Chapter 9 Flashcards
Define development
The process of improving the material conditions through diffusion of knowledge and technology
Define MDC
A country that has progressed further along the development continuum
Define LDC
A country that has made some progress toward development
What are the three things that the UN takes into consideration when determining a country’s level of development?
- A decent standard of living 2. A long and healthy life 3. Access to knowledge
What is Gross National Income (GNI)
The value of the output of goods and services produced in a country in a year, including $ that leaves and enters the country
What is the annual per capita (per person) GNI in an MDC? Wb LDC?
MDC: $34,000 LDC: $7,000
What does this statement mean?: “Per capita GNI measures average (mean) wealth, not the distribution”
If only a few people receive much of the GNI, then the standard of living for the majority may be lower than the average figure implies.
What jobs are in the primary sector?
Jobs that directly extract materials from Earth through agriculture. Ex: Mining, fishing, forestry
What type of jobs are in the secondary sector?
Jobs that manufacture raw materials into useful products. Ex. Factory workers
What type of jobs are in the tertiary sector?
Provision of goods and services to people in exchange for $. Ex: Retailing, banking, law, gov., education
How is the % of workers in agriculture different in LDC’s and MDC’s?
LDC’s: Higher % of agricultural workers because the country is not as advanced as an MDC MDC: Lower % of agricultural workers because more people are educated and getting jobs that deal with technology
Within MDC’s, what is the trend (increasing or decreasing) for each of the sectors?
- Primary: Decreased in LDC’s and MDC’S
- Secondary: Decreased sharply in MDC’s, less than LDC’s, increase in LDC’s
- Tertiary: Increasing in MDC’s, decreasing in LDC’s
Define productivity
The value of a particular product compared to the amount of raw materials and energy
Define Value Added
The gross value of a product minus the costs of raw materials and energy
What three “consumer goods” are considered to be particularly good indicators of development?
- Motor vehicles 2. Telephones 3. Computers
What is the ratio of people to these types of goods in a typical MDC? In a typical LDC?
Cars; MDC- 630:1000, LDC- 80:1000 Phones; MDC- 1100:1000, LDC- 700:1000 Computers; MDC- 700:1000, LDC- 200:1000
The people in LDC’s who do have access to consumer goods are usually concentrated in what regions?
Urban areas
Compare life expectancy in MDC’s and LDC’S
MDC- 80 LDC- 68
Compare infant mortality in MDC’s and LDC’s
LDC- 94% survive, 6% die MDC- more than 99.5% survive, fewer than 1/2 of 1% die
Define Pupil/teacher ratio
The fewer pupils a teacher has, the more likely that each student will receive effective instruction- how many students per teacher
Define Literacy rate
The % of a country’s people who can read and write.
What is the literacy rate in MDC’s and LDC’s?
MDC- exceeds 99%, LDC- East Asia+ Latin America: exceeds 90%, less than 70% in Sub, Saharan Africa+ South Asia
Give examples of regions where there are variations in levels of development
Southwest Asia, North Africa, and in Central Asia, much of SW asia- desert that supports only little life, petroleum and oil are the main economic assets
Give examples of countries with varying levels of development, Explain why
Brazil, China, Mexico. Brazil: Wealth is highest in Atlantic Coast, lowest in the Amazon. China: Wealth is highest along East coast, lowest in mountain+ desert env. Mexico: Wealth is high in the region bordering the U.S. and in tourist region; Yucatan Peninsula
Define Gender Inequality Index (GII)
A major of the extent of each country’s gender inequality *want low GII b/c that means there is more equality
The GII considers what three areas as it compares the situation of women to that of men in various countries?
- Empowerment
- Reproductive health
- Labor
Where are the highest GII’s?
Sub-Saharan Africa, Southwest Asia, South Asia, and Central Asia
Where are GII’s the lowest?
Europe, developed countries
Explain Empowerment
The ability of women to achieve improvements in their own status- to achieve economic+political power
What two indicators are measured to calculate the empowerment dimension of the GII?
- The % of seats held by women in the national legislature
- The % of women who have completed high school
What is the Female Labor Force Participation Rate?
