Chapter 9 Flashcards
morbus, i, m.
sickness, disease
neco, necare, necavi, necatum
to kill, slay
unus, a, um (gen, unius
one single, alone
remedium, remedii, n.
remedy, cure
totus, a, um (gen: totius)
whole, entire
medicus, medici, m.
doctor, physician
tamen, adv.
nevertheless, still
quoniam, conj.
since, inasmuch as
iste, ista, istud (gen: istius)
that, those (of yours) (sometimes used contemptuously)
locus, i, m. loca, orum, n. pl. loci, orum m. pl.
a place; a passage (in a book) places passages in literature
ullus, a, um (gen ullius)
tolero, tolerare, toleravi, toleratum
to endure, bear, tolerate
uter, tra, trum (gen: utrius)
which (of two …?, either
solus, a, um (gen: solius) non solum … set etiam
alone, only; the only not only; but also
ratio, rationis, f.
method, plan; reason; system; calculation, account
discipula, ae, f.
pupil, sutudent (female)
because of which; wherefore; why
discipulus, i, m.
pupil, student (male)
hic, haec, hoc (gen: huius)
this, these; he , she it, they
ante (prep + acc.)
alius, alia, aliud (gen: alterius) alii …. alii aliud … aliud
other, another; different some … others one thing … another
nullus, a, um (gen: nullius) nonnullus, a, um (gen nonnullius)
no, not any; none some (lit. not none)
copia, copiae, f. copiae, arum, f. pl.
abundance supplies; troops, forces
alter, altera, alterum (gen: alterius
the other (of two)
neuter, -tra, -trum (gen. neutrius)
nether (of two)
post (prep+acc.)
after, behind
ille, illa, illud (gen: illius)
that, those, (of his); he she, it, they
traho, trahere, traxi, tractum
to drag, draw; get, obtain, derive