Chapter 8 Reporting and Analyzing Receivables Flashcards


Types of receivables


Receivables can include 1) accounts receivable, 2) notes receivable, and 3) other types of receivables.

1) Accounts receivable are amounts owed by customers on account. They result from the sale of goods and services. Receivables are generally expected to be collected within 30 days or so, and are classified as current assets.
2) Notes receivable are claims where formal instruments of credit—a written promise to repay— are issued as evidence of the debt. The credit instrument normally requires the debtor to pay interest and is for time periods of 30 days or longer. Notes receivable may be either current assets or non-current assets, depending on their due dates.

Accounts and notes resulting from sales transactions are called trade receivables.

3) Other receivables include nontrade receivables that do not result from the operations of the business, including interest receivable, loans to company officers, advances to employees, sales tax recoverable, and income tax receivable.

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Account for bad debts.


The allowance method, using a percentage of receivables, is used to match bad debts expense against revenue, in the period in which the revenue was earned.

To record bad debts:

Bad Debts Expense
Allowance for Doubtful Accounts

Allowance for Doubtful Accounts is a contra asset account with a normal credit balance that is deducted from Accounts Receivable. A contra account is used instead of a direct credit to Accounts Receivable for two reasons:

1) we do not know which individual customers will not pay, therefore we are unable to credit specific customer accounts in the subsidiary ledger to show they are uncollectible; we are also unable to credit the control account itself as this would mean that its balance would not equal the sum of all customer accounts in the subsidiary ledger.
2) the balance in Allowance for Doubtful Accounts is just an estimate. A contra account helps to separate estimates from actual amounts, such as those found in Accounts Receivable.

To measure uncollectible accounts:

A percentage of total receivables, or an aging schedule applying percentages to different categories of receivables (based on the number of days outstanding), is used to estimate the uncollectible accounts or ending balance in the Allowance for Doubtful Accounts.

Bad debts expense is the difference between the estimated total uncollectible accounts (required balance in the allowance account) and the unadjusted balance in the allowance account.

Bad debts expense is reported in the income statement as an operating expense. The balance in Allowance for Doubtful Accounts is deducted from Accounts Receivable in the current assets section of the statement of financial position as shown below:

Accounts receivable $A
Less: Allowance for doubtful accouints $B
Net realizable value $(A - B)

To write off uncollectible accounts:

When a specific account receivable is determined to be uncollectible, it is written off and the allowance account reduced. When a previously written-off account is collected, the write off is reversed and the collection recorded.

Note that to prevent premature or unauthorized write offs, each write off should be formally approved in writing by authorized management personnel. To adhere to the appropriate internal control activity, authorization to write off accounts should not be given to someone who also has daily responsibili- ties related to cash or receivables, in order to prevent them from misappropriating the cash receipt and writing off the account to hide the theft.

To record write offs:
Allowance for Doubtful Accounts
Accounts Receivable

Note that bad debts expense is not increased (debited) when the write off occurs. Under the allowance method, every accounts receivable write off entry is debited to the allowance account and not to bad debts expense. The entry to record the write off of an uncollectible account reduces both accounts receivable and allowance for doubtful accounts. Therefore, a write off affects only statement of financial position accounts and reduces both Accounts Receivable and Allowance for Doubtful Accounts equally. Net realizable value on the statement of financial position remains the same.

To record the recovery of a bad debt, 1) the entry made in writing off the account is reversed to reinstate the customer’s account, and 2) the subsequent collection is recorded in the usual way:

Accounts Receivable
Allowance for Doubtful Accounts

Accounts Receivable

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Account for notes receivable.


Notes receivable are recorded at their principal amount. Interest is earned from the date the note is issued until it matures and is recorded in a separate interest receivable account. Similar to accounts receivable, estimated uncollectible notes receivable are recorded as an allowance for doubtful notes.

Notes can be held to maturity, at which time the principal plus any unpaid interest is due and the note is removed from the accounts when paid (honoured). In some situations, the maker of the note dishonours the note (defaults). If eventual collection is expected, an account receivable replaces the note receivable and any unpaid interest. If the amount is not expected to be repaid, the note is written off.

