Chapter 8: Political Participation and Voting Flashcards
activities designed to influence government including voting and face-to-face activities such as protesting or volunteering for a campaign
traditional political participation
the percentage of eligible individuals who actually vote
status in society based on level of education, income, and occupational prestige
socioeconomic status
a distinctive pattern of voting behavior reflecting the differences in views between women and men
gender gap
the process by which large numbers of people are organized for a political activity
the option in some states to register on the day of the election, at the polling place, rather than in advance of the election
Election Day registration (EDR)
the option in some states to have a ballot sent automatically to your home for each election, rather than having to request an absentee ballot each time
permanent absentee ballot
the option in some states to cast a vote at a polling place or by mail before the election
early voting