Chapter 8 - Cryptography Flashcards
How did Caesar cipher his text?
page 246
He shifted the letters 3 space to the right.
What is Substitution Ciphering?
page 246
Where each letter is substituted with another letter
What is Transposition Ciphering?
page 247
by changing the order of the group.
How does ROT13 ciphering work
page 278
By rotating the letter to the right 13 places
What is PKI?
page 278
Public-Key Infrastructure
Is intended to offer a means of providing security to messages and transaction on a grand scale.
Is a two-key, asymmetric with four main components: certificate authority (CA), registration authority (RA), RSA (the encryption algorithm) and digital certificates.
What is an organization that is responsible for issuing, revoking and distributing certificates.
page 279 Certificate Authority (CA)
What is the primary difference between and RA and an LRA?
page 281
LRA can be used to identify to establish the an individual. LRA involves the physical identification of the person requesting a certificate.
What is PKIX?
page 266
Public-Key Infrastructure X.509
What is PKCS?
page 266
Public-Key Cryptography Standards
What is X.509?
page 267
Defines the certificate formats and fields for public keys..
Also defines the procedure that should be used to distribute public keys.
What is X.509 v2 for?
page 267
CRL (Certificate Revocation List)
What is X.509 v3 for?
page 267
What are Symmetric Algorithms?
page 249
Require both ends of an encrypted message to have the same key and processing algorithm.
What is DES?
page 250
Data Encryption Standard
Has been used since the mid 70s.
It was the primary standard used in the government and industry until replaced by AES
What is AES?
page 250
Advanced Encryption Standard