Chapter 9-13 Flashcards
The majority of survey research is conducted to
answer descriptive or predictive
when might a survey answer a causal question
This researcher might conduct an experiment to compare the therapies* effect on scores from a depression questionnaire, such as the Beck Depression Inventory
Another example of experiments that involve surveys is in testing the effect of new products on consumer behaviors and attitudes.
Descriptive Research Question:
a search question that asks about the presence of behavior, how frequently it is exhibited, or whether there is a relationship Between different behaviors
Predictive Research Question:
a research question that asks if one behavior an be predicted from another behavior to allow predictions of future behavior
Causal Research Question:
a research question that asks what causes specific behaviors to occur
area of psychological research that involves the development, validation, and refinement of surveys and tests for measuring psychological constructs
There are two good sources for standardized questionnaires that may contain the type of survey you are looking for
- One is called the Health and Psychosocial Instruments (HAPI) database.
- The other source is called the Mental Measurements Yearbook (also available through EBSCO if you have access to that database).
why is it important to write questions carefully, and what are the steps through which you do so?
- Hence, it is important to write questions carefully so as to reduce bias in responses.
- Consider whether participants are able to recall the behaviors you are asking about
- Consider how your participants perceive the question
- Avoid double-barreled questions that are actually two questions in one
- In addition, avoid loaded questions that assume too much
types of survey response scales
open ended and close ended
writing close ended question responses
- Consider how your participants view the response choices Vou provide
- Will the response categories be confusing to your participants or bias the way they respond?
- Consider the number of response categories provided to the participants.
- more response options allow for more variable responses, which can increase the validity of the scores
- Also, consider that the use of ordinal response scales, such as those described above, may not provide choices that match the participants* exact behavior
- Thus, an open-ended ratio scale that allows participants to report the exact number of hours of TV they watch per day may be accurate.
- Include equal numbers of positive and negative response categories.
construct validity
- Construct Validity: indicates that a survey measures the behavior it is designed to measure
- It is very important that they write survey items carefully to ensure that they address the behaviors that they intend to measure
nonresponse as a type of coverage error
- nonresponse Error: a sampling error that occurs when individuals chosen for the sample do not respond to the survey, biasing the sample
- Nonresponse errors are a particular type of coverage error that occurs when the sample completing the survey does not represent the entire population that the researchers wish to use to generalize the scores.
- Coverage errors reduce the external validity of your survey
criterion related validity
- determining the validity of the scores of a survey by examining the relationship between the survey scores and other established measures of the behavior of interest
- Often, a researcher tests the criterion-related validity of a survey to determine if the survey can predict other behaviors.
social desirability bias
bias created in survey responses from respondents’ desi re to be viewed more favorably by others. Typically resulting in overreporting of positive” behaviors and underreporting of negative” behaviors
how do researchers deal with social desirability bias
- include a measure of this bias such as the Marlowe-Crowne social desirability scale.
- These measures include items designed to test a respondent’s level of social desirability in order to allow a measurement of the bias within the sample
how do Unreliable surveys reduce the validity of the scores of a study
- If participants respond to the questions in a different way at different times or respond in different ways :o different sets of similar questions in the survey* the researcher is unable to draw accurate conclusions from the survey responses.
length of survey and reliability
- One way to increase the reliability of scores on a survey is to use a longer survey
- Shorter surveys tend to be less reliable, because an unusual response on a single item can skew the results quite a bit
test retest reliability
- Test-Retest Reliability; indicates that the scores on a survey wilI be similar when participants complete the survey more than once; means that the scores on a measure are consistent over time
why is test-retest problematic
Getting the same participants to take a questionnaire twice can be problematic for two reasons:
participants may not come back the second time, and the sample size is then reduced-an issue known as attrition/mortality
having participants take the same questionnaire more than once can change their results through testing effects-these occur when taking a test or questionnaire once affects future scores on the scale
In addition, there may be occasions when researchers expect to find changes in scores over time based on changes in personality or attitudes as individuals develop or events that individuals experience (e.g., starting a new job, getting married) between testings.
internal consistency
Internal consistency of scores indicates how similar scores on the different items of a survey are compared to one another. This is another means of evaluating the reliability of the scores on a survey
split half reliability
- The items on the questionnaire are split into two halves or sections and the Relationship between the scores on the two sets of items is tested.
- This is called split-half reliability- If a strong, positive relationship exists between the scores on the two sets of items, then the questionnaire has good split-half reliability
- The advantage of split-half is that you can test the reliability with a single testing of a group of participants
cronbach’s alpha
- Another method of testing the internal consistency of scores is to examine the overall correlation between pairs of items.
- In other words, the relationship between the scores for each pair of terns on a survey is calculated, and then a statistical averaging of these correlations is determined for the whole survey.
- This method is called Cronbach’s alpha (a), which is also the name of the statistical test that is used to calculate the overall correlation
correlational studies
- Correlational Study: a type of research design that examines the relationships between multiple dependent variables without manipulating any of the variables
- Correlational studies can also suggest the incidence or likelihood of something occurring in the presence or absence of something else.
Correlational studies are designed to address
descriptive and predictive research questions.