Chapter 8 Lesson 4 Flashcards
What happened in 334 B.C.?
In 334 B.C. had led an army or more than 35,000 soldiers.
Who cut the Gordian Knot and what happened after?
Alexander cut the Gordian knot with his sword and was crowned king.
What happened in 333 B.C.?
In 333 B.C., Alexander and his army had reached the coast of Syria.
What did Alexander’s worker build?
The workers built a land bridge out for the land which changed the island into a peninsula.
What happened in 332 B.C.?
In 332 B.C. it took seven months of fighting till the people of Tyre gave up the land.
What was Alexander crowned as?
He was crowned as pharaoh to his people.
Who was defeated and who forced the emperor, Darius the third, to flee?
First answer: The Persian
Second answer: Alexander