Chapter 9 Flashcards
The first empirical test of the Heckscher-Ohlin model was conducted by
Wassily Leontief
When was the first empirical test of the Heckscher-Ohlin model conducted
Wassily Leontief conducted the first empirical test of the Heckscher-Ohlin mode using data from
The U.S for the year 1947
Why Leontief expected to find that the US exported K-intensive commodities and imported L-intensive commodities
Since the United States was the most K-abundant nation in the world
What did Leontief utilise for his test to calculate the amount of labor and capital in U.S. exports and import substitutes for the year 1947
The input-output table of the U.S economy
The results of Leontief’s test were
U.S. import substitutes were about 30% more K-intensive than U.S. exports
How the results of Leontief’s test was opposing the H-O model prediction
The US seemed to export
L-intensive commodities and import K-intensive commodities
Leontief Paradox
Leontief tried to rationalize his results by saying
U.S labor was about three times as productive as foreign labor, the U.S was really an L-abundant nation if we multiplied the U.S. labor force by three
Why leontief’s explanation of his results was regarded as inacceptable
While U.S. labor was definitely more productive than foreign labor (though the multiple of three used by Leontief was largely arbitrary), so was U.S. capital
U.S. labor and capital should be multiplied by about the same multiple
Another leontief explanation of his results was
That U.S.tastes were biased so strongly in favor of K-intensive commodities as to result in higher
relative prices for these commodities in the United States
Why leontief’s explanation of diffrent tastes doesnt persue
Tastes are known to be similar across nations
A more general source of bias is that Leontief used
a two-factor model (L & K)
Leontief using the two-factor model lead to
abstracting from other factors such as natural resources
The most important source of bias was the fact that Leontief included in his measure of capital only
Physical capital (such as machinery) and completely ignored human capital
Human capital refers to
The education, job
How was the U.S. tariff policy another source of bias in the Leontief study.
In 1956, a study found that the most heavily protected industries in the U.S. were the L-intensive industries. This biased the pattern of trade and reduced the labor intensity of U.S. import substitutes
A Tarrif aims to
reduce imports and stimulates the domestic production of import substitutes.