Chapter 9 Flashcards
Marx’s Class Analysis
Capitalist/control major capitals
Working/ survive on wages
economic arrangement in which the state owns the major means of production on behalf of workers - getting rid of class
Petite bourgeoisie
Small business
Class, Social status, Political power
Life Chances
likelihood a person has of obtaining valued economic and cultural resources
Stratification- Weber
believed that an unequal distribution of society’s rewards is necessary to encourage people to take on the more complicated and important work that required many years of training. They believed that the rewards attached to a particular job reflect its importance to society.
Problems with Functionalist perspective
Barriers of mobility often prevents deserving individuals from advancing - fails to determine “most important positions”
What determines class?
Race Gender Ethnicity
value of financial assets such as savings real estate stocks and bonds minus any outstanding debts
money recieved from sources such as wages and salaries as well as from interests and rent
Upper class
Top corporate executives, wealth inherited , stocks real estate major investments
Middle Class
Engineers, Scientist, Lawyer, College education essential, small home investment
Working Class
Skills / unskilled labor, office workers, sale clerks, customer service
Lower class
public assistance, less than high school diploma, in debt no assets
Class mobility
the ability to move from one social class to another
Structural mobility
shift in available occupations changes the class system as a whole
Individual mobility
when a persons class position changes without any change in class structure
conspicuous consumption
lavish spending done to compete for status
Absolute poverty
scarcity of resources / life threatening
Relative poverty
lack of basic resources needed to maintain standard of living
Justifying Inequality
- equal opportunity to succeed
- success based on merit
- achieve success through individual ability and hard work