Notice of Rulemaking 1-4
Notice of Rulemaking
Before the adoption, amendment, or repeal of any rule relating to the practice of naturopathic medicine, with the exception of temporary rules, the Board will give notice of the intended action:
(1) In the Secretary of State’s Bulletin referred to in ORS 183.360, at least 21 days before the effective date of the rule.
(2) By mailing or delivering copies of the notice to at least 28 days before the effective date, to persons who have requested notice pursuant to 183.335(8).
(3) By mailing copies of the notice to the Associated Press and the Capitol Press; and
(4) At least 49 days before the effective date, to the legislators specified in ORS 183.335(15).
Model Rules of Practice and Procedure
The Model Rules of Practice and Procedure promulgated by the Attorney General of the State of Oregon under the Administrative Procedure Act are by this reference adopted as the rules of procedure of the Board of Naturopathic Medicine.
[ED. NOTE: The full text of the Attorney General’s Model Rules of Procedure is available from the office of the Attorney
General or the Board of Naturopathic Medicine.]
Requiring an Answer to Charges as Part of Notices to Parties in Contested Cases
In addition to the notice requirements under the Attorney General’s Model Rules of Procedure adopted under OAR 850- 001-0005, the notice to parties in contested cases may include the statement that an answer to the assertions or charges will be required, and if so, the consequence of failure to answer may be satisfied by enclosing a copy of OAR 850-001-
0015 with the notice.
Hearing Request and Answers: Consequences of Failure to Answer (1-3)
(1) A hearing request shall be made in writing to the board by the party or the parties’ attorney.
(2) An answer, when required, shall be made in writing to the board by the party or the parties’ attorney. The answer shall include the following:
(a) An admission or denial of each factual matter alleged in the notice; and
(b) A short and plain statement of each relevant affirmative defense the party may have.
(3) An answer filed in section (2) may be amended at any time up to 28 days before any scheduled hearing.
Board Terms
The term for each member of the Board will be three years, with no more than three Board member terms expiring in the same year.
Board Member Compensation
(1) Board members of the Oregon Board of Naturopathic Medicine, who are authorized by law to receive compensation for time spent in the performance of their official duties, will receive a payment of $200 for each day or portion thereof during which the member is actually engaged in the performance of official duties. If the hours engaged in the official duty is less than 3 hours, payment will be $60 for the day. This compensation amount will be in addition to any eligible reimbursement of travel expenses.
(2) Board members and employees of the Board are authorized to receive actual and necessary travel or other expenses actually incurred in the performance of their official duties as determined by the Board. Mileage reimbursement will be provided at the rate established by the Internal Revenue Service for privately owned vehicles.
(3) No Board member will be required to accept compensation or reimbursement of travel expenses while performing
their official duties as a Board member.
(1) “Board” means
(2) “Diagnosis”
(3) “Direct Supervision”
(4) “Food”
(5) “Lesion”
(6) “Naturopathy” or “Naturopathic Medicine” is defined
(7) “Non-Poisonous Plant Substance” is
(8) “Patient” means
(9) “Plant Substances” are
(10) “Poisonous Plant Substances”
(11) “Prescription” is
(12) “Preventive” as
(13) “Superficial” as
As used in OAR 850-010-0010 to 850-060-0226 unless otherwise required by context:
(1) “Board” means Oregon State Board of Naturopathic Medicine.
(2) “Diagnosis” is a determination by a licensed naturopathic physician of the nature and etiology of a disease by the use of all recognized and accepted physical and laboratory examinations, which includes the drawing of blood and taking specimens of body fluids and tissues for microscopic and chemical analysis.
(3) “Direct Supervision” means that a licensed Naturopathic physician is physically present in the clinic, is monitoring and directly responsible for activities of supervised person, and is available to intervene if necessary.
(4) “Food” is any organic substance taken into the body which helps maintain life, builds or repairs tissue, and sustains growth. This includes the use of enzymes, minerals, vitamins (either in trace amounts or megodoses) and any food products or extracts however processed, refined, or concentrated.
(5) “Lesion” refers to any pathological or traumatic change to human tissue or impairment of a bodily function.
(6) “Naturopathy” or “Naturopathic Medicine” is defined as a system of diagnosing and treating the human body and maintaining or restoring it to a state of normal health, as defined in ORS Chapter 685, and in such other sections thereof as may apply.
(7) “Non-Poisonous Plant Substance” is any plant substance, taken in accepted therapeutic dosages, which would not, by its action on organs or tissue, seriously impair function or destroy life.
(8) “Patient” means any person who is examined, treated, or otherwise provided naturopathic medical services, whether or not the person has entered into a physician-patient relationship or has agreed to pay a fee for services.
(9) “Plant Substances” are those substances found in nature which impart therapeutic or medicinal properties and are used as medicines or as ingredients in medicines. They comprise the whole plant, herbs, anatomical parts, saps, extracts, secretions, and other constituents thereof. Their natural state may be altered by any mechanical, physical, or chemical process
(10) “Poisonous Plant Substances” The Board considers any of the following to be poisonous plant substances: Coniine, Delphinine, Muscarine, Oleandrin, and Strychnine.
(11) “Prescription” is a written or verbal order for the prescribing or dispensing of non-poisonous plant substances as taught in approved schools and given in standard medical dosages. Naturopathic physicians shall be allowed to prescribe and dispense non-poisonous plant substances.
(12) “Preventive” as used in ORS 685 and OAR 850, is defined as the branch of medicine concerned with preventing the occurrence of both mental and physical illness and disease. Preventive medicine encompasses preventing the development of disease in a susceptible or potentially susceptible population including general promotion of health and specific protection such as immunization; early diagnosis and prompt therapy to shorten duration of illness, reduce the severity of disease, reduce the possibility of contagion, and limit sequelae;
(13) “Superficial” as used in ORS 685.010(4) Minor Surgery refers to lacerations, abrasions, benign lesions, foreign bodies and wounds which involve the skin, mucosa, and subcutaneous tissue to a depth of the deep superficial fascia, and
which do not involve vital deep structure such as major nerves, major tendons, major blood vessels and bone or viscera.
