Chapter 8-9 Flashcards
Purpose of miracles
- Show how kingdom is present in Jesus
- Point 2 Jesus as messiah
- Confirm he was sent by the father
- Invite us to believe / strengthen the faith
4 types of miracles
- Physical healings
- Nature miracles
- Exorcisms
- Raising the dead
Physical healings miracle is in
Mark & Luke
Nature miracles consist of
Calming of the sea
Walking on water
Feeding of the 5000
Only oracle to appear in all 4 gospels
Feeding of the 5000
Pattern to physical healings
- Intro to the situation
- Display of faith by the “ victim “
- Cure
- Reaction of the people
Matts gospel
Genealogy - nativity scenes - Jesus baptism - temptation -
Sermon on the mt. ( teachings )
Luke gospel
John baptism - nativity scenes - Jesus baptism - temptation
- healing ( miracles )
What miracle focuses on last supper
Food miracles
Expelling of demons
Exorcisms show
- Jesus has power over evil
2. All 2 often , good , & evil exist side by side
Raising from the dead , what does it show
- Raising of Lazarus ( John )
- Widow Son
- Jerious daughter
Shows Jesus power over death
Word that gospel writers never use
John & his gospel
Beloved apostle of Jesus
Youngest apostle
Writes to “ universal audience of Christians “
Portraits Jesus as life- given source of all life
Gospel is
Non synoptic
Has higher christoloy & different perspective
4 parts of the gospel
- prologue - intro
- Book of signs - 7 miracles
- Book of glory -pascal mystery
- Epilogue - post resurrection.
States major themes of the gospel
Book of signs - 7 miracles
- Wedding feast @ Cana ( foreshadows Eucharist )
- Cure of the officials son
- Cure of the sabbath
- feeding of the 5000
Book of signs - 7 miracles continued
- Walking on water
- cure of the blind man
- Raising of Lazarus
Paschal mystery
Series of events concerning Jesus’s passion , death , & resurrection
Paschal mystery is
Jesus bringing humanity out of slavery
Who considered Jesus a problem
Jewish high council ( sanherians )
Last supper
Begins the night b4 the day that the sabbath began
Jesus institutes the Eucharist
Identifies bread as body / wine as blood
Judas was not there
After meal
Jesus goes 2 garden to pray
Agony in the garden
- In Garden of Eden - jesus does not want to die
- Jesus stays true to himself unlike Adam & eve
- Goes 2 garden with Peter James & John
- Judas arrives & betrays Jesus with a kiss
- Temple guards come & arrest Jesus
Trial by Sanhedrin
Chief priest - Joseph Caiaphas charges Jesus with blasphemy
Blasphemy - teaching against Jewish law
Trail by Pilate
Pilate - roman governor of Judea
Pilate tries to appease Jews by having Jesus beaten
Pilate offers Barabas ( murder ) or Jesus
They chose Barabas but Pilate said “ I find no guilt in this man “
Jesus is taken to Calvary ( skull place
Executed at noon
Dies of suffocation after 3 hrs on the cross
Only ones there : Mary ( mom ) , Mary Magaline , & John ( apostle )
Crucifixion continued
- Jesus prays as he is dying ( 22nd psalms )
- When he dies - temple sanctuary curtain tears in 2 from top 2 bottom
- dies on late day on eve of sabbath
Who provides tomb for Jesus body
Joseph of Arimathia - Sanhedrin & supporter of Jesus
- All 4 gospels agree that at dawn in the 1st week the woman came to the temple
- finish burial but body wasn’t there
1st to arrive at burial
Mary Magaline
- 1st day of thee week
- woman were 1st ones at the tomb
- ” Heavenly messenger “
- tomb is empty
John gives us
JUST Mary Magaline
Post resurrection appearances
- Mary Magaline @ tomb
- disciples on road to Emmaus
- to his apostles in Galelli
- w/ apostles in sea of Galelli
Who is missing in the post resurrection appearance with the apostles