chapter 8: interest rate risk 1 Flashcards
interest rate risk
net worth
The value of an FI
to its owners; this is equal to the difference between the market value of assets and that of liabilities
repricing gap
The difference between assets whose interest rates will be repriced or changed over some future period (rate-sensitive assets) and liabilities whose interest rates will be repriced or changed over some future period (rate- sensitive liabilities).
rate-sensitive asset or liability
that is repriced at or near current market interest rates within a maturity bucket.
refinancing risk
The risk that the cost of rolling over or reb- orrowing funds will rise above the returns being earned on asset investments.
reinvestment risk
The risk that the returns on funds to be reinvested will fall below the cost of the funds.
net interest income (nii) formula
ΔNIIi = Change in net interest income in maturity bucket i
GAPi = Dollar size of the gap between the book value of rate-sensitive assets
and rate-sensitive liabilities in maturity bucket i
ΔRi = Change in the level of interest rates impacting assets and liabilities in the ith bucket
ΔNIIi = (GAPi) ΔRi = (RSAi − RSLi )ΔRi
In this first bucket, if the gap is negative $10 million and short-term interest rates (such as fed fund and/or repo rates) rise 1 percent, the annualized change in the FI’s future net interest income is:
ΔNIIi = (−$10 million) × 0.01 = −$100,000
Core deposits
Those deposits that act as fi’s long term sources of funds.
cgap formula
CGAP = One-year rate-sensitive assets − One-year rate-sensitive liabilities = RSA − RSL
= $155 million − $140 million = $15 million
gap ratio
Gap ratio = cgap/a
= ____________________________ = 0.056 = 5.6%
CGAP $15 million A $270 million
CGAP effects
The relations between changes in interest rates and changes in net interest income.
spread effect
The effect that a change in the spread between rates on RSAs and RSLs has on net interest income as interest rates change.