Chapter 8 - Synaptic Plasticity Flashcards
Which different types of short-term synaptic plasticity do we know of?
- Facilitation
- Augmentation
- Potentiation
- Depression.
Which different types of long-term synaptic plasticity do we know of?
- Long-term potentiation (LTP)
2. Long-term depression
What is synaptic facilitation?
Synaptic facilitation is a rapid increase in synaptic strength that occurs when two or more action potentials invade the presynaptic terminal within a few milliseconds of each other.
What is the mechanism behind synaptic facilitation?
The mechanisms that return Ca2+ to resting levels are much slower than those that cause Ca2+ to enter the synaptic terminal. Two rapidly succeeding action potentials enables a build-up of Ca2+, and thus even more neurotransmitter release.
What is synaptic depression?
Synaptic depression is a decrease in synaptic strength that occurs during sustained synaptic activity.
What is the mechanism behind synaptic depression?
Synaptic depression is caused by progressive depletion of a pool of synaptic vesicles that are available for release: when rates of release are high, these vesicles deplete rapidly and cause a lot of depression; depletion slows as the rate of release is reduced, yielding less depression.
What do we know about potentiation and augmentation?
They both enhance the ability of incoming calcium ions to trigger fusion of synaptic vesicles with the plasma membrane, but they work over different time scales.
What justifies a generalization of plasticity in simple nervous systems to plasticity in humans?
The assumption is that plasticity is so fundamental that its essential cellular and molecular underpinnings are likely to be conserved in the nervous system of very different organisms.
What is the Aplysia californica?
The Aplysia californica is a sea slug that is found on the pacific coast of California and northwestern Mexico. When it is considerably disturbed, the slug is capable of releasing two different kinds of ink from different locations within its mantle cavity.
Who is Eric Kandel?
Eric Kandel is an Austrian-American neuroscientist who received the nobel price in physiology or medicine in 2000 for his work on the plasticity of the Aplysia Californica.
What is habituation?
Habituation is a process that causes an animal to become less responsibve to repeated occurences of a stimulus.
Give an example of habituation in humans.
When dressing we initially experience tactile sensations due to clothes stimulating our skin, but habituation quickly causes these sensations to fade.
What is sensitization?
Sensitization is a process that allows an animal to generalize an aversive response elicited by a noxious stimulus to a variety of other non-noxious stimuli.
Give an example of sensitization in the Aplysia.
In Aplysia that have habituated to siphon touching, sensitization of gill withdrawal is elicited by pairing a strong electrical stimulus to the animal’s tail with another light touch of the siphon. This pairing causes the siphon stimulus to again elicit a strong withdrawal of the gill.
In the Aplysia gill withdrawal reflex, what accounts for the habituation of the reflex?
During habituation, transmission at the glutamatergic synapse between the sensory and motor neurons is depressed. This depression is due to a reduction in the number of synaptic vesicles available for release.