Chapter 9 - Asexual And Sexual Reproduction Flashcards
A variant form of a gene
Asexual reproduction
A form of reproduction where offspring are produced from one parent. The offspring are genetically identical to the parent.
A form of asexual reproduction, where the offspring develop as an outgrowth or bud on the parent plant. The bud detaches and the offspring develops as a separate individual.
Where the two sister chromatids join to form a double stranded chromosome.
Point where non-sister chromatids cross over
One half of a double-stranded chromosome
A individual that is genetically identical to its parent
The production of offspring that are genetically identical to their parent
Crossing over
The process that takes place in Prophase 1. Non-sister chromatids of a homologous chromosome pair exchange genetically material. This increases genetic variation in offspring.
Containing 2 sets of chromosomes
The fusion of male and female gametes to form a zygote
Binary fission
Form of asexual reproduction common in prokaryotes. The parent organism divides into 2 relatively equal parts, each which develop into separate individuals. Can occur along longitudinal axis or transverse axis.
A form of asexual reproduction, where one organism is divided into 2 or more parts, each which develop into a new individual. Common in flatworms and marine worms.
A haploid cell that fuses with another haploid cell to form a zygote. In humans, egg and sperm cells are gametes.
A section of a DNA strand that codes for a specific protein.
Containing 1 set of chromosomes
Homologous chromosome
A chromosome that is the same size, has centromere at same place, and genes at the same loci
Longitudinal fission
Fission that occurs along the longest axis of the parent organism
Cell division that occurs in sex cells. It has 2 stages. It produces 4 haploid, genetically unique daughter cells
Cell division that occurs in somatic cells. It produces 2 genetically identical daughter cells
A form of asexual reproduction, where offspring develop from an unfertilised egg. Can only occur in females. Occurs in lizards and birds.
Containing more than 2 sets of chromosomes
The process of non-sister chromatids exchanging genetic materials
Reduction division
Another name for Meiosis 1
Somatic cell
A non-sex cell. It is diploid and undergoes mitosis.
A reproductive unit that is able to disperse and develop into a new individual without fertilisation.
A process of fission in multicellular organisms (such as jellyfish)
Process of pair two homologous chromosomes
The ability for a stem cell to differentiate into all types of specialised cells and also an embryo
Transverse fission
Fission that occurs along the shortest axis of the parent organism
Vegetative propagation
A form of asexual reproduction in plants, where part of plant is separated and is grown as a new individual.