extension and costs to sale a property or to buy a property) adding these together with the cost of the actual property bought minus all allowable expenditures equals basic gain
Give an example explaining basic gain
Property bought 100k
Legal fees to buy 3k
Extensions made 50k
Legal fees to sell 2k =155k
Sale price property 300k
BG - 300k-155k = 145K
If a capital loss happens, where is that going to be deducted from?
Deducted from gains in the tax year or carried on from future tax
How much chargeable gain for partners ?
Each partner is owning a fractional share of each of the chargeable assets
Da n disposal of a partnership, how much is each partner making ?
A disposal of their fractional share in an asset
How to calculate basic gain in a partnership ?
There are two steps
What is step 1 of calculating basic gain ?
Identify the fractional share of capital gain of the partner. (Capital gains are shared equally) unless there an agreement
What is a second step in calculating capital gain in partnership ?
Calculate the gain by apportioning the relevant fractional share of the acquisition cost, disposal proceeds and allowable expenditure to the partner
What are gains taxed at ?
A fost este if 20%
How much is tax gained at residential property ?
28% rate
How often is capital gain tax renewed ?
Every year
What can change every year ?
What is imp to know for Sqe ?
The annual exemption for the curent tax year
When payimg capital gain tax what does apply to the individual partners?
relief and rates apply
What happens when a partner leaves?
They are treated as disposing of their proportionate share to the other partners
What happens when a new partner joins? how are they treated?
Each partner is treated as disposing of part of their existing share to accommodate the new partner