To record notes receivables:
Notes Receivable
Accounts Receivable

To record interest on the note (apply only to short-term notes receivable with interest due at maturity):
Interest Receivable
Interest Revenue

Note that while interest on an overdue account receivable is debited to Accounts Receivable, interest on a note receivable is not debited to the Notes Receivable account. Instead, a separate account for the interest receivable is used. Since the note is a formal credit instrument, its recorded principal amount must remain unchanged.

Non-current or long-term notes (with a maturity date beyond one year from the statement of financial position date) are generally repayable in instalments rather than at maturity. Although not as common, short-term notes can also be repaid in instalments rather than at maturity. Interest calculations for instalment notes use a method to determine interest revenue called the effective-interest method.

Valuing notes receivable:

Because companies generally don’t have many notes, preparing an aging schedule, as is usually done for accounts receivable, is not the best way to estimate uncollectible notes. Instead, each note should be individually analyzed to determine its probability of collection. If circumstances suggest that eventual collection is in doubt, bad debts expense and an allowance for doubtful notes must be recorded in the same way they are recorded for accounts receivable.

To derecognize notes receivable:

In the normal course of events, the principal amount of a note receivable and its accrued interest is collected when due and then removed from the books, or derecognized. Notes that are collected when due are said to be honoured. In some situations, the maker of the note defaults and an appropriate adjustment must be made. This is known as a dishonoured (not collected) note.

To hornor notes receivalbe:
     Notes Receivable
     Interest Receivable
     Interest Revenue
          (To record collection of note and interest)

To record dishonoured note if eventural collection is expected:
Accounts Receivable
Notes Receivable
Interest Receivable
Interest Revenue
(To record dishornoured note, eventual collection expected)

To record dishornored note if eventul collection is not expected (write off):
Allowance for Doubtful Notes
     Notes Receivable
     Interest Receivable
          (To write off dishonored note)
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Explain the statement presentation of receivables.


Each major type of receivable should be identified in the statement of financial position, with supplemental detail included in the statement or supporting notes. Companies must report the net realizable value of their receivables on the statement of financial position. The gross amount of receivables and allowance for doubtful accounts can be reported directly on the statement or in the notes. Bad debts expense is reported in the income statement as an operating expense, and interest revenue is shown in the non-operating section of the statement.

If a company has a significant risk of uncollectible accounts or other problems with its receivables, it is required to discuss this possibility in the notes to the financial statements.

Income statement accounts related to receivables can include revenues such as sales or services on account and interest and expenses such as bad debts expense. Sales and service revenue and bad debts expense are reported in the operating expense section of the income statement. Interest revenue is reported separately in the non-operating section.

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Apply the principles of sound accounts receivable management.


To properly manage receivables, management must

(a) determine whom to extend credit to,
(b) establish a payment period,
(c) monitor collections, and
(d) evaluate the liquidity of receivables (by calculating the receivables turnover and average collection period).

Extending credit:
If the credit policy is too tight, the company may lose revenue. On the other hand, if the credit policy is too loose, the company may end up extending credit to risky customers who pay late or do not pay at all. Certain steps can be taken to help minimize losses if credit standards are relaxed: 1) require risky customers to provide letters of credit or bank guarantees; 2) require particularly risky customers to pay a deposit in advance or cash on delivery; 3) ask potential customers for references from banks and suppliers to determine their payment history, check these references on potential new customers and to periodically check the financial health of existing customers.

Establishing a payment period:
Normally, this period would be similar to the period used by competitors and offer sales discounts for customers paying early.

Monitoring collections:
An accounts receivable aging schedule should be prepared and reviewed often. In addition to its use in estimating the allowance for doubtful accounts, the aging schedule helps estimate the timing of future cash inflows when preparing a cash budget. It also provides information about the company’s overall collection experience, and it identifies problem accounts. Credit risk can increase during periods of economic downturn. Credit policies and collection experience must always be monitored not only in comparison with past experience, but also in light of current economic conditions.

Evaluating liquidity of receivables:
Accounts receivable rising faster than sales may be an indication of collection problems. Perhaps the company increased its sales by loosening its credit policy, and these receivables may be difficult or impossible to collect, which will impact liquidity.