Mode of Remittance
(1) The remittance of any application fee, license fee, or yearly renewal fee shall be made by postal money order, postal certificates, express money order, bank draft, or certified check.
(2) The Secretary shall be under no obligation to accept personal checks; however, he may accept them subject to collection only.
State Industrial Accident Cases
Naturopathic physicians may accept injured workers who are employed under the provisions of the State Industrial
Accident Commission, in conformance with the Workers’ Compensation Law and the rules of committee.
State Welfare Cases
Naturopathic physicians may accept welfare cases under the medical plan adopted by the Welfare Commission, April 26,
It shall be the object of the Board to foster higher professional standards as rapidly as is consistent with the best interests
of the profession, and in this, it shall not be swayed or influenced by any school or other interests whatsoever.
Scope and Purpose 1-2
(1) ORS 685.060 requires that one of the minimum educational requirements for licensure to practice naturopathic medicine in Oregon is graduation from a naturopathic school or college approved by the State Board of Naturopathic Medicine which teaches adequate courses in all subjects necessary to the practice of naturopathic medicine. The statute also specifies required subjects and subjects which the Board may not require, and permits the Board to require other subjects at its discretion.
(2) The Board of Naturopathic Medicine approves schools of naturopathic medicine that have met the accreditation standards of the Council on Naturopathic Medical Education (CNME) and meets the standards of ORS 685.060 and any
rules promulgated by the Board.
Exercise of Board Authority 1-2
(1) The Board retains its authority to review any school for approval even if it has met the standards of the CNME, other Board approved regional accrediting bodies, or both.
(2) The Board may revoke the approval of a school if it fails to meet the standards of the CNME, other Board approved
accrediting bodies, or the Board.
Standards (1 A-L, 2)
(1) The criteria used by the Board in considering a naturopathic college’s application for approval shall include, but not be limited to the following:
(a) Program’s mission and objectives;
(b) Organization and administration;
(c) Finances;
(d) Faculty;
(e) Student Services;
(f) Core Curriculum;
(g) Clinical education;
(h) Continuing education and Certification programs;
(i) Library and Information resources;
(j) Research; and
(k) Physical resources.
(l) The Board may request any additional information it feels pertinent to qualifying a school of naturopathic medicine.
(2) When appropriate, the Board will evaluate the criteria to ensure that the college is financially stable and that the college has resources and will produce a curriculum and level of instruction that should produce graduates who are
competent to practice naturopathic medicine in Oregon.
Review Procedures
(1) The Board may acknowledge the adequacy of accreditation by the Council on Naturopathic Medical Education, the Council on Higher Education Accreditation or other accrediting agency approved by resolution of the Board.
(2) Final action for approval by the Board may be held open to the public and the applicant college will be invited to attend.
Revocation of Approval
Approval obtained under ORS 685.060 may be revoked for proper cause by the Board at its discretion, after a hearing.
Such hearing shall be held in accordance to Model Rules of Procedure applicable to contested cases.
Oregon Jurisprudence Examination Application Requirements 1-3
(1) Oregon Jurisprudence Examination is offered two times each year, customarily in February and August.
(2) An applicant must complete and submit the following:
(a) Oregon Jurisprudence Examination application, furnished by the Board.
(b) Certified transcripts from a school of naturopathic medicine accredited by the Council of Naturopathic Medical Education (CNME); satisfying the minimum educational requirements for licensure per ORS 685.060
(3) Payment of non-refundable examination fee per OAR 850-030-0035.
Application for Licensure to Practice Naturopathic Medicine 1-3
(1) An applicant for licensure must complete and submit all of the following:
(a) Licensure application, furnished by the Board;
(b) National criminal record check per ORS 685.195 and OAR 850-030-0030
(c) Proof of passage required NPLEX examinations:
* Part I (Biomedical Science);
* Part II (Core Clinical Science),
* **Part II (Clinical Elective Minor Surgery) and
* **Part II (Clinical Elective Pharmacology) within seven (7) years of application.
(2) Proof of passage of Oregon Jurisprudence Examination within three (3) years of application
(3) Payment of the non-refundable licensure application fee under OAR 850-030-0035
Applicant Fitness for Licensure
(1) The purpose of this rule is to provide for the reasonable screening of applicants for licensure and of individuals subject to investigation by the Board in order to determine if they have a history of criminal conviction, civil liability, or regulatory violations such that they are not fit to be granted or retain a license or registration issued by the Board. In this rule, “applicant” refers to applicants for licensure or renewal of a license and individuals subject to an investigation by the Board.
(2) Criminal records checks and fitness determinations are conducted according to ORS 181A.170 to 181A.215, ORS 670.280, ORS 676.303, and OAR 125-007-0200 to 125-007-0310.
(a) The Board may request that the Oregon State Police conduct a state and nationwide criminal records check, using fingerprint identification of subject individuals.
(b) The Board may conduct state criminal records checks on subject individuals and any licensee through the Law Enforcement Data System maintained by the Oregon State Police in accordance with rules adopted, and procedures established, by the Oregon State Police.
(c) Criminal history information obtained from the Law Enforcement Data System must be handled in accordance with ORS Chapter 181A, OAR 257-010 to 257-015 and applicable Oregon State Police procedures.
(3) The applicant must disclose all regulatory violations, arrests, charges, and convictions regardless of the outcome or date of occurrence. Disclosure includes any military or criminal records.
(4) The Board may require additional information from the applicant such as, but not limited to, proof of identity, previous names, residential history, pending regulatory, civil or criminal investigations or allegations, or additional criminal, judicial or other background information.
(5) The Board may deny licensure based on conduct that is not undertaken directly in the course of the licensed activity but that is substantially related to the fitness and ability of the applicant to engage in the activity for which the license is required. Notwithstanding ORS 670.280 (Denial, suspension or revocation of license based on criminal conviction), to determine fitness for licensure the Board will consider whether the applicant has a(n):
(a) Impairment as defined in ORS 676.303 (Purposes of health professional regulatory boards);
(b) Conviction of a felony or misdemeanor relating to intoxicants or controlled substances;
(c) Conviction of a felony or misdemeanor involving moral turpitude;
(d) Conviction of a sex crime as defined in ORS 163A.005 (Definitions for ORS 163A.005 to 163A.235) or has been convicted in another state or jurisdiction of a crime that is substantially equivalent to a sex crime as defined in ORS 163A.005 (Definitions for ORS 163A.005 to 163A.235).
