Chapter 8: Forms Of Real Estate Ownership Flashcards
title ownership held by two or more individuals
community property
Any property acquired during a marriage is considered to be obtained by mutual effort. Separate property is real or personal property that was owned solely by either spouse before the marriage. It also includes property acquired by gift or inheritance during the marriage, as well as any property purchased with separate funds during the marriage
Estate by the entirety
A married couple owns a mansion with the right of survivorship there’s is most likely?
Fee simple estate
Under the condominium form of ownership, the owners interest in the unit would normally be?
General partnership
All the partners participate in the operation and management of the business and share full liability for business losses and obligation
joint tenancy
Ownership of real estate between two or more parties who have been named in one conveyance as joint tenants. Upon the death of a joint tenant, the decedent’s interest passes to the surviving joint tenant or tenants by the right of survivorship.
Limited liability company
Combines the most attractive features of the limited partnerships and corporations
Limited partnership
Consist of one or more general partners as well as the limited partners
living trust
created by agreement during the property owner’s lifetime
A legal way to dissolve the relationship when the parties do not voluntarily agreed to its termination
An association of two or more persons who carry on a business for profit as co-owners
proprietary lease
The purchaser of a cooperative becomes a shareholder in the corporation by virtue of stock ownership and receives a proprietary lease to the apartment for the life of the corporation.
Reversionary interest
The owner of a fee simple estate who conveys the real estate but reserve the life estate in the entire property for himself has a?
title is held by one individual
Two or more people are ferns join together to make and operate a real estate investment
Tenancy by the entirety
Each spouse has an equal, undivided interest in the property
Tenancy in common
Each tenant hold an undivided fractional interest in the property
testamentary trust
established by will after the owner’s death
where a third individual hold title for the benefit of another