Chapter 8: Introduction to Economic Growth and Instability Flashcards
Causes of Economic Growth
(1) Increase in real GDP occurring over some time period
(2) Increase in real GDP per capita occurring over some
….. calculated as a percentage rate of growth per quarter
Real GDP Per Capita
Real GDP / size of population
Economic Growth
Goal; expansion of total output leads to rising incomes/wages and higher standards of living
Rule of 70
Provides a quantitative grasp of the effect of economic growth - it tells us the # of years it will take for measures to double given its annual percentage increase by dividing that percentage by 70.
Rule of 70 Equation
Approximate number of years required to double real GDP = 70 / annual percentage rate of growth
ex: 3% annual rate of growth = 70 ÷ 3 = 23 years
Main Sources of Growth
(1) By increasing its inputs of resources
(2) Increasing the productivity of those inputs
Real output per unit of input
Business Cycle
Refers to alternating rises and declines int he level of economic activity, sometimes extending over several years
Individual Cycles
(One “up” followed by one “down”)
Vary in duration and intensity
(Business Cycle): Peak
Business activity has reached a temporary maximum. The economy is near or at full employment and level of real output is at or very close to the economy’s capacity
(Business Cycle): Recession
Peak is followed by recession- a period of decline in total output, income, employment, and trade.
(Business Cycle): Trough
During a recession/depression, output and employment “bottom out” at their lowest levels.
(Business Cycle): Recovery
Output and employment rise toward full employment once again
Firms and Industries producing what are affected most during a business cycle?
Capital Goods (housing, commercial building, etc) and Consumer Durables (automobiles, computers, etc)
How to divide population in terms of who is eligible to work.
(1) Under 16 and/or institutionalized
(2) Not in labor force
(3) Employed
Labor Force
People who are able and willing to work
Unemployment Rate
Percentage of the labor force unemployed
Unemployment Rate Calculation
Unemployment Rate = (unemployed ÷ labor force) x 100
Part-Time Employment
The BLS lists part-time workers as fully employed; temporary
Discouraged Workers
those who are not actively seeking employment are not considered “not in the labor force”
Three Types of Unemployment
(1) Frictional
(2) Structural
(3) Cyclical
Frictional Unemployment
Unemployed individuals who other job seekers, back from temporary layoff, or were laid-off who are looking for jobs; “search employment, wait unemployment” – frictional implies that the labor market does not operate perfectly
Cyclical Unemployment
Caused by a decline in total spending and is likely to occur int he recession phase of the business cycle; demand for goods/services decrease, employment falls, and unemployment rises; deficient - demand unemployment
Structural Unemployment
Changes over time in consumer demand and technology alter the “structure” of the total demand for labor
(ex: the automobile reduced the need for carriage makers)
Potential Output
Real GDP when economy is “fully employed”
Natural Rate of Unemployment (NRU)
Occurs when the number if job seekers equals the number of job vacancies
Forgone Output
When the economy fails to create enough jobs for all who are able and willing to work, potential production of goods and services is lost
GDP Gap (Calculation)
The difference between actual and potential GDP:
GDP gap = actual GDP - potential GDP
Okun’s Law
Quantify the GDP gap and unemployment rate: for every 1 percentage point by which the actual unemployment rate exceeds the natural rate, a negative GDP gap of about 2 percent occurs
Ex: Unemployment rate = 7.4 percent ; natural rate = 6.0
7.4 - 6.0 = 1.4 (2) = 2.8% of potential GDP
Unequal Burdens
(1) Occupation
(2) Age
(3) Race/Ethnicity
(4) Gender
(5) Education
(6) Duration
Workers with lower-skilled jobs (laborers) have higher unemployment rates than workers in higher-skilled occupations (professions)
Noneconomic cost
Social catastrophe!!! Depression = idleness; lack of self -respect; family disintegration; etc.
International Comparisons
Unemployment rates differ greatly among nations at any given time.
Rise in the general level of prices; each dollar will buy fewer goods/services – reduces purchasing power of money
Consumer Price Index (CPI)
Main measurement of inflation
CPI Calculation
CPI = (Price of the most recent market basket ÷ price of the same market basket in past year) x 100
Ex: CPI was… 179.9 in 2002; 177.1 in 2001
(179.9 - 177.1) ÷ (177.1) = 1.6% of inflation
Two Types of Infaltion
(1) Demand - Pull inflation
(2) Cost - Push inflation
Demand - Pull Inflation
Changes in the price are cause by an excess of total spending beyond the economy’s capacity to produce; businesses cannot responding to excess demand by expanding output; “TOO MUCH SPENDING CHASING TOO FEW GOODS.”
Cost - Push Inflation
Inflation may rise on the supply or cost sector of the economy; (in history) when output/unemployment were declining, the general price level was rising; rising prices in terms of factors that raise per-unit production
Per-Unit Production
The average cost at/of a particular level of output:
Per-unit production cost = (total input cost ÷ units of output)
Supply Shocks
Abrupt increases in the cost of raw materials or energy inputs have increased per-unit production costs and product prices
Nominal Income
Number of dollars received as wages, rent, interest , or profits
Real Income (Calculation)
Measure of the amount of goods and services nominal income can buy = purchasing power of nominal income
Real Income = Nominal Income ÷ Price Index (in hundredths)
Who is hurt by inflation?
(1) Fixed-Income Receivers
(2) Savers
(3) Creditors
Who is unaffected by inflation?
(1) Flexible-Income Receivers
(2) Debtors
Real Interest Rate
Percentage increase in purchasing power that the power pays the lender
Nominal Interest Rate
Percentage increase in money that the borrower pays the lender
Nominal Interest Rate Equation/Calculation
Nominal interest rate = real interest rate + inflation premium (the expected rate of inflation)
Addenda: Redistribution Effects of Inflation
(1) Deflation
(2) Mixed Effects
(3) Arbitrariness
Declines in the price level - reverse of inflation
Mixed Effects
Person who is an income earner, a holder of financial assets, but may also benefit from inflation (mixed)
Redistribution occurs regardlessly of society’s goals and values.
Cost-Push Inflation and Real Output
Cost-push inflation REDUCES real output. It redistributes a decreased level of real income.
Extremely rapid inflation whose impact on real output and employment usually is devastating