(e) Conviction of a felony or misdemeanor involving dishonesty or false statement;
(f) Civil liability, regulatory violation for involving dishonesty, false statement, fraud or intentional misrepresentation;
(g) Criminal conviction, civil liability, regulatory violation for unethical or unprofessional conduct;
(h) Criminal conviction, civil liability or regulatory violation for conduct or practice that constitutes a danger to the health or safety of a patient or the public, or conduct, practice or a condition that adversely affects a Naturopathic Physician’s ability to practice Naturopathic Medicine safely and skillfully;
(i) Criminal conviction, civil liability or regulatory violation for practicing or attempting to practice medicine without being licensed to do so;
(6) In determining fitness for licensure, the Board may consider intervening circumstances relevant to the responsibilities and circumstances of the applicant. Intervening circumstances include but are not limited to:
(a) The passage of time since the conviction, finding of civil liability, or regulatory violation;
(b) The age of the subject individual at the time of the conviction, finding of civil liability, or regulatory violation;
(c) The subsequent conviction of another relevant crime, finding of civil liability, or regulatory violation; and
(d) The recommendation of an employer.
(7) Under no circumstances shall an applicant be denied under these rules because of a juvenile record that has been expunged or set aside pursuant to ORS 419A.260 to 419A.262.
(8) Under no circumstances shall an applicant be denied under these rules due to the existence or contents of an adult record that has been set aside pursuant to ORS 137.225.
(9) Information obtained from the Oregon State Police or the Federal Bureau of Investigation is confidential. Dissemination of information received under this rule may only be made to people with a demonstrated and legitimate need to know the information. When the information is part of the investigation of an applicant or licensee, it is governed by ORS 676.175. Any fingerprint cards used to conduct a check shall be destroyed by either the Federal Bureau of Investigation or the Oregon State Police as specified in ORS 181A.195.
(10) The Board will permit the subject individual for whom a fingerprint-based criminal records check was conducted to inspect the individual’s own state and national criminal offender records and, if requested by the subject individual, provide the individual with a copy of the individual’s own state and national criminal offender records.
(11) If an applicant or licensee is denied a license or is otherwise subject to discipline by the Board, they are entitled to a contested case hearing pursuant to ORS 183.413 to 470.
(12) A challenge to the accuracy or completeness of information provided by the Oregon State Police, Federal Bureau of Investigation and gencies reporting information must be made through the Oregon State Police, Federal Bureau of Investigation or reporting agency and not through the contested case process.
(13) An applicant may make a request for re-evaluation following correction. If the subject individual successfully contests the accuracy or completeness of information provided by the Oregon State Police, the Federal Bureau of Investigation or other agency reporting information to the Board, the Board will conduct a new criminal history check and re-evaluate the criminal history upon submission of a new criminal history request form.
(14) The applicant or licensee must pay a criminal records check fee for the actual cost of acquiring and furnishing the criminal offender information.
Fees for Licensure, Examination and Certification
Lots of fees (lol)
(1) Fees schedule:
(a) Oregon Jurisprudence Examination; $150
(b) Criminal record check; $50
(c) License to practice naturopathic medicine (including reciprocity); $300, pro-rated according to receipt of application:
(A) Applications received January 1 through March 31, $300;
(B) Applications received April 1 through June 30, $225;
(C) Applications received July 1 through September 30, $150; and
(D) Applications received October 1 through December 31, $75.
(d) Annual license renewal fee for an active license; $300.
(e) Annual license renewal fee for an inactive license; $140.
(f) Annual license renewal fee for a retired license; $15
(g) Annual Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) fee $25;
(h) Annual fee Oregon Workforce Database for active and inactive licenses; $2;
(i) Change of status:
(A) Active license to inactive license; $140.
(B) Inactive license to active; $300
(C) Inactive or active license to a retired license; $15.
(D) Lapsed license restoration fee; $150
(j) Natural Childbirth Certification and renewal; $60.
(k) Duplicate license; $25;
(l) Wall certificate; $25;
(m) Alternate site examination packet; $40 or current rate for the secure overnight mailing of examinations; (n) Mailing list of licensees; $50;
(o) Copies of public documents; $15 for the first ten single-sided pages and 10 cents per page hereafter.
(2) All Board fees and fines are non-refundable.
Practice in Oregon by Out-of-State Naturopathic Physicians In the Event of an Emergency (1-5)
(1) In the event of a disaster emergency declared by the Governor of Oregon, the Board of Naturopathic Medicine shall allow naturopathic physicians licensed in another state to provide medical care in Oregon under special provisions during the period of the declared disaster emergency, subject to such limitations and conditions as the Governor may prescribe.
(2) The out-of-state physician shall submit to the Board the following information:
(a) Verification of a permanent, current, and unrestricted license to practice naturopathic medicine in another state which is not the subject of a pending investigation by a state medical board, or another state or federal agency; and
(b) Current federal or state photo identification, i.e., driver license or passport.
(3) The requirement for completing and submitting the information to the Board is waived if the physician is a member of the National Disaster Medical System (NDMS) under the Office of Emergency Preparedness, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and submits to the Board a copy of his/her NDMS photo identification.
(4) The physician shall provide the Board documentation demonstrating a request to provide medical care from a hospital, clinic or private medical practice, public health organization, EMS agency, or federal medical facility, or has otherwise made arrangements to provide medical care in Oregon as the result of the declaration of a disaster emergency.
(5) The physician shall not practice in Oregon under the special disaster emergency provisions beyond the termination date of the emergency. Practice in Oregon beyond the termination date of the declared disaster emergency requires
licensure through the Board of Naturopathic Medicine.
Military Spouse Temporary Authorization (MSTA) to Practice Naturopathic Medicine (1-5)
(1) Pursuant to 2019 Senate Bill 688, “military spouse” is the spouse or registered domestic partner of a member of the Armed Forces of the United States who is stationed in Oregon.
