Chapter 9 Flashcards
What is the primary goal of employee motivation?
A) To increase employee stress
B) To improve productivity and satisfaction
C) To monitor employee activities
D) To enforce strict compliance with rules
What does the concept of leadership entail in a business setting?
A) Following established protocols without question
B) Influencing others towards the achievement of goals
C) Avoiding decision-making responsibilities
D) Prioritizing competitive success over team development
How does effective communication impact employee motivation?
A) It has no significant impact
B) It decreases employee engagement
C) It enhances clarity, trust, and engagement
D) It is less important than monetary rewards
What is the role of job satisfaction in employee performance?
A) Satisfied employees tend to be less productive
B) Job satisfaction is unrelated to performance
C) Higher job satisfaction generally leads to better performance
D) Only dissatisfied employees strive to improve their performance
How can managers use goal-setting to motivate staff?
A) By setting unattainably high goals to challenge employees
B) By involving employees in the goal-setting process to ensure relevance and commitment
C) By keeping goals secret from employees
D) By not setting any goals
What is the importance of employee empowerment?
A) It confuses employees about their roles
B) It enables employees to make decisions and increases their involvement in work outcomes
C) It is a legal requirement with no real benefits
D) It is primarily for senior management
What are the benefits of team management in motivation?
A) Teams tend to slow down decision-making
B) Teams foster collaboration and can enhance motivation and productivity
C) Teams are less effective than individuals working independently
D) There are no benefits; teams complicate simple tasks
How do non-financial rewards affect employee motivation?
A) They have a minimal impact compared to financial rewards
B) They are often more impactful in building loyalty and motivation
C) They are discouraged in modern HR practices
D) They only work for top management
What is the role of ethics in leadership?
A) Ethics play no role in effective leadership
B) Ethical leadership fosters trust and integrity within the organization
C) Ethical considerations limit leadership effectiveness
D) Leaders should prioritize efficiency over ethics
How do leadership styles impact organizational culture?
A) They have no impact on culture
B) Different styles contribute to shaping the organization’s values, norms, and practices
C) Only democratic leadership styles impact culture
D) Leadership styles are less influential than corporate policies
Which theory of motivation does not focus primarily on the needs of individuals?
A) Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
B) Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory
C) Vroom’s Expectancy Theory
D) McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y
What is not considered a direct method for improving job satisfaction among employees?
A) Implementing flexible work schedules
B) Increasing base salary and compensation
C) Reducing workforce diversity
D) Offering career development opportunities
Transactional leadership is least likely to focus on:
A) Day-to-day operations
B) Long-term strategic planning
C) Short-term tasks
D) Immediate rewards for performance
Which of the following is not a typical characteristic of transformational leaders?
A) They motivate employees by understanding their needs.
B) They focus solely on organizational goals.
C) They inspire employees to exceed their own self-interests for the group.
D) They create significant changes in the life of the organization.
What is not a primary focus of contingency approaches to leadership?
A) The unique situations leaders find themselves in
B) The match between the leader’s style and specific organizational circumstances
C) Leaders maintaining the same leadership style regardless of circumstances
D) Flexibility and adaptation to changing contexts
Which of the following does not describe a psychological contract in the workplace?
A) An unofficial agreement between an employer and an employee
B) Legally binding contracts such as employment contracts
C) Employee expectations about their role and responsibilities
D) Employer expectations about employee performance and conduct
Empowerment in a workplace context typically does not include:
A) Delegating decision-making authority to lower-level employees
B) Providing resources and freedom necessary for employees to meet customer needs and organizational expectations
C) Centralizing decision-making at the managerial level
D) Encouraging employees to take initiative and improve operations
Which leadership theory places the most emphasis on leaders adapting to the readiness level of their team members?
A) Situational leadership theory
B) Fiedler’s contingency model
C) Path-goal theory
D) Transactional leadership theory
Effective motivational techniques do not typically include:
A) Pay raises based on seniority
B) Performance-based bonuses
C) Job enrichment programs
D) Recognition and awards programs
Which factor is least likely to be considered in the path-goal theory of leadership?
A) The work environment and its challenges
B) Personal characteristics of employees
C) Economic conditions outside the organization
D) The leadership style that best fits the situation