chapter 9 Flashcards
this singular
hic haec hoc
huius huius huius
huic huic huic
hunc hanc hoc
hōc hāc hōc
this plural
hī hae haec
hōrum hārum hōrum
hīs hīs hīs
hōs hās haec
hīs hīs hīs
that singular
ille illa illud
illīus illīus illīus
illī illī illī
illum illam illud
illō illā illō
that plural
illī illae illa
illōrum illārum illārum
illīs illīs illīs
illōs illās illa
illīs illīs illīs
iste ista istud
tat that of yours such
locus -i m
place passage in literature
loca -orum n
places region
loci -orum
passages in literature
morbus -i
disease sickness
studium -iī
eagerness zeal, pursuit study
alius -a -ud
other another (some…. others)
alter altera alterum
the other (of two) second
neuter neutra neatrum
not either neither
nullus -a -um
not any no none
solus -a -um
alone only the only (non solum… sed etiam, not only…. but also)
totus -a -um
whole entire
ullus -a -am
unus -a -um
one single alone
uter utra utrum
either which (of two)
for in fact truly
into tward aginst
nimis nimium
too too much excessively