Chapter 8 - NCA and depreciation Flashcards
What are the two types of non current assets?
- Tangible NCA → physical assets e.g machinary + buildings
- Intagible NCA → non physical assets e.g goodwill
Define carrying amount and give the equation for it
- The value of the asset at the point it is sold basedon the estimated values
- Cost of non-curent asset - accumulated depreciation
What are the 2 methods to calculate depreciation?
- Straight line method → spreads costs evenly per month.
- Depreciation costs for 1 year = (cost - residual value) / usefull life
- or X% x cash
Reducing balance method → changes years (charge full year depreciation when asset is purhased, no depresiation the year asset issold)
* Depreciation charges = X% x carring amount
Using the infomation bellow answer the folowing question…
- What is the total depriciation for the year ending 31 october 20X6?
- What is the carrying amount of the oven at 31 october 20X6?
- What is the carrying amount of the mini bus at 31 october 20X6?

A new depreciation needs to be calculated at the end of every year

Irrispective of the method used to calculate depreciation what is debited and credited?
- Dr depreciation expense (SPL)
- Cr Accumulated depreciation (SFP)
How do thethe IAS 16 PPE try toreduce manipluation of depreciation?
- The depreciation method should be reviewed at the end of each year and chaged if needed.
- The residual value and useful life should be reviewed each year end and changed if neede.
- If changes are made the carrying amount of the asser is then depreciated using new estimates.
- What is subsequent depreciation?
- How i it calculated?
- Depreciation calculated once we have changed an estimate.
- (Carrying amount at date estimate changed - residual value) / remaing usefull life
How is subsequent depreciation calculated if the reducing balance is changed?
depreciation = % x carrying amount at date estimate changed

What is disposal through part exchange?
Trading in an old asser to recive a new asset at a lower price.
- Value off old asset (PEA) + cash paid = new asset
- What is a non current asset register?
- What are any differnces normally due to?
- A list of all non current assets → Broken down by asset type and location
- Computer errors, asset stolen, new asset not recognised by register etc
- What are inatangibles non current assets?
- Where are they found on the SPL?
- What is amortisatiom?
- Non-current assets with no physical form → copyrights, licences, goodwill
- Under NCA
- Thename goven to the depreciation of intangibles
What costs are not included when calculating depreciation?
- Annual costs → licencing and insurance
- VAT input tax → (vehicle tax is not depriciated unless it is a car purchased for business travel)
You are provided with…
- Orginl carrying amount before purchase or sale of NCA
- The cost of a NCA
- Sales price of NCA
- Profit or loss on disposal
How would you calculate the balance recorded on the asset register?
Total carrying amount + cost of NCA - sale price of NCA - loss on disposal + loss on disposal