Chapter 9-11 Multiple Choice Exam Questions Flashcards
The steamboat was an improvement over barges because it could
travel upstream
The solution that emerged in the Missouri Compromise was to admit Missouri
as a slave state and Maine as a free state
John Quincy Adams won the presidency by
winning the election in the House of Representatives
Andrew Jackson destroyed the Second Bank of the United States by
withdrawing the government’s deposits from the Bank
Manifest Destiny was the idea that
the nation was meant to spread all the way to the Pacific
A cotton gin
removes cotton seeds
Missouri’s request to enter the Union as a slave state created a problem because
it would upset the balance of power between slave and free states in the Senate.
According to an accepted amendment to the Missouri Compromise, slavery could
not expand in Louisiana Territory north of Missouri’s Southern boundary at 36’30”
John Quincy Adams was accused of winning the presidency through a “corrupt bargain”, in which Adams
gave Henry Clay a cabinet post in return for his support
The Wilmot Proviso, which never passed, would have
prohibited slavery in any territory gained from Mexico
The native tribe that developed its own alphabet and received praise for its “civilized” ways was the
Congressional hearings were held in 1818 to examine Andrew Jackson’s behavior involving
the treatment of native tribes and British agents in the Southeast
Proponents of the “American System” advocated all of the following except
removal of tariffs
The Erie Canal was financed mainly through
As the American economy grew, different regions of the country began to
specialize in what they produced best
In the early 1800s, the fastest-growing region of the United States was the
The most dramatic example of America’s industrial growth
New England’s textile mills
Which of the following was not a provision of the Missouri Compromise
Missouri would gradually abolish slavery in the state
The Monroe Doctrine announced to the world that
the American continents were no longer subjects for future colonization by European power and Europe should stay in its own hemisphere
In the election of 1824, the House of Representatives named John Quincy Adams as president, and Henry Clay subsequently became Secretary of State - a state of affairs that many called
a corrupt bargain
Some people objected to Jackson as president because
he was a “military chieftain,” he was responsible for “executing” men in duels and while a military commander, and he had married a woman some labeled a bigamist and an adulteress
Removing officeholders of the rival political party and replacing them with members of one’s own party is called the
spoils system
The leader of South Carolina’s reaction to the tariffs of 1828 and 1832 was
John C. Calhoun
The theory that a state has a right to override a federal law is known as
“The Union - next to our liberties most dear.” This statement was made by
John C. Calhoun
The Force Bill authorized President Jackson to
use arms to settle the nullification crisis in South Carolina
One of the reasons why Andrew Jackson vetoed the rechartering of the Bank of the United States was that the bank
was a private monopoly run by Eastern Elites
When Congress passed a bill to recharter the Bank of the United States, in 1836, Andrew Jackson
vetoed the legislation
The new Whig party consisted mainly of those who disliked
Andrew Jackson
Like that of many other Americans, Andrew Jackson’s attitude toward Native Americans seemed to be that if they did not adapt to white society, it would be best if they were
removed to areas beyond white expansion
Which Native American tribe is most noted for converting to Christianity, publishing its own newspaper, and owning slaves?
The “Trail of Tears” refers to
the forced relocation of the Cherokees to the west side of Mississippi River