Chapter 8 Flashcards
Which of the following objects rotates the most quickly around its own axis?
What characteristic features are seen on the visible surface of Jupiter?
Light and dark bands parallel to the equator
The dark reddish bands on Jupiter are called
What are the light colored bands on Jupiter called
What is the Great Red Spot
large, long-lived, possibly permanent storm on Jupiter
What is the dominant circulation pattern in Jupiter’s atmosphere
Alternating bands of eastward and westward flow parallel to the equator, with light and dark ovals between the flows
Which feature of Jupiter leads to the confinement of its clouds in very narow bands around the planet
rapid rotation
Which of the following conclusions is correct on the basis of observations of the motions of Jupiter’s clouds
The planet rotates differentially, with the equatorial regions rotating fastest while intermediate latitudes and polar regions rotate more slowly.
What is the overall ocmposition of the outer atmospheric regions of Jupiter in term of the relative numbers of atoms
86% hydrogen, 13% helium, and 1% else
What is the composition of Jupiter’s clouds
ice crystals of methane, ammonia, and water
The high-speed winds observed on Jupiter occur mainly
at the boundaries between the dark belts and the light zones
What is the basic structure of the planet Jupiter
Rocky core, liquid hydrogen mantle, gaseous atmosphere
In what form is the hydrogen in the interior of Jupiter
Liquid metallic hydrogen, electrically charged
The deepest central sections of the interiors of Jupiter and Saturn ar thought to be composed of
What conditions are considered to be necessary for a planet to be able to generate an intense magnetic field
relatively rapid rotation and electrically conducting material in its interior
Saturn’s atmosphere does not show the same colorful contrast that we see in Jupiter because
Saturn has a similar circulation patter to Jupiter’s, but it is obscured by a thick hazy atmosphere
The major constituent in the interior of Saturn is
The rings of Saturn are in which plane with respect to the planetary system
equatorial plane of Saturn
What is the composition of Saturn’s rings
water ice or ice-coated rock
What is the Cassini division
wide, dark gap in Saturn’s rings