Chapter 8: Control Of Movement Flashcards
are the ones that move us around and thus are responsible for our actions. Most of them are attached to bones at each end and move the bones when they contract.
Skeletal muscle
Muscles are fastened to bones via ____________, strong bands of connective tissue.
Several different classes of movement can be accomplished by the skeletal muscles, but we will refer principally to two of them: ____________
Flexion and extension
Contraction of a flexor muscle produces ___________, moving a limb toward the body.
_____________, which is the opposite movement or moving a limb away from the body, is produced by contraction of extensor muscles.
The ______________ are served by axons of the alpha motor neurons. Contraction of these fibers provides the muscle’s motive force.
Extrafusal muscle fibers
The intrafusal muscle fibers are specialized sensory organs that are served by two axons, one sensory and one motor. These organs are also called muscle spindles because of their shape. In fact, theLatin word fusus means “spindle”; hence, intrafusal muscle fibers are found within the spindles, and extrafusal muscle fibers are found outside them.
Intrafusal muscle fibers
The efferent axon of the __________________ causes the intrafusal muscle fiber to contract; however, this contraction contributes an insubstantial amount of force.
Gamma motor neuron
An alpha motor neuron, its axon, and associated extrafusal muscle fibers constitute a _____________
Motor neurons
A single muscle fiber consists of a bundle of ____________, each of which consists of overlapping strands of ________________
Actin and myosin
The regions in which the actin and myosin filaments overlap produce dark stripes, or striations; hence, skeletal muscle is often referred to as ___________________
Striated muscle
The synapse between the terminal button of an efferent neuron and the membrane of a muscle fiber is called a _________________
Neuromuscular junction
The terminal buttons of the neurons synapse on ______________, located in grooves along the surface of the muscle fibers.
Motor endplates
When an axon fires, acetylcholine is liberated by the terminal buttons and produces a depolarization of the postsynaptic membrane— an ______________
Endplate potential
The depolarization of a muscle fiber opens the gates of voltage-dependent calcium channels, permitting calcium ions to enter the cytoplasm. This event triggers the contraction.
afferent neurons are ____________, they serve as muscle length _________. This distinction is important. Stretch receptors are also located within the tendons, in the ______________.
Stretch receptors;
Length detectors;
Golgi Tendon organ
Describe the structures of a skeletal muscle.
Skeletal muscles contain extrafusal muscle fibers, which provide the force of contraction. The alpha motor neurons form synapses with the extrafusal muscle fibers and control their contraction. Skeletal muscles also contain intrafusal muscle fibers, which detect changes in muscle length. The length of the intrafusal muscle fiber, and hence its sensitivity to increases in muscle length, is controlled by the gamma motor neuron. Besides the intrafusal muscle fibers, the muscles contain stretch receptors in the Golgi tendon organs, located at the ends of the muscles.
List the steps involved in neurotransmission at the neuromuscular junction that result in a muscle fibertwitch.
When a neuron synapses on a muscle fiber at the neuro muscular junction, the neuron releases acetylcholine (ACh) into the synapse. ACh binds to receptors on the muscle fiber to produce an endplate potential. The depolarization of a muscle fiber opens the gates of voltage-dependent calcium channels, permitting calcium ions to enter the cytoplasm. This event triggers the contraction. Calcium allows the muscle cell to use ATP to allow cross bridges to “row” along actin to produce the contraction.
Contrast the types of information detected by afferent axons of muscle spindles and Golgi tendon organs
Intrafusal muscle fibers contain sensory endings that are sensitive to stretch. Receptors on intrafusal muscle fibers detect muscle length. Golgi tendon organs contain stretch receptors for tendons.
Only one synapse is encountered along the route from receptor to effector.
Another important role played by the ________________ is control of posture.
monosynaptic stretch reflex.
Explain the function of the gamma motor system and its role in regulating the length of muscles.
The gamma motor system functions to help regulate the length of an entire muscle. This feedback is used by the brain to help coordinate limb movement.
Explain the function of monosynaptic stretch reflexes.
Monosynaptic stretch responses function to control limb movements when weight is applied or removed quickly and to maintain upright posture.
Contrast the structures and function of polysynaptic reflexes with monosynaptic reflexes.
Monosynaptic reflexes include a single synapse involved in simple reflexes like the patellar reflex. Polysynaptic reflexes involve multiple synapses involved in more complex reflexive behavior, such as inhibiting a withdrawal reflex. Polysynaptic reflexes contain at least one interneuron between the sensory neuron and the motor neuron.
______________ organized in terms of particular movements of particular parts of the body.
Primary motor cortex