Chapter 8: Early Theories of Criminology Flashcards
Initial theories about crime
focus on religious beliefs and superstition; Judeo-Christian ideas of temptation and possession; crime equated with sin
The Enlightenment ideas with crime
rapid social change/scientific revolution; view of the world on experience, not authority; the social contract idea
Classical School/Theory (3)
social contract idea is prevalent; people broke laws because of rational self-interest; punishment should fit the crime (proportional to harm done); deterrence is the main focus
The ideas of Cesare Beccaria
advocated a system severe enough to deter but not so severe that rights were violated
Contributions of the Classical School
led to equality & due process in the legal system as well as the idea of fixed penalties
Weaknesses of the Classical School
circumstances vary widely; deterrence doctrine not as effective as hoped; notion of free rational person is over simplified
Neoclassical ideas
(Gabriel Tarde) sought for more flexibility in the justice system; take individual characteristics and circumstances into account
The Statistical School Founders
Andre-Michel Guerry, Adolphe Quetelet, Henry Mayhew
Statistical School Ideas
crime resulted from natural social causes; studied factors such as poverty, population density and education; major contribution was the discovery of the regularity of crime (governed by social laws)
Lombroso and the Positive School
based on Darwin’s theories; comparing criminals to non-criminals to determine factors; first to study crime scientifically; argued punishment should fit the criminal; introduced indeterminate sentences
Definition: Atavism
born criminals who are throwbacks of an earlier stage of evolution; morally inferior to the rest of the population; distinguished through certain physical/behavioral features (Stigmata)
Stigmata in criminals
large jaws, high cheekbones, insensitivity to pain, receding foreheads, small eyes; the more of these traits the more likely you were a born versus being an occaisonal criminal
4 other types of criminals defined by Lombroso
1) Epileptics
2) Criminally insane
3) Criminals of Passion
4) Criminaloids
Biological Theories of the 20th century
Goring found a correlation between criminality and intelligence; Hooton forwarded a eugenics movement; Sheldon based crime on body types; Goddard focused on intelligence as well
Stomatotype Theory
proposed by Sheldon, suggested that mesomorphic body types (muscular) were more likely to commit crime than ectomorphs (skinny) and endomorphs (fat)
Eugenics use in Canada and the world
1929-1972 eugenics was used in Alberta (case of Leilani Muir); Nazi’s also used eugenics to justify genocide (Hitler ordered all criminals to be sterilized or killed)