The % of women holding full-time jobs outisde the home
What regions see the highest numbers of women in the national legislature
- What is that percentage?
- What is the percentage in the U.S.?
Europe- Western Europe, Australia, China and South America
- 20% or above
- 10-19%
Why does the UN include reproductive health as a contributor to GII?
In countries where effective control of reproduction is universal, women have fewer children, and maternal+child health are improved.
What has been the trend in gender inequality since the 1990s?
It has declined in most countries
Where does the US rank in GII? Explain why.
- 47 b/c reproductive rights are much lower in the U.S. The % of women in the national legislature is much lower than men.
- Women Senators- 17:100
- Women Representatives- 74:435
Define supply
The quantity of something that producers have available for sale
Define demand
The quantity that consumers are willing and able to buy
What are the three principle types of consumption of coal, petroleum, and natural gas?
- Transportation
- Business
- Home
Explain the three ways potential reserves can become proven reserves
- Undiscovered fields
- Enhanced recovery from already discovered fields
- Unconventional sources
What is OPEC?
An organization formed to enable oil-rich developing countries to gain more control over their resource
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using nuclear energy as an alternative energy source.
Adv: Large amt. of energy is released from a small amt. of material, provides alot of usable energy for multiple uses
Dis: Possible accidents, radioactive waste is poisonous, possible steam explosions
Which of the two models for development has shown the most success?
International Trade Approach
True or False: The WTO was formed by countries that conduct the majority of international trade.
True or False: The WTO seeks to increase import quotas and reduce import and export tariffs
True or False: The WTO seeks to eliminate restrictions on the flow of money between countries
True or False: Though it can hear accusations, the WTO cannot order remedies
False, (it can)
Why have Progressives been critical of the WTO?
The WTO is anti-democratic b/c decisions made behind closed doors promote the interests of large corps. rather than poor people
Why have the Conservative group been critical of the WTO?
Comprises power+sovereignty of countries b/c it can order changes in taxes+laws considered unfair
Define Foreign Direct Investment
Investment made by the foreign company in the economy of another country
What is a transnational corporation?
A company that conducts research, operates factories, and sells products in many countries. Ex. Nike
In what regions are most transnational corporations headquartered?
Developed countries, U.S. and Europe
Identify the two main sources, both controlled by MDCs, of loans for LDCs
- World bank
- International Monetary fund
What is the theory behind using loans for infrastructure projects in LDCs?
These loans help reform public administration, legal institutions, develop+strengthen financial institutions, transportation
In reality, what has usually happened when loans have been used for these infrastructure projects?
Projects dont function as intended b/c of faulty engineering- rebel groups try to steal the $- recipient/ leader if the country spend the $ for themselves
What are structural adjustment programs?
Why is this unpopular with citizens in LDCs?
- Economic goals+strategies for achieving the objectives+ external financing requirements
- Poverty worsens by placing priority on reducing gov. spending w/t inflation, puts people in a worse spot, punishes them for doing nothing wrong
What is fair trade?
Commerce in which products are made+traded according to standards that protect workers+small businesses in developing countries
Explain some of the producer standards for Fair Trade
Can cut costs+return a greater % of the retail price- small scale farmers can get credit
Explain some of the worker standards for Fair Trade
Get paid fair wages, permit union organizing, and comply w/t minimum env. safety standards
Define microfinance
Provision of small loans and other financial services to people+small businesses in developing countries that are unable to obtain loans from commercial banks
Explain how progress have been made in Infant mortality rate
Decreased from 17 to 6 (developed)
107 to 44 in developing countries w/t medium HDI- includes most of East+South Asia
Explain how progress has been made in Life expectancy
A baby is expeced to live 8 more yrs in developing countries, 7 more years in developed countries
- The gap b/w developed+developing has not narrowed
Explain how progress has been made in GNI per capita
The gap b/w developing and developed has widened
1980: GNI-20,000 to 33,000 (developed)
1000 to 5000- developing w/t medium HDI
Study Millennium Development Goals and Core+Periphery Wallerstein and look at charts on Key Issue
You can do it! Do it for the A!!!