(2) A military spouse must complete and or submit the following to receive a temporary authorization (MSTA) to practice as a naturopathic physician in the State of Oregon:
(a) MSTA application form
(b) Licensure and examination fees per OAR 850-030-0035(1)
(c) A national criminal record check per 685.195 and OAR 850-030-0030
(d) Passage of Oregon Jurisprudence examination administered by the Board.
(e) Evidence of the following:
(A) Active license or authorization to practice naturopathic medicine from a jurisdiction with substantially similar licensure requirements and qualifications as required in Oregon
(B) Applicant is in good standing with the out-of-state licensing board.
(C) Minimum of two years’ satisfactory liberal arts and sciences study;
(D) Graduation from a school of naturopathic medicine accredited by the Council of Naturopathic Medical Education (CNME);
(E) Successful passage of the NPLEX examinations,
(F) Marriage or domestic partnership to a member of an Armed Forces of the United States currently assigned to an Oregon duty station.
(3) An MSTA issued under this section is valid until the earliest of the following:
(a) Two years after the date of issuance;
(b) The date the spouse of the MSTA holder completes the spouse’s term of service in Oregon; or
(c) The date the MSTA holder’s authorization issued by the other state or territory expires.
(4) An MSTA issued under this section only allows practice as a naturopathic physician in Oregon while it is valid.
(5) The MSTA is not renewable.
License to Practice Naturopathic Medicine by Reciprocity
(1) An applicant must complete and/or submit the following to receive a license by reciprocity to practice as a naturopathic physician in the State of Oregon
(a) Oregon Licensure Application form provided by the Board.
(b) A national criminal record check per ORS 685.195 and OAR 850-030-0030
(c) Payment of fees for licensure, examination per OAR 850-030-0035(1)
(d) Certified transcripts from a school of naturopathic medicine accredited by the Council of Naturopathic Medical Education (CNME);
(e) Pass Oregon Jurisprudence examination administered by the Board within three (3) year of applying for licensure;
(f) Evidence of the following:
(A) Active license to practice naturopathic medicine from a jurisdiction with substantially similar licensure requirements and qualifications as required in Oregon.
(B) Applicant is in good standing with the out-of-state licensing board.
(C) Graduation from a school of naturopathic medicine accredited by the Council of Naturopathic Medical Education (CNME);
(D) Successful passage of all sections of the NPLEX examination, including NPLEX pharmacology exam or equivalent
state pharmacology exam.
Display of License
Each licentiate of the Board shall display in their office, in a conspicuous place, their license and yearly renewal
Expiration and Renewal Dates of License (1-4)
(1) All licenses expire annually on December 31.
(2) To remain active, all licensees must annually submit a completed renewal application to the Board office by December 31.
(a) Licensees will automatically lapse if a renewal application or change of status form is not received by December 31.
(b) A person who has a lapsed license must immediately stop practicing Naturopathic Medicine until their license is restored to active status.
(c) A person who has a lapsed license must immediately stop representing themselves as having an active license to practice Naturopathic Medicine.
(3) To change status to inactive or retired, licensees must submit a completed change of status application to the Board office by December 31.
(4) To renew inactive or retired status, licensees must annually submit a completed renewal application to the Board office by December 31.
(a) Licensees with an inactive or retired license must immediately stop practicing Naturopathic Medicine
(b) Licensees with an inactive or retired license must clearly identify themselves as having inactive or retired status so that
no member of the public is misled about the Licensee’s ability to practice naturopathic medicine in Oregon.
Use of Unauthorized Material and Misrepresentations in Obtaining License (1-3)
(1) Any applicant for a license detected in the act of offering or accepting unauthorized assistance or using unauthorized material while the examinations are in progress shall be excluded from further examination and his or her papers rejected in total.
(2) The Board may refuse to grant a license to any applicant indulging in misrepresentation, fraud, or deception, or to revoke the license granted as a result of these.
(3) The Board shall carefully and rigidly investigate applicants who attempt to obtain naturopathic license by false
statements or representations in their applications or otherwise violate these rules.
License Renewal and Change of Status Requirements (1-9)
To maintain an active license all Naturopathic physicians licensed under ORS Chapter 685, must annually complete a renewal application furnished by the Board. Specific requirements for renewal, to change a license status, reactivate or restore a license are as follows:
(1) Renewal of an active, inactive or retired license:
(a) Complete a renewal application furnished by the Board;
(b) Pay renewal fee per 850-030-0035;
(c) Submit proof to the Board completion of CE, as required under OAR 850-040-0210.
(2) Change license status from active to inactive:
(a) Complete a change of status application furnished by the Board;
(b) Pay change of status fee per OAR 850-030-0035;
(c) Submit proof to the Board completion of CE, as required for an active license under OAR 850-040-0210.
(3) Change license status from inactive or active to retired, or renew a retired status license:
(a) Complete a change of status application or renewal application furnished by the Board,
(b) Pay change of status fee or annual renewal fee for a retired license per OAR 850-030-0035.
(4) Reactivate a license from inactive to active status:
(a) Complete the reactivation application furnished by the Board;
(b) Pay license renewal fee for an active license per ORS 685.100 and OAR 850-030-0035, and
(c) Submit proof to the Board completion of the annually required continuing education credits for an inactive license per OAR 850-040-0210.
(5) Restore a Lapsed License for Individuals Holding an Active License in Another State: See OAR 850-030-0070 – License by Reciprocity
(6) Restore a lapsed inactive, active or retired license if a license has lapsed for less than one (1) calendar year, an applicant must:
(a) Submit a completed restoration application;
(b) Submit proof to the Board of completion of continuing education as annually required for license per OAR 850-040- 0210;
(c) Pay license renewal fee and a restoration fee per ORS 685.100 and OAR 850-030-0035.
(7) Restore a lapsed license if a license has lapsed for more than one (1) and up to three (3) calendar years, an applicant must:
(a) Submit a completed restoration application;
(b) Submit proof to the Board completion of 22 continuing education hours for each year the license was lapsed, as follows: 15 general education, five (5) pharmacy and two (2) medical ethics, suicide intervention and prevention, or cultural competency
(d) Pay license renewal fees for an active license and a restoration fee per ORS 685.100 and OAR 850-030-0035.