The receivables turnover ratio is used to assess the liquidity of receivables:

Receivables turnover = Net credit sales / Average gross accounts receivable

Gross accounts receivable is the amount reported in the accounts receivable account (before deducting allowance for doubtful accounts).

Unless seasonal factors are significant, average gross accounts receivable can be calculated by adding together the beginning and ending balances and dividing by 2.

Since companies seldom report the amount of net credit sales in their financial statements, net sales (including both cash and credit sales) can be used as a substitute. As long as one consistently chooses the same component to use in a ratio, the resulting ratio will be useful for comparisons.

The higher the turnover ratio, the more liquid the company’s receivables are.

A popular variant of the receivables turnover is to convert it into an average collection period in terms of days. The average collection period is frequently used to assess the effectiveness of a company’s credit and collection policies. The general rule is that the collection period should not greatly exceed the credit term period (the time allowed for payment).

Average collection period = 365 days / Receivables turnover

The lower the average collection period, the more liquid are a company’s receivables.

Both the receivables turnover and average collection period are important components of a company’s overall liquidity. Ideally, and should be analyzed along with other information about a company’s liquidity, including the current ratio and inventory turnover.

In addition, in some cases, receivables turnover and collection periods can be misleading. Some large retail chains that issue their own credit cards encourage customers to use these cards for purchases. If customers pay slowly, the stores earn a healthy return on the outstanding receivables in terms of interest revenue earned. Consequently, to interpret these ratios correctly, you must know how a company manages its receivables.

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Aging the accounts receivable


The analysis of customer balances by the length of time they have been unpaid.

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Allowance method


A method of accounting for bad debts that involves estimating uncollectible accounts at the end of each period.

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Average collection period


The average amount of time that a receivable is outstanding. It is calculated by dividing 365 days by the receivables turnover.

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Control account


An account in the general ledger that summarizes the details for a subsidiary ledger and controls it.

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Derecognized note


A note that is removed from the accounts, either when honoured (collected) or dishonoured (not collected).

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Dishonoured note


A note that is not paid in full at maturity.

A dishonoured note receivable is no longer negotiable. However, the payee still has a claim against the maker of the note for both the principal and any unpaid interest.

To record dishonoured note if eventural collection is expected:
Accounts Receivable
Notes Receivable
Interest Receivable
Interest Revenue
(To record dishornoured note, eventual collection expected)

To record dishornored note if eventul collection is not expected (write off):
Allowance for Doubtful Notes
     Notes Receivable
     Interest Receivable
          (To write off dishonored note)
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Financial assets


Receivables and investments that have a contractual right to receive cash or another financial asset.

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Honoured note


A note that is paid in full at maturity.

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Net realizable value


The difference between gross receivables and the allowance for doubtful accounts. Net realizable value measures the net amount expected to be received in cash.

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Promissory note


A written promise to pay a specified amount of money on demand (as soon as the payee demands repayment) or at a definite time.

Promissory notes may be used (1) when individuals and companies lend or borrow money, (2) when the amount of the transaction and the length of the credit period exceed normal limits, and (3) in settlement of accounts receivable.

In a promissory note, the party making the promise to pay is called the maker; the party who will be paid is called the payee. For the maker of the note, the note would be classified as a note payable. For the payee of the note, the note would be classified as a note receivable. A note receivable and a note payable are accounted for similarly in each company’s records except that the payee’s note is an asset while the maker’s is a liability.

A promissory note details the names of the maker and the payee, the principal amount or face value of the loan, the loan period, the interest rate, and whether interest is payable monthly or at maturity (the note’s due date), along with the principal amount. Other details might include whether any security is pledged as collateral for the loan and what happens if the maker defaults (does not pay).

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Receivables turnover


A measure of the liquidity of receivables. It is calculated by dividing net credit sales by the average gross accounts receivable and is expressed as the number of times per year that the accounts receivable are collected.


Subsidiary ledger


A group of accounts that provide details of a control account in the general ledger.


Trade receivables


Accounts and notes receivable that result from sales transactions.


Recording accounts receivable transactions.


