Chapter 8 J: Caries Radiology Flashcards
Caries produce a?
Decrease in radiological density in dental tissues
And it’s due to a demineralisation without macroscopic loss of substance in the early stages
In the last stages it’s due to the loss of substance by cavitation
When is this radio density detectable in the x-ray?
When the demineralisation exceeds 50%
Lower density?
Higher radiolucency (darker)
Higher density?
Higher radiopacity (whiter)
Do caries have a higher or lower density?
Lower , therefore higher radiolucency
Caries as a decalcification process must lose, at least a ___% of ?
50, of calcium and phosphorus so that it can be visualised on the radiograph
Images of caries can be seen as areas of ?
Lower density in an area,or as loss of boundaries at coronary and cervical surfaces
Three types of useful radiographs in PTD?
- panoramic
- bitewing
- periapical
Panoramic X-ray:
- provides information of interest about eruption delays, teeth, cysts, tumours, open apexes, supernumerary teeth, old fillings, endo treatments
- not useful for the diagnosis of caries, but helps to assess and guide the initial diagnosis of the patient
Which radiograph is useful for an initial and general overview of the patient?
Panoramic x-ray
Periapical radiograph?
- useful in the diagnosis of the pulpal and periodontal pathology (periapical series)
- they serve to explore the entire tooth (from the crown to the apex), the periodontal space, and the surrounding bony tissue
- 2 different techniques: bisecting angle technique and paralleling technique
- horizontal for PM and M
- vertical for canines and incisors
The Bisecting angle technique is?
The x-ray beam is directed perpendicular to an imaginary line which bisects (divides in half) the angle formed by the long axis of the tooth and the long axis of the film
The paralleling technique is?
Achieving a clearer image
- X-ray beam must pass through the center of the film and the tooth (which must be parallel to each other) and should strike perpendicular to them
Same lingual opposite buccal
- if you shift the xray mesial 20 degrees, the lingual object goes to mesial as well and same for distal but the buccal object goes to distal, opposite
Bitewing radiograph?
- accessible and cost effective
- includes at least, 2 molars, 2 upper and lower premolars
- theres a tab that is held between the occlusal arches
What is the method fro the diagnosis of caries of Inter proximal surfaces?
Disadvantages of radiographs?
- bidimensional images of 3D objects
- superimpositions
- confusing anatomical structures
- long and complicated process
- pollution