Chapter 9 Flashcards
Unclear language includes
Vagueness, Ambiguity, Confused Prediction
Vagueness is
When you’re unsure if something applies.
Example: “rich” or “tall”
Ambiguity is
When a word has multiple meanings
Example: Star (Far off sun or famous person?)
Confused predictions is
Thinking something that applies to one thing applies to another just because they’re connected.
Ex. Each part of a computer uses little energy, so a computer uses little energy.
Vagueness includes
Heap paradox and Slippery slope
Ambiguity includes
Equivocation and Amphiboly
Confused Predictions include
Composition and Division
Heap paradox is
Argument with true premises because of vague terms, end with false conclusions.
Eg. 1 sand ≠ Heap. If 1 ≠ Heap, then 2 ≠ heap…….. A large number of sand ≠ heap
Slippery-Slope fallacy is
An argument that starts with a harmless premise that moves through similar scenarios till its harmful.
Ex. What my head does. Bad test to bad grade to bad job to bad life.
Equivocation is
Same word with different meanings used.
“Reserved customers only” means for customers who reserved the spot, not calm customers.
Awkward construction of sentences
“My arm hurts in two places” “don’t go to those places!”
Because parts have quality, whole has quality
Every player on a team is excellent, so team must be excellent (team may be disorganized)
Whole has quality, so all parts must have quality
Whole car is heavy, so every car part must be heavy.