Chapter 9 Flashcards
Private, intimate social gatherings named for the composer Franz Schubert, who was the main attraction at these gatherings (his music). Began to take place in Vienna in 1821.
Informal evenings.
Chamber music
The type of music played at Schubertiades. It was performaced by a small number of people because of the intimate setting. For “amateurs,” those who loved music.
Vienna in 1826
There were many changes due to the results of Napoleons successful, but eventually failures, attempts to takeover. It was still a crowded and dirty city. There were many illegitimate children because most couldn’t meet the strict and “high” requirements for marriage. Public concerts had now become almost regular events. Chamber music was often performed at salons (private home setting for music performance). A growing “middle class.”
The period after the Congress of Vienna and before the revolution of 1848.
Franz Schubert
1797-1828. Son and brother of schoolteachers. Eventually was one himself. Was a singer, violinist, pianist, composer. Lived mainly in Vienna. Musical style was lyrical, often songlike, and famous for its expressive use of harmony. Grew up among friends. Did not care for moving into “high” social circles. Known to have a dual personality. (Friendly and a drunk, repressive side) Made “art songs” into “high” art.
Joseph von Spaun
1788-1865. The host for the evening mentioned at the head of this chapter. Friends since they lived in a school dormitory. His support for Schubert included attempts to interest Goethe in Schubert’s settings of the poet’s texts.
Franz von Schober
An aspiring poet and actor, talented but undisciplined who never amounted to much and was not always the best influence on Schubert. Schubert often lived with him and his mother. The first report of a Schubertiade was from an evening at Schober’s.
Moritz von Schwind and Leopold Kupelwieser
Painters, long-time friends of Schubert. Their work offers us some insight as to how a Schubertiade looked and how Schubert passed some of his time.
A star baritone at the court opera. Became enamored with Schubert’s music and did what he could to promote his career. It was his performance of “Erlkonig” that turned the tide in Schubert’s career. Vogl would have been the chief singer at many of the Schubertiades.
Art songs, lied, lieder
Songs in popular culture (of that period).
Strophic (song form)
Music is repeated for each strophe of the poem.
Modified strophic (song form)
Music is repeated for each strophe of the poem, except for such variations as the composer chooses to make.
Through-composed (song form)
Music does not repeat for each strophe; new test is set to new music for the length of the text.
Schubert “Die Forelle (The Trout)”
Modified strophic form. (3rd verse is VERY different)
Form: AA’BCC
Tempo: Allegro
2/4 Meter
Schubert “Gretchen am Spinnrade (Gretchen at the Spinning Wheel)”
Form: Through-composed (somewhat rondo-like)
6/8 Meter
Increasing excitement punctuated by refrain.
Schubert “Der Erlkonig (The Erlking)”
Form: Mainly through-composed but a musical motive suggesting fear is repeated in several stanzas giving it an element of strophic. Narrator: Middle register, minor mode Father: Low register, minor mode Son: high register, minor mode Erlking: medium register, major mode
Schubert “The Trout Quintet”
Form: modified strophic form (3rd verse VERY different)
2/4 Meter
song cycle
A composition that features a group of related songs.
other Franz Schubert works
"Wanderer" Fantasy "Unfinished" Symphony I "Das Wandern" "Die Schone Mullerin" (The Beautiful Miller's Daughter) "Winterreise" (Winter's Journey) "Death and the Maiden" Quartet