(8) If a license has been lapsed for more than three (3) and up to seven (7) calendar years; an applicant must:
(a) Submit a completed restoration application;
(b) Submit proof to the Board completion of 22 continuing education hours for each year the license was lapsed, as follows: 15 general education, five (5) pharmacy and two (2) medical ethics, suicide intervention and prevention, or cultural competency
(c) Take and pass the Oregon Jurisprudence Examination per OAR 850-030-0030
(d) Pay license renewal fees for an active license and a restoration fee per ORS 685.100 and OAR 850-030-0035.
(9) If a license has been lapsed for more than seven (7) calendar years, the applicant must:
(a) Take and pass the examinations administered by the North American Board of Naturopathic Examiners
(b) Take and pass the Oregon Jurisprudence Examination per OAR 850-030-0030
(c) Submit a restoration application to the Board per ORS 685.070
(d) Submit proof to the Board completion of two (2) hours of continuing education in medical ethics, suicide intervention
and prevention, or cultural competency.
Requirements for Certification to Practice Natural Childbirth (1-6)
A naturopathic physician maintaining an active license in Oregon, who hopes to practice natural childbirth must apply to and receive from the board a certificate of special competency in natural childbirth. To receive and maintain a certificate, the licensee must fulfill the following requirements:
(1) Complete at least 200 hours of course work at an approved naturopathic college or hospital in obstetrics and furnish a signed log showing evidence that (a) and (b) and (c) of this subsection have been completed under the direct supervision of a licensed practitioner with specialty training in obstetrics and/or natural childbirth:
(a) Licensee must have attended 150 prenatal visits including care for at least 50 women, as well as attended 100 postpartum visits including care for at least 50 women. The 50 women may be different women or the same; and
(b) Licensee must have observed and assisted in the intrapartum care and delivery of 50 childbirths in a hospital or alternative birth setting.
(c) A minimum of 5 births must have taken place within 2 years of the date of the application.
(d) A minimum of 26 total births must be under the supervision of a naturopathic doctor. No more than 10 of the 50 births may be under the supervision of a medical doctor. No more than 10 of the births may be observation only. A labor and delivery that starts under the care of a naturopathic doctor and includes hospitalization shall count as a birth; and
(e) Licensee must hold a current neonatal resuscitation certificate.
(2) Licensee must pass a specialty exam in obstetrics given by or approved by the Board, after first completing the 200 hours of coursework as required above, and participating in the care of at least 15 cases each in prenatal, intrapartum, and postnatal care; one case may qualify for all these areas of care.
(3) Review of birth records as required by (1)(b) must be completed and approved by a Board appointed licensee of this Board holding a certificate of special competency in natural childbirth for at least five years.
(4) A complete application for a certificate of special competency in natural childbirth must be submitted within three years of passing the specialty examination and must include:
(a) A completed application form furnished by the Board;
(b) Birth/Prenatal/Postnatal logs, meeting all the requirements of this rule:
(c) Verification of passage of an approved specialty examination per subsection (2) of this rule;
(d) Current neonatal resuscitation certification; and
(e) Appropriate fee(s) per OAR 850-0035.
(5) Licensee holding a natural childbirth certification must annually, including initial year of certification, submit 15 hours of Board approved continuing education relevant to natural childbirth, which may be used to satisfy ORS 685.102.
(a) Licensee must submit proof of current certification in neonatal resuscitation annually.
(b) Licensee will participate in at least 3 hours of case review per year with other out-of-hospital birth providers; ideally other naturopathic physicians with natural childbirth certification.
(c) The hours in case review may count towards the continuing education hours required for renewal up to a maximum of 12 hours annually.
(6) Licensing action by the Board under ORS 685.100 shall be deemed to have an equal effect upon a certificate of special competency issued the practitioner, unless specifically provided otherwise in the Board action. When the subject of a disciplinary proceeding under 685.100 relates specifically to the practice of natural childbirth by a licensee who possesses a certificate of special competency, the license action may in lieu of effecting the entire scope of the licensee’s practice,
suspend, revoke, or curtail only the practitioner’s authority under a certificate of special competency.
850-040-0210 Continuing Education (1-10)
(1) All Licensees: Complete mandatory pain management education as required by ORS 413.570-413.599 and OAR 409- 050-0100-409-050-130 within 24 months of licensure.
(2) Active License: Thirty-two (32) [total] continuing education (CE) hours are annually required to maintain an active license to practice Naturopathic Medicine, including a minimum of:
(a) Ten (10) hours of pharmacology.
(b) Two (2) hours of medical ethics, suicide intervention and prevention, or cultural competency.
(c) Twenty (20) hours of education that promotes competency and skills necessary to assure the people of Oregon the highest standard of naturopathic medical care.
(3) Inactive License: 10 CE (total) hours are required annually to maintain an inactive license.
(4) Board pre-approved continuing education programs that do not require Board approval:
(a) Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME)
(b) American Council on Pharmaceutical Education (ACPE);
(c) The Federation of Naturopathic Medicine Regulatory Authority (FNMRA)
(5) Continuing education programs not listed in Section 4, are subject to Board approval based on the following criteria:
(a) Presented by naturopathic physicians, other physicians or other professionally acknowledged health care educators with expertise in the subject matter;
(b) Support, develop, and increase the knowledge, skills, and professionalism of naturopathic physicians.
(c) Research for the advancement of naturopathic medicine;
(d) Subjects in the scope of practice of naturopathic medicine;
(6) Individuals seeking Board approval for continuing education programs not listed in Section 4 shall complete and submit an CE application to the Board for approval, with the following:
(a) Syllabus or course outline;
(b) Hourly presentation schedule;
(c) Total credit hours requested, and applicable category;
(d) Curriculum vitae or resume for each presenter
(e) All additional information or materials required 850-040-0230
(7) Continuing Education will not be approved for the following program areas:
(a) Programs that are proprietary in nature, promoting exclusive services, companies or products;
(b) Programs that misrepresent or mislead the end result or skill obtained by the education or training offered;
(c) Business growth and development;
(d) Medical or insurance billing practices;
(e) Nonprofessional health related programs presented by a lay person(s) or directed to the general public;
(f) Programs that are not related to the scope of practice of naturopathic medicine.
