Chapter 8 - Other Deductions, Penalties, Loss Disallowances, and Tax Credits Flashcards
Public Policy Limitation
Activities that violate public policy are not deductible.
Political Lobbying Expenditures
Not deductible.
Excessive Executive Compensation
applies only to publicly traded companies
CEO, CFO, 3 highest paid
up to $1M of compensation is deductible.
Does not include:
performance pay
retirement contributions
Hobby Activities
Activities not entered into for-profit.
Personal pleasure.
Should not be profit motivated.
Presumption that profit motive is certain requirements are met.
- 3 of 5 year there is profit
Hobby Activities Taxed
Income is counted.
No deductions counted.
Rental Real Estate
1) Non-taxable rental use
- if property is rented for less than 15 days, income is realized but not recognized. Ex. rent my lake home for 7 days for $20k. Pay no tax on $20k.
2) Primarily Rental Use
- Rented more than 14 days. Personal use is less than 12 days or 10% of rental days.
* income is recognized.
* expenses are deductible.
* loss claim may be limited by passive activity rules.
3) Mixed Use:
if rented for 14 or more days and personal use is greater than 14 days or 10%of rental day.
*Income recognized.
* expenses deductible to extend of income.
*Tier rules from hobby loss apply.
* Unused expenses can carry over.
Business bad debt:
- only deductible if accrual method of accounting is used.
- req. to use specific charge-off method in year the debt becomes worthless.
- some business can use the reserve method.
Personal bed debt:
- Specific charge off method must be used.
- Allowed only when debt is wholly worthless.
- Treated as short term capital loss.
- Related person debts are suspect and treated as gifts.
Worthless Securities
- artificial sale date can be used as day security became worthless.
For individuals this is 12/31 to result in long term capital loss.
Section 1244 Stock
small business enterprise
- it is held by original purchaser
- The initial capitalization of the company was $1M or less.
If sold at a loss:
- First 50k or 100k for MFJ is treated as ordinary income.
- Excess losses for the year follow normal capital loss rules.
Personal Losses
Generally not deductible.
Only if Incurred in trade or business.
Entered in transaction for profit.
Presidentially declared emergency.
R&E Expenses
- ability to expense /deduct in year paid or incurred.
- ability to defer and amortize over 60 months or more.
- ability to capitalize (deduct when project abandoned or worthless)
20% tax credit of certain research and experiment expenditures may be available.
Net Operating Losses NOL
Business losses.
Above the line.
Can be carried forward.
Subject to 80% of taxable income limitation