Chapter 8 Internal Analysis Flashcards
‘Strategic capability reflects the ability of an entity to use and exploit resources available to it, through competences developed in activities and processes it performs, the ways in which these activities are linked internally & externally, and overall balance of core competences across entity
It can also be described as the ability of an organisation to use its core competences to create competitive advantage.
Competitive advantage comes from successful management of resources, competences and capabilities.
What are custome needs?
Better-quality product
Better design features
Convenience of purchase
Right Price
Identify tthree broad categories of customers?
Customers may be grouped into 3 broad types:
Consumers: these buy products and services for their personal benefit or use
Industrial and commercial customers: customers might include other business entities
Government organisations and agencies.
what is Difference between a Customer & Consumer?
A customer Purchases and pays for a product or service
A consumer Ultimate user of the product or service;
Consumer may not have paid for the product or service
Write 4Ps of Marketing mix?
Product refers to the design features of the product, and the product quality. Features such as short lead time for delivery and reliable delivery could also be important.
Price is the selling price for the product
Place refers to the way in which the customer obtains the product or service, or the ‘channel of distribution’.
Promotion refers to the way in which product is advertised and promoted.
What is the definition of a critical success factor?
Critical success factors (CSFs) are factors that are critical to the success of an organisation and the achievement of its overall objectives.
They have been defined as: ‘those components of strategy in which the organisation must excel to out-perform competition’ (Johnson and Scholes).
CSFs of a product or service must be related to customer needs.
They are features of a product or service that will have main influence on buying decisions
When CSFs should be identified?
CSFs should be identified during the process of assessing strategic position.
(Need to understand the main reasons why particular products or services are successful)
What is importance of CSFs?
CSFs are important in the process of making strategic choices.
(Should select strategies that will enable it to achieve a competitive advantage)
CSFs are also important for strategy implementation.
(Performance targets should be set for each CSF)
What is KPIs?
Measured targets for CSFs are called key performance indicators (KPIs).
About 6-step approach to using CSFs (Johnson and Scholes), define step 1 .
Step 1
Identify the success factors that are critical for profitability. These might include ‘low selling price’, and also aspects of service and quality such as ‘prompt delivery after receipt of orders’.
About 6-step approach to using CSFs (Johnson and Scholes), define step 2.
Step 2
Identify what is necessary (‘critical competencies’) in order to achieve superior performance in the CSFs. This means identifying what the entity must do to achieve success. For example:
- If CSF is ‘low sales price’, a critical competence might be ‘strict control over costs’.
- If a CSF is ‘low level of sales returns’, a critical competence might be ‘zero defects
About 6-step approach to using CSFs (Johnson and Scholes), define step 3.
Step 3
The entity should develop the level of critical competence so that it acquires the ability to gain a competitive advantage in the CSF
About 6-step approach to using CSFs (Johnson and Scholes), define step 4.
Step 4
Identify appropriate KPIs for each critical competence.
About 6-step approach to using CSFs (Johnson and Scholes), define step 5.
Step 5
Give emphasis to developing critical competencies for each aspect of performance, so that competitors will find it difficult to achieve a matching level of competence.
About 6-step approach to using CSFs (Johnson and Scholes), define step 6.
Step 6
Monitor firm’s achievement of its target KPIs, and also monitor performance of competitors.
What is Benchmarking?
Benchmarking is a process of comparing your own performance against the performance of someone else, preferably the performance of ‘the best’.
To identify differences between your performance and selected benchmark.
Where these differences are significant, methods of closing the gap and raising performance can be considered.
What is Internal
- Compare the performance of units within entity with best-performing unit.
- E.g. an organisation with 30 branch offices might compare the performance of 29 of the branches with the best-performing branch
WHat is Operational
- Compare performance of a particular operation with the performance of a similar operation in a different business entity in a different industry.
- E.g., a publishing company might compare its order handling, warehousing & dispatch systems with similar systems of company in cloth manufacturing
What is Customer
- The benchmark is a specification of what customers expect.
- An entity compares its performance against what its customers expect
What is Competitive
- Compare own performance and its own products with those of its most successful competitors.
What are Methods of competitor benchmarking?
Published financial statements of competitors should be studied.
Financial ratios obtained from the financial statements of competitor should be compared with similar ratios for the company.
Where there are significant differences in performance, the possible reasons for differences should be considered.
The products or services of competitors should be analysed in detail.
By talking to customers and potential customers who have had dealings with a competitor, and who are willing to discuss what the competitor is offering
Sales prices should be compared. Competitor analysis should also include an assessment of the CSF of all firms in the market.
What is Definition of value?
Value relates to the benefit that a customer obtains from a product or service.
Customers are willing to pay money because of the benefits they receive.
Business entities create added value when they make goods and provide services. (e.g buying leather at Rs 1,000 and selling leather belt at Rs 5,000 creates a value of 4,000)
Most successful business entities are those that are most successful in creating value.
Customer should be willing to pay a higher price if he sees additional value in that product
- This extra value might be real or perceived.
(e.g. presumption of a good quality in a well-known brand name)
- The extra value might relate to the quality or design features of the product.
- Sometimes extra value can come from convenience of getting that immediately