(8) Individuals may resubmit applications that have not been approved with additional substantiating documentation.
(9) Program providers shall provide attendees’ proof of continuing education hours completed.
(10) Licensees must retain proof continuing education hours earned for a minimum of five calendar years.
Continuing Education Approval: Licensee Submissions
Board approval is required for the following continuing education programs and activities. For approval, Applicants shall submit to the Board the following documentation:
(1) Video, audio, live or web-based education: documentation required 850-040-0210(6)
(2) CPR Certification: copy of certification with date earned, must be earned in the reporting year.
(3) Review Peer-Reviewed Publications:
(a) A copy of the material reviewed, material must be related to the practice of naturopathic medicine
(b) A written summary of material reviewed; including a description of the complexity of the content of the material
(c) Written record of the number of hours spent reviewing and summarizing material
(d) For publications without prior Board approval, licensees may obtain up to three (3) credit hours for publication review
(4) Authorship:
(a) A copy or sample of the publication, publication must be completed in the reporting year and related to the practice of naturopathic medicine;
(b) A description of the complexity of researching and writing the content of the publication
(c) A written record of the number of hours spent researching and writing publication
(5) Formal Protocol Writing:
(a) Names and addresses of the institutions or agencies, must be associated with an accredited health care institution or government health care agency
(b) A written record of hours of development and research.
(c) Name and signature of supervisors verifying qualified hours;
(6) Research:
(a) A summary of research, including the type and purpose of the research conducted, must be related to the advancement of naturopathic medicine for a recognized educational or medical institution or organization, or self-directed.
(b) A written record of dates and hours spent on the research
(c) Disclosure of any fiduciary relationships;
(7) Presentation:
(a) Outline or sample of presentation; must be related to the practice and or advancement of naturopathic medicine;
(b) Presentation schedule, length of presentation
(c) Written record of hours spent preparing the presentation; licensees may obtain up to three (3) credit hours per hour of presentation.
(8) Professional Health Education:
(a) Name and address of the institution
(b) Outline of course, must be relevant to the practice of naturopathic medicine
(c) Record of dates and hours teaching course.
(9) Graduate Level Education:
(a) Name and addresses of the institution; must be an accredited graduate level health related program
(b) Outline of course, must be relevant to the practice of naturopathic medicine;
(c) Written record of dates and hours teaching course.
(10) Naturopathic Physicians Licensing Examinations (NPLEX) Committee for the development and writing of the NPLEX examinations: record of dates and hours of participation.
(11) Residency:
(a) Name and addresses of the medical facility
(b) Outline of areas of study and practice
(c) Written record of dates and hours spent during the residency.
(d) Name and signature of supervisors verifying residency hours
(12) Fellowship:
(a) Names and addresses of the institution or organization
(b) Outline of areas of study and practice
(c) Written record of qualifying hours
(d) Name and signature of supervisor verifying qualified hours;
(13) Preceptorship:
(a) Name and addresses of the medical facility
(b) Outline of areas of study and practice
(c) Record of dates and hours spent during the preceptorship.
(d) Name and signature of supervisor(s) verifying preceptorship hours
Continuing Education Program Approval: Professional Development Providers (PDP)
A Professional Development Provider (PDP) is any organization or individual offering CE to naturopathic physicians. PDP approval requests must consist of educational activities that serve to maintain, develop or increase the knowledge, skills and professional performance and relationships of naturopathic physicians in services for patients, the public, the profession. CE must offer education and skills recognized and accepted by the profession in areas pertaining to research, basic medical sciences, clinical practice, or public health care.
(1) Professional Development Provider (PDP) approval requests must be received by the Board at least 8 weeks before the event offering:
(a) the program must foster the continuing competency and skills in the practice of naturopathic medicine, and
(b) provide education in new, review, experimental research or specialized education and training specific to the practice of naturopathic medicine.
(2) CE credit hours will be determined in quarter hour increments.
(3) PDP approval requests must be submitted on an application form provided by the Board and contain the following:
(a) Title of the program;
(b) Syllabus or course outline for all offerings in the program:
(A) Pharmacy hours must be delineated in each request with supporting documentation and meet the standards set in 850- 040-0210(10), and
(B) Natural Childbirth hours must be delineated with supporting documentation, and
(C) Ethics hours must be delineated with supporting documentation;
(c) Date(s);
(d) Start and end time for individual presentations;
(e) Total hours for entire program;
(e) Location(s) of presentation;
(f) A copy of the curriculum vitae for each presenter who must be a naturopathic physician, other licensed physician, or other professionally recognized health care educator with expertise in the subject matter;
(g) A signed letter of agreement provided by the Board, for each presenter stating the intent of the individual program, and disclosing any conflict of interests. Presenter must disclose at the beginning of each presentation any fiduciary or other conflict of interests, and
(h) A copy of the certificate of attendance or completion that is to be provided to attendees.
(4) PDP must maintain attendance records for all approved presentations for at least five years from the date of presentation.
(5) The PDP approval request must be received before any publication indicating approval or pending approval by this Board. In the event that “CE Approval”, “Pending Board Approval” or other indications are published prior to the receipt of a complete CE application, credit will be denied.
(6) Any changes to an already approved program, including but not limited to, presenter, content, and length of program or sponsorship must be submitted for approval by the Board within two weeks of the changes. Any submission received after this time will be retroactively denied approval.
(7) The Board reserves the right to decline for consideration programs that are not submitted with adequate documentation.
(8) Approved PDP programs are valid for two years.
(9) It is the PDP responsibility to make a new application on a biennial basis from the date of original approval.
(10) CE approval submissions will not be considered for programs that:
(a) Misrepresent or mislead the end result or skill obtained by the education or training offered;
(b) Are proprietary in nature, promoting exclusive services, companies or products;
(c) Are community service oriented in nature;
(d) Are nonprofessional health related programs presented by a lay person(s);
(e) Are nonprofessional health related programs directed to the lay public;
(f) Are not relevant to the scope of practice of naturopathic medicine.
(g) Pertain to personal-growth/ personal-help;
(h) Pertain to practice building; or
(i) Pertain to medical or insurance billing;
(11) A PDP program that has been submitted to the Board with inaccurate or misleading information will retroactively lose CE approval for the program, even if the program has already occurred.
(12) At its discretion, the Board may appoint a member of the Board or other designee to audit, by attendance, any program in order to verify appropriateness for approval of CE hours.
(13) The Board may require a taped copy of the entire presentation be provided for review after the initial presentation for verification of content.
(14) If a program has been denied approval, the provider may submit a request for review by the Board with additional substantiating documentation.
(15) If a PDP fails to follow the provisions of this rule, the Board may revoke, deny or limit the approval.
Sanctions for Violations (1-5)
The following lists the Board’s disciplinary practices with respect to most common violations of law. Other less common violations may also result in discipline. The Board will determine the severity of each violation and decide the discipline to impose accordingly.
(1) General violations.
(a) The Board may attempt to resolve by non-disciplinary means, allegations of the following kinds of violations, if the Board determines there are compelling mitigating circumstances and if the licensee has not been the subject of a final order which finds the licensee committed a violation of a similar nature:
(A) Practicing outside the scope of practice;
(B) Inadequate charting;
(C) Failure to report a change of address;
(D) Prescribing off the formulary;
(E) False or misleading advertising; or
(F) Failure to refer upon termination.
(c) The Board generally will take formal disciplinary action for allegations of the following kinds of violations
(A) Negligent prescribing;
(B) Negligent treatment;
(C) Failure to act in accordance with the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians Code of Ethics as adopted by the Board;
(D) Failure to refer when referral is appropriate;
(E) Untimely response to Board investigation;
(F) Aiding or abetting unlawful practice by an unlicensed person;
(G) Sexual impropriety with a patient; or
(H) Conviction of a crime involving moral turpitude.
(d) Discipline for violations listed in (1)(c) may include a letter of reprimand, a civil penalty, probation, license suspension, license limitations, and license revocation.
(e) For violations which are not listed in subsections (1)(a) and (b) of this rule, the Board will determine the appropriate discipline.
(2) Aggravating and Mitigating Factors or Circumstances. Discipline proposed by the Board may increase in severity, possibly up to license revocation, if there are aggravating circumstances. Discipline may decrease in severity if there are mitigating circumstances.
(a) Aggravating circumstances include, but are not limited to, the following:
(A) The same or similar violation has occurred more than once;
(B) The violation occurred or was repeated over a significant length of time;
(C) The licensee has previously been disciplined by the Board or in another jurisdiction;
(D) The violation was deliberate or grossly negligent;
(E) The licensee received some benefit from committing the violation;
(F) The violation involved a significant chance for causing harm to the patient or the public.
(b) Mitigating circumstances include, but are not limited to, the following:
(A) The licensee accepted responsibility for the violation;
(B) The licensee practiced a significant period of time without complaints or disciplinary action taken by the Board or any other jurisdiction.
(3) Probation. Probation may be added where the circumstances indicate that future monitoring, training, or other follow- up is necessary or appropriate. Probation may include completion of an approved treatment program when a licensee is alleged to engage in habitual or excessive use of drugs or alcohol.
(4) Practice Restriction. Practice restriction or practice limitation may be added where the circumstances warrant more than a civil penalty but less than a license suspension.
(5) Education. Education may be required when the circumstances indicate that further education is merited to prevent a recurrence of the violation.
Illegal Practice; Duty to Self-Report (1-5)
(1) No person, including a graduate of any naturopathic medicine program, other than a licensee complying with the provisions of ORS Chapter 685 shall:
(a) Practice naturopathic medicine or naturopathy in Oregon, or
(b) Advertise, hold out to the public or represent in any manner that the person is authorized to practice naturopathy or naturopathic medicine in Oregon, or
(c) Use the terms “naturopathic practitioner,” “naturopathic healer,” “naturopathic doctor,” “naturopathic consultant” or any other terms that convey intent to practice naturopathy or naturopathic medicine.
(2) Any person convicted of practicing illegally in Oregon or any person who, without a license, makes a diagnosis shall not be admitted to examination by the Board at any time.
(3) It shall be the duty of all Board licensees, in the interests of both the public and the profession, to inform the Board, in writing, of anyone practicing naturopathy or naturopathic medicine in Oregon without a license or otherwise in violations of the law.
(4) For the purpose of this rule, naturopathic treatment shall be considered as practicing naturopathy or naturopathic medicine within the meaning of ORS 685.010(5), unless under the direct supervision of a licensee of the Board.
(5) Each Board licensee must self-report to the Board in writing as soon as possible, but no later than 10 business days after official action taken against the licensee, of any of the following:
(a) Any conviction of the licensee for a misdemeanor crime;
(b) Any arrest or conviction of the licensee for a felony crime;
(c) Any action brought against the licensee by a health regulatory agency; and
(d) Any action brought against the licensee by a patient, former patient, or health care facility, based upon allegations or
findings of medical incompetence, malpractice, unprofessional conduct or licensee impairment.
Change of Name and Address
Each Board licensee must notify the Board in writing within 30 days of any change of the licensee’s name, residence
address, practice location, or mailing address.
While constructive educational publicity shall be encouraged, licentiates of the Board shall refrain from using or causing to be used advertising matter which contains misstatements, falsehoods, misrepresentations, distorted, or fabulous
statements as to cures.
Public Health Laws
Naturopathic physicians shall be subject to all state, county, and municipal laws and rules relating to public health concerning the diagnosis and reporting of contagious and infectious diseases, as may be required, to the proper health
authorities in the respective counties.
Discipline or Denial of License (1-12)
The Board may refuse to grant a license to practice Naturopathic medicine in the State of Oregon, or may discipline a license, for any of the following reasons:
(1) Commitment to a mental health institution. A copy of the record of commitment, certified to by the clerk of the court entering the commitment, is conclusive evidence of the commitment.
(2) Habitual use of ardent spirits, narcotics, or other intoxicants to such an extent as to incapacitate him/her from the performance of his/her professional duties.
(3) Engaging in conduct or practice contrary to the Code of Ethics of the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians as adopted by the Board.
(4) Any conduct or practice contrary to recognized standards of ethics which includes but is not limited to:
(a) Engaging in any conduct which constitutes a violation of any provision of ORS 163.305 through 163.465, Criminal Sexual Offenses, if proven by at least a preponderance of the evidence in any criminal, civil, or administrative litigation, or admitted to or stipulated by the professional;
(b) Engaging in any conduct with a patient that is sexual, or may be reasonably interpreted as sexual, whether initiated by the patient or not;
(c) Any behavior, gesture, or expression that is sexually seductive or sexually demeaning to a patient, or any action that shows a lack of respect for the patient’s privacy;
(d) Entering into an intimate sexual relationship with a patient or with a former patient if within six months after the doctor-patient relationship is terminated, unless a prior sexual relationship existed;
(e) Breaching patient confidentiality
(5) Fraud or misrepresentation related to naturopathic medicine.
(6) The use of any advertising in which untruthful, improper, misleading, or deceptive statements are made.
(7) Claiming superiority to or a greater skill than that possessed by fellow naturopathic physicians.
(8) Aiding or abetting the unlawful practice of any of the healing arts by an unlicensed person.
(9) The advertising or holding oneself out to diagnose or treat a patient by any secret formula method, treatment, or procedure.
(10) The guaranteeing of a cure or “results” from any treatment.
(11) Failure to refer the patient to an appropriate care provider upon termination of treatment where referral is called for, unless termination was the decision of the patient and the licensee had no opportunity to refer the patient.
(12) Prescribing or dispensing a substance that is not listed on the formulary compendium.
An applicant, licensee or certificate holder whose application for license or certificate, or whose license or certificate, has been denied or revoked, or who voluntarily surrendered the application for license or certificate, or the license or certificate, may not reapply for a minimum period of three years; unless otherwise specified in a Board order denying or
revoking or accepting a voluntary surrender of the application, license or certificate.
Education Requirements for Injections/ IV Chelation Therapy (1-7)
(1) Before using therapeutic injections or preventive injections of any substance, whether intramuscular (IM) or subcutaneous (SC) or intravenous (IV), licensee must provide proof of Board approved qualifying continuing education prior to using these applications as set forth in this rule, or proof of Board approved qualifying education received at an approved medical institution equivalent to the prescribed continuing education.
(2) Subcutaneous and intramuscular therapeutic injections require a one-time two hour qualifying education on this subject.
(3) IV therapeutic injections of vitamins or minerals require a one-time 12 hour qualifying education on this subject.
(4) Preventive injections (IM, SC, IV) require an additional one-time four hours of qualifying education in addition to the CE hours noted in OAR 850-060-0212(2) and (3).
(5) The use of any IV chelation therapy requires 12 hours of Board approved qualifying education in addition to the education required in (2), (3) and (4) of this rule.
(6) Licensee must stay current in IV chelation training. Current means licensee has completed the education and obtained a certificate of competence within the last five years.
(7) Qualifying chelation therapy education must be provided by faculty with at least five years of experience in IV chelation therapy and current training approved by the Board. The qualifying education must contain all of the following: (a) Current/ historical research on IV chelation therapy,
(b) Indications/contraindications of IV chelation therapy,
(c) IV Chelation therapy side effects and toxicity,
(d) IV Chelation therapy and practical application,
(e) IV solutions,
(f) Initial evaluation and treatment monitoring requirements,
(g) Frequency of IV treatment and remineralization,
(h) Charting requirements, standards of care, office procedures, consent to treat, nutrition and lifestyle recommendations during treatment,
(i) Heavy metal toxicity and disease,
(j) Practical on mixing and administering IV Chelation solutions,
(k) Examination for certification (exam subject to Board approval).
Drug Enforcement Administration Registration (1-3)
(1) Licensees may register with the United States Department of Justice for the issuance of a Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Number.
(2) Licensees with DEA registration have authority to prescribe from Schedules II, IIN, III, IIIN, IV and V, provided those drugs are found on the Formulary compendium, OAR 850-060-0225 or 850-060-0226.
(3) Licensees shall not prescribe from Schedules II, IIN, III, IIIN, IV and V without a current DEA registration.
Authority to Prescribe, Dispense, Administer, and Order
Naturopathic physicians shall be allowed to prescribe, dispense, administer, and order the following:
(1) All substances recommended by the Formulary Council and approved by the Board,
(a) All biological substances including extracts and/or their products and residues,
(b) All topical preparations,
(2) All vitamins, minerals, trace minerals, enzymes, and food,
(3) All mechanical devices, except those that require major surgical intervention,
(4) All homeopathic preparations,
(5) All laboratory and diagnostic procedures,
(6) Antibiotics to partner(s) of patients diagnosed with a sexually transmitted disease without a patient visit by the partner of the patient for Expedited Partner Therapy (EPT) per OAR 855-041-8000 to 855-041-8005 of the Department of Human
Formulary Compendium Exclusions
The Formulary Council has approved substances as listed by classification in 850-060-0226 for use by Naturopathic physicians in accordance with professional standards of care.
(1) This authority does not supersede the education and training requirement established in 850-060-0212 for administration of IV agents or any other education and training required to prescribe, dispense, administer or order all legend or controlled substances.
(2) Additionally, the following substances may not be prescribed by licensees of this Board.
(a) General anesthetics
(b) Injectable Ketamine
(c) Barbiturates; with the exception of the following:
(A) Phenobarbital
(B) Butalbital
(C) Primidone
(d) Systemic oncology agents with the exception of the following antineoplastic agents (oral and topical only) (A) 5FU (B) Anastrozole (C) Letrozole (D) Mechlorethamine (E) Megestrol (F) Mercaptopurine (G) Methotrexate (H) Tamoxifen (I) Tretinoin
(e) Mifepristone and Misoprostol used as an abortifacient
(f) Any other substance not listed in 850-060-0226 classification or meeting prior approval of the Board.
Formulary Compendium Classifications
The Formulary Council has approved the current American Hospital Formulary Service Pharmacologic-Therapeutic Classification. This listing does not supersede the education and training requirement established in 850-060-0212 for administration of IV agents or the exclusions listed in 850-060-0223 The Formulary Council may consider new agents,
substances and pharmacologic-therapeutic classifications for addition to this list.