Accounts receivable arising from sales or services on credit are recorded at the invoice price, and are reduced by any sales returns and allowances (Sales Returns and Allowances) and sales discounts (Sales Discounts).

Note that for service company, receivable is recorded when a service is provided on account. For merchandising company, receivable is recorded at the point of sale of merchandise on account. Revenue (and any related receivable) should be recognized when the performance or sales effort is substantially complete. This normally occurs either when the service is performed or when goods are delivered at the point of sale. In addition, collection must be reasonably certain and measurable.

Nonbank credit card receivables:

When a customer uses a bank credit card to make a purchase, the transaction is recorded as a cash sale because banks honour the credit card receipt as cash. However, if the company (e.g. retailers) sponsors its own credit card, such a sale is considered a credit sale, with a debit being recorded to Accounts Receivable rather than Cash. This is because this type of nonbank cards are managed independently by credit card company and receipts from credit card sales are sent to said company for reimbursement rather than deposited at a bank.

Accounts receivable subsidiary ledger:

Companies use subsidiary ledgers in addition to the general ledger. A subsidiary ledger is a group of accounts that share a common characteristic (for example, they are all receivable accounts). In addition to accounts receivable, other accounts that are supported by subsidiary ledgers include inventory (to track inventory quantities and balances), accounts payable (to track individual creditor balances), and payroll (to track individual employee pay records).

In the case of accounts receivables, the general ledger contains only one receivables account—Accounts Receivable—which acts as a control account for the subsidiary ledger, while the account receivable subsidiary ledger contains a separate account for each individual customers.

A control account is a general ledger account that summarizes the subsidiary ledger data. At all times, the control account balance must equal the total of all the individual customer receivables balances in the subsidiary ledger. This equality occurs because, when receivables transactions are recorded in the subsidiary ledgers on a customer-by-customer basis, summaries of these transactions are recorded in the general ledger. In this way, the subsidiary ledger provides supporting detail to the general ledger, freeing it from excessive detail.

When interest is charged on a past-due receivable, interest is added to the accounts receivable balance and is recognized as interest revenue (instead of debiting a separate Interest Receivable account):

Accounts Receivable (Debit)
     Interest Revenue (Credit)

Interest will be charged on interest the following month if the account continues to be unpaid.


The allowance method for bad debts


There are three types of transactions when accounts receivable are measured and recorded using the allowance method:

  1. Measuring and recording estimated uncollectible accounts: Estimated uncollectible accounts receivable are determined by using a percentage of total receivables or an aging schedule. They are recorded by an adjusting journal entry that debits Bad Debts Expense and credits Allowance for Doubtful Accounts. Because these adjustments are made at the end of the period, the bad debts expense is recorded in the same period as the related revenue.
  2. Recording the write off of an uncollectible account: Actual uncollectibles are written off at the time the specific account is determined to be uncollectible. They are debited to Allowance for Doubtful Accounts and credited to Accounts Receivable. This will cause a reduction in the allowance because the account is no longer doubtful as well as a reduction in accounts receivable because the account is not collectible.
  3. Recording the recovery of an uncollectible account: later recoveries, if any, are recorded in two separate entries at the time of the recovery. The first reverses the original write off by debit- ing Accounts Receivable and crediting Allowance for Doubtful Accounts. The second records the collection of the account by debiting Cash and crediting Accounts Receivable. Note that neither the write off nor the subsequent recovery affects the income statement.

Notes versus accounts receivables


Like accounts receivable, notes receivable are also financial assets because the company will collect cash in the future. Both notes and accounts are credit instruments. And both are valued and reported at their net realizable value (the difference between the balance in the receivables account and the allowance account).

However, there are also differences between notes and accounts receivable. A note receivable is a formal promise to pay an amount that bears interest from the time it is issued until it is due. An account receivable is an informal promise to pay that bears interest only after its due date. Because it is less formal, it does not have as strong a legal claim as a note receivable. Most accounts receivable are due within a short period of time, usually 30 days, and are classified as current assets. On the other hand, notes receivable can be due over a longer period than accounts receivable and be classified as current or non-current assets depending on their due date.