Chapter 8 Equity Securities: Common and Preferred Shares KT Flashcards
A preferred share that may be redeemed upon due notice by the security’s issuer.
A preferred share that may be redeemed upon due notice by the security’s issuer.
callable preferred
The automatic reinvestment of shareholder dividends in more shares of the company’s stock.
dividend reinvestment plan
Interest or dividends that were not paid when due but are still owed.
Investing a fixed amount of dollars in a specific security at regular set intervals over a period of time with a goal of reducing average cost paid per unit.
dollar cost averaging
A legal term meaning that all securities within a series have equal rank or claim on earnings and assets. Usually refers to equally ranking issues of a company’s preferred shares.
pari passu
An increase in a corporation’s number of shares outstanding without any change in the shareholders’ equity or market value.
stock split
The part of the issued shares that are outstanding and available for trading by the public, and not held by company officers, directors, or investors who hold a controlling interest in the company.
Securities certificates that are registered in the name of the securities firm, rather than the beneficial owner.
street certificate
Shares that participate in a company’s earnings and assets (in liquidation), as common shares do, but generally have restrictions on voting rights or else no voting rights.
restricted shares
A preferred share that grants the holder the option under specified conditions to force the issuer to redeem the shares.
A retraction feature that allows the issuer to redeem retracted shares either for cash or common shares.
soft retraction
What results when an investor sells a security for more than its purchase price?
capital gain
The arithmetic average of the current prices of a group of stocks designed to represent the overall market or some part of it.
stock average
A number of shares which is less than a standard trading unit. Usually refers to a securities trade for less than 100 shares
odd lot or broken lot
If you buy shares during this period of time, you will receive an upcoming already-declared dividend.
cum dividend
The trading unit which has uniformly been decided upon by the stock exchanges; in most cases it is 100 shares, but this can vary depending on the price of the stock.
standard trading unit
A time series of numbers used to calculate a percentage change of a portfolio of shares over any period of time.
stock index
The period of time after the cum dividend period where, when a person purchases a common or preferred share, they are not entitled to the declared dividend payment.