Chapter 9 Flashcards
Allowance for Sampling Risk (ASR)
Also referred to as precision, an interval around the sample mean in which the true population characteristic is expected to lie
Attributes Sampling
A sampling plan enabling the auditors to estimate the rate of deviation (occurrence) in a population
Confidence Level
In attributes sampling, the complement of the risk of assessing control risk too low. In variables sampling, the complement of the risk of incorrect acceptance and thus if the risk of assessing control risk too low is .05, the confidence interval is .95
Deviation Rate
A defined rate of departure from prescribed controls also referred to as occurrence rate or exception rate
Difference estimation
A sampling plan that uses the difference between the audited (correct) values and book values of items in a sample to calculate the estimated total audited value of the population
Discovery Sampling
A sampling plan for locating at least 1 deviation, providing that the deviation occurs in the population with a specified frequency
Dual-purpose test
A test designed to test a control and to substantiate the dollar amount of an account using the sample
Expected population deviation rate
an advance estimate of a deviation rate, is necessary for determining the required sample size in an attributes sampling plan
the average item value computed by dividing total value by the number of items composing total value
mean-per-unit estimation
a classical variables sampling plan enabling the auditors to estimate the average dollar value of items in a population by determining the average value of items in a sample
nonsampling risk
the aspects of audit risk not due to sampling, normally relates to human error
physical representation of the population
the population from which the auditors sample
the entire field of items from which a sample might be drawn
probability-proportional-to-size (PPS) sampling
a variables estimation procedure that uses attributes theory to express a conclusion in monetary dollar amounts
projected misstatement
2an estimate of the most likely amount of monetary